Central – Takena Elementary Schools PTA Monthly Meeting Minutes September 9, 2015 Parent Participants: Elizabeth Anderson, Malorie Bowers, Shannon Guerin VanDeusen, Kristi Murphy, Missy Rice Cook, Wendy Geist, Laura Utt, Lyle Utt, Brenda Brambila, Maria Brambila, Laura Butner, Jay Maxon, Melissa Murphy, Sarah Butler Staff Participants: Lisa Shogren, Kim Daugherty Call to Order: Malorie Bowers Time: 7 PM Approval of Past Minutes: No minutes to approve. Unfinished Business: Board member voting: The following members were nominated and approved by unanimous consent. Co-President: Malorie Bowers Co-President: Shannon Guerin VanDeusen Vice-President: Missy Rice Cook Treasurer: Elizabeth Anderson Secretary: Sarah Butler Financial Reports: Elizabeth still waiting to hear from the District Office regarding the final total of Takena PTC holdings. Believed to be a balance of around $4,000. Central Balance as of July 15th is $9,136. Future budget requests and reimbursements to be filed in a green folder that will remain in the Central office PTA box. Committee Reports: Carnival: Carnival to take place October 23rd from 5:30 – 8:30 Chair: Malorie Bowers Silent Auction: Elizabeth Anderson Prizes: Missy Rice Cook Raffle: Shannon Guerin VanDeusen Games/Volunteer: Malorie Bowers Food: Still seeking volunteer Tickets: Melissa Murphy Elizabeth provided flyers to gather donations for the silent auction, as well as a list of businesses that have already been contacted. Head of food committee to be sought. Food at carnival TBD. Fundraising: Fundraising committee members: Missy Rice Cook, Malorie Bowers, Shannon Guerin VanDeusen, Melissa Murphy, and Sarah Butler Mixed Bag Fundraiser: Kristi Murphy has flyers ready to be sent home. Online sales can begin now, with sales packets to be sent home 9/16. Box Tops: Maria Brambila to take over. Movie Night: Kristi Murphy to coordinate. First movie night will be September 18 th – Cinderella, second movie night will be November 6 – Inside Out. Central Centennial: Next meeting will be Wednesday the 16th @ 7PM. Wendy gave report on planned events. December 13th Central will participate in the Christmas Parlor tour. Volunteers needed to display student crafts and other displays. Museum to lend furniture for the event. May 19th planned events will be the opening of the time capsule, ice cream social, and creation of a new time capsule. Art: Art Committee Members – Anna, Laura Utt, Kristi murphy, Sarah Butler. Anna to report at next meeting. Principal Shogren confirmed receipt of grant for Artist in Residence. Unfinished Business: 2015-2016 Budget: Projected budget is $19,750. Malorie read through line items. Budget was approved. Lending Library: Missy explained the lending library concept, and asked for book donations. New Business: Calendar of Events: Projected calendar of events was reviewed. Costume Sale: Will take place October 16th at Takena at 3:30 PM - Shannon to coordinate Volunteers: Elizabeth, Laura, and Sarah Clubs: Garden Club: Laura Butner’s mother is a possible volunteer, as well as Melissa, Laura, Jay, Sarah, with more volunteers to be sought. Possible garden club activities might include fall plantings, seed paper and or seed balls, spring plantings for possible fundraiser Spirit Wear: Melissa Murphy to speak with her contact at the screen printers about possible discounts on future t-shirts, and on reprinting current stock. The possibility of creating a new logo was discussed but is still TBD. Principal Report: S.M.A.R.T. Readers - Volunteers have been secured. Grandparents Program – Grandma Kitty will be visiting, other grandparents are welcome to volunteer. P.E. Grant - Has been secured for the school year. Meeting was adjourned @