tlt - United Electronic Recycling

United Electronic Recycling Tele-Locator’s Training
2800 E. Plano Parkway Plano, Tx. 75074
The first thing we want to do is let you know who you will be working for and what you will be doing.
Our Mission:
United Electronic Recycling (UER) goal is to become a leading electronic recycling solutions company, innovative and
committed to continuous improvement for the company itself, our customers, and the environment around us while
supporting all types of companies in complying with current and new legislation regarding recycling of resources and
conservation for the planet.
With the support of our family and employees we aim to grow the company and help you be successful, while
establishing and maintaining long standing business partnerships with both our contractors and our customers.
We hope that you are as excited about joining our group as we are to have you!
Your job and expectations as a Tele-Locator for United Electronic Recycling:
To call representatives from different types of businesses gathering information and setting up product
To get past their “Gatekeeper” (receptionist/secretary) and speak with their resources/recycling “Decision
Maker” (either their Facilities Manager, their I.T./Procurement Manager, General Manager, or possibly their
“Maintenance Guy”)
To document the information into EXCEL PIPELINE (which will be provided) as complete as possible. This is for
follow Up of Good potential prospects, tracking calls and potential clients in the future. Also, valuable if 2
tele-locators cross call customers.
Complete a WORK ORDER, IF YOU GET INVENTORY LIST. Send it immediately to the Manager and Joe Foster.
Add Good Potential Prospect and new Customers to the Excel pipeline and forward each Friday to
documentation to your UER Tele-Locator Manager.
To coordinate with the Internal Evaluator and follow-up with your customer base making sure that UER has
communicated with them and setup collection in a timely manner
To build an ongoing relationship with that customer, inquiring if they have addition sites to call, a future
technology changeover scheduled, or if they can suggest businesses in the area that you should call
To maintain and build your “Book” of customers and add to your future “residual income” from those
Why do we want companies to Recycle with UER?
By recycling these old computers, printers, copiers, etc. (rather than trashing them) we help to reduce the need and
size for landfills and the toxic chemical emissions released into our environment.
Why use UER for your recycling?
UER is a certified federally compliant family owned and operated recycling business that strives to assist other
businesses in our area to recycle “end of life” equipment in a responsible way that meets the new and old regulations
governing recyclables.
We offer this service for the most part AT NO COST to the business!
In addition we provide documentation (as requested) back to the companies about their recyclables and setup useful
donations to charitable organizations while forwarding chances for certain equipment to be refurbished and offered
to the public at a reduced affordable rate. In short we offer them responsible traceable solutions to their recycling
needs and we do it without a charge for most jobs! (If a customer will be an ongoing source of recyclables we may
even work out an incentive agreement for their continued business! Be Sure to speak with your Internal Evaluator
before discussing “Profit Sharing” with a customer!)
Tele-Locator Call Standards & Requirements
• Treat every prospect and customer professionally and with total respect!
You are our 1st Contact with them! Make it a great one!
Gather Information and get past the “Gatekeeper” to the “Decision Maker”
• Approach the receptionist/secretary in such a way as to find out who in their company is responsible for
handling the recyclables (the Decision Maker) BE SURE and get their extension/tel # BEFORE they transfer you
in case you go straight to the answering machine.
You need to speak with them and get an estimate of if they have Product and a good idea of what & how
much. Let them know that “many companies charge for picking up but we can usually pick it up and haul it
away at no cost!” (Your Job is to get an INVENTORY LIST FROM THE CUSTOMER) and e-mail it in to your
manager and Joe Foster. Along with a Work Order completing on the necessary information.
this form on the Uer Website under login. U-uerteamrecycle P-recycle
If needed: (Assure them that we are “EPA certified” and compliant with the Department of Defense (DOD)
federal mandate for disposal and “Facta” regulations for protection against identity theft!)
Follow up by asking how many locations they have and is there someone else in the company that handles
other locations that you can call?
