An opportunity too good to waste Waste operators are best place to participate in the first auction under the Emissions Reduction Fund with the release of the Alternative Waste Treatment and Landfill Gas methods, targeted at reducing emissions from waste. With the first auction date set for the 15 and 16 April 2015, now is the time for waste operators to consider their project opportunities. In addition to the methods that were operating under the Carbon Farming Initiative these two new waste methods expand the opportunities available for eligible projects under the Emissions Reduction Fund. The alternative waste treatment (AWT) method increases the scope of opportunities to implement and monitor waste projects that avoid emissions by diverting waste from landfill to alternative waste treatment facilities. AWT activities process mixed solid waste into alternative waste products such as compost, fuel or biogas. The method also covers the increased recovery of resources including plastics, glass and metals. The new AWT method provides incentives to develop new facilities, or expand existing facilities, to increase the capacity of waste that can be processed. Existing AWT projects under the Carbon Farming Initiative can transition to the new method, and continue to generate emissions reductions for processing waste that would have otherwise gone to landfill. The new landfill gas method expands the scope to capture greenhouse gas emissions from landfill gas by reducing the amount of methane entering the atmosphere. The method provides an incentive to install a new landfill gas collection system, upgrade an existing system or recommence operation of a system at a site where one has existed before but not operated for some time. Are you a waste operator? By having already considered the business benefits of an emissions reducing project, you have a competitive advantage to participate in early auctions. This is an ideal opportunity if you are transitioning from the Carbon Farming Initiative or have an eligible project in the pipeline. Participating in the Emissions Reduction Fund may provide your business with additional revenue stream, reduced operating costs or improve the productivity of your assets while giving you the market advantage for environmentally conscious customers. GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 1 The next step will be to consider how you will participate in the auction, known as a bidding strategy. If your auction bid is successful, you will automatically enter into a contract with the Clean Energy Regulator and will be paid the bid price for each tonne of abatement your project creates. Projects must meet some basic qualification tests and be registered with the Clean Energy Regulator to be eligible to participate in the auction. For more details about the Emissions Reduction Fund visit GPO Box 621 Canberra ACT 2601 1300 553 542 2