Screen from Today`s Class

Water – Toilet tank
You should have an out of state friend you can call
to give the OK.
Keep a pair of shoes under your bed.
San Andres Fault and the Hayward Fault
Reading lips
Hard of hearing to Deaf
Legally blind To blind
Night blindness
Mute = Can’t talk
Clef palette
Chicken scratch – bad handwriting
Penmanship – handwriting
Stopped teaching cursive
Chinese characters
Blind as a bat
Sly as a fox
Quick as a rabbit
Loyal as a dog
Curious as a cat
Curiosity killed the cat
Satisfaction bought it back
Cats have nine lives
Quiet as a mouse
I didn’t even know you were home. You were quiet
as a mouse.
Table read – when actors sit around a table to read
a script for the first time
Haircuts: Nice haircut. OR Did you get your haircut?
I like it. = I see you are different, and I like you
enough to notice the difference.
Ruin – verb to destroy
Ruins – Noun
Mayan civilization was in Mexico and Central
Mayan, Aztec, and Incan (Peru)
North America is Mexico, US, and Canada
German – nationality
Germany – the country
Oh, darn! = interjection Oh, damn it! Darn it!
God damn it!
Mouth washed out with soap
Dam – hold back water Three Gorges Dam
Darn – to fix a hole in a sock or clothes
Ritual ri chu al cultural furniture
Tu – chu if the word comes from French
Ginger and Red Egg Party
An old soul
a young soul
A new soul
I dunno. = I don’t know.
Doncha = Don’t you
Didja = Did you
Wanna = Want to
lots = a lot
Gonna = Going to
cuz = because
Ciao - Goodbye and Hello
Adios – Goodbye
Seeya later alligator.
After a while crocodile.
Pigs say oink.
If you don’t mingle, you are a wall flower.
Man = interjection
Man, look at the time.
Man, it’s getting late. Or Oh man, it’s late.
Girls are 17 or younger
Ma’am = middle age or older
Sir = middle age or older
Young man – early 20s
Miss = young woman
Old is 10 years older than your parents
Foreign country = I live in the US. Is it a foreign
Assimilate – you have changed your cultural ways to
match the country you are in
Mixing bowl/ Melting pot
Salad bowl