Before you finish talking to them make sure and get “the best number and best time to contact him/her” and
prep them for the fact that our Internal Evaluator will be calling to get a more exact idea of how much they
have to pickup, the facilities setup (does it have a dock, palleted materials, etc) and the best time/date for
Remember that even speaking with the receptionist if she gives you the Decision Maker’s telephone # and
best time to call back is a meaningful “Lead” and needs to be recorded and documented
Please print out all the tel #s for your UER Tele-Locator Manager, Internal Evaluators, and UER Managers
along with UER’s website address, emails, mailing address, and telephone #’s to have and to share with the
We will show you how to document your calls completely & share your Tele-Locator info at the end of each day
• Date and enter into your UER spreadsheet all contact info including company name, address, tel #; best time
to callback to catch Procurement Manager/Facilities Manager; etc; who you talked to; and results/notes
about the info you gathered (Excel Pipeline )
• Gather not only who you talked to but if there are additional offices/facilities/locations to call
• Ask if there are any surrounding businesses that they suggest you should contact for collection
• At the end of your day send a copy of the spreadsheet by email to your UER manager’s and keep a copy for
your own follow up and to build your “Book”
• Keep your Tele-Locator log of how many calls you’re making each day (even if a call is unanswered/wrong #)
so you and we can evaluate your ratio of Calls to Contacts to Deliveries and monitor the jobs coming from
your efforts. (This will result in your paycheck being generated from the % of profit generated by your Sales
and your “Book” being started for residuals!)
• Contact one of the Managers everyday to touch base with activity, results & questions (Email updates can be
sent often each day But Remember that Internal Evaluators are in the field trying to close your deal so make
sure your telephone calls to them count!)
• Gather a weekly report (Excel Pipeline) of Good potential contacts and results due Friday by 6 pm to your
Tele-Locator Manager
The approach!
Example #1
Hi, this is ________ from UER and we have a recycling pickup being scheduled in your area! I need to talk with
whoever is in charge of disposing of your old computers, printers, and other electronic equipment.
Is that your Facilities Manager, your I.T. guy, or does your company have a Procurement Dept or Manager?
Great, can I get his name and direct extension so that we can followup with him directly as we get close to the
pickup date?
Example #2
Hello, this is _________ from UER and we are following up on companies that we missed during Earth Day
back in April! I needed to talk with whoever is in charge of disposing of your old computers, printers, and
other electronic equipment. Is that your Facilities Manager, your I.T. guy, or does your company have a
Procurement Dept or Manager?
Can I get his name and direct extension so that we can followup with him as we get close to the pickup date?
Example #3 (This one requires that you have and use info from a UER pickup that has already occurred in the
area or one that is about to happen)
Hi, this is __________ from UER. We are currently scheduled to collect from (or just recently collected from)
“XYZ Company” just down the road from you guys and one of their reps suggested that your company might
have some old computers/printers/ or equipment that you needed recycled! Can I talk to . . . etc etc etc etc
These are a few examples of approaches that have worked for us in the past and a good “soft sale” way to get in the
door and past the Gatekeeper to talk with the Decision Maker!
You will of course have your own methods and ideas and we encourage that you experiment with different
approaches and methods. (Remember to always be professional and put the best face on UER when dealing with
prospects and customers!)
One of the nice things about being a smaller family owned company is that if we feel like the contact you have made
has potential for a large pickup or will provide high yield pickup potential in the future in an ongoing basis then we
are able to offer to them direct contact with an Owner in UER and incentives to bring their business to us and suggest
us to their business partners!
VERY IMPORTANT: Even if the contact does not have any inventory at this time
Ask these questions before thanking them and going to another call:
1. Do you know if there areany future equipment upgrades planned to put on my calendar for callback?
2. Can I send you an email with a link to UER for future recycling needs?
3. Do you have any other companies or customers that need our services or might be updating or downsizing
their computer systems that you could suggest as a good referral for our Corporate Recycle crusade?
If they have an Inventory
1. Have the Customer send Inventory list by e-mail and/or give it to you over
the phone. Pictures sometimes will be sufficient if in a stack, or full room.
200 Computers(cpu’s)
50 Printers
20 Crt’s, Monitors
2. Complete Work Order Form and email it to John Hayes and Joe Foster Or to your
active manager and Joe Foster.