
Disability Benefits Support Contract Committee
Meeting Minutes
Date and Time:
April 3, 2015, 1:45-3:00pm (scheduled)
Ralph Carr Judicial Center – 1300 Broadway, Room 1F
In-person: David Henninger, Mark Simon, Kristin Rozansky
(DPA), John Lizza (AG’s office), Christy Blakely (facilitator),
Caitlyn Brady (Advocate-guest)
Phone: Kristin Lupfer, Donovan O’Dell, Donna Downing,
Darla Stuart (joined at 2:10), Josh Winkler (joined at 2:10)
Lynn Parry, Melissa Umenphour
Meeting was called to order at 2:02pm when quorum was reached. David called the
meeting to order in Josh’s absence. (Josh joined at 2:10pm and took over as Chair)
The minutes from 03/06/15 were not reviewed because most of the members did not get
the correct minutes. We will vote on them at the next meeting.
Discussion of the consolidation of LPAG and DBSCC. Minutes from the meeting of the
executive committee collaboration meeting were distributed. License plate sales is going
to be restructured. Texas has generated 50 million dollars in the last 5 years- a private
company manages the process. Discussed hiring a contractor to take it over and retain
some final authority/approval. There needs to be legislative action to make some of these
changes. We may also need to add some representatives to the DBSCC membership.
Discussion about where DBSCC would be housed. DPA may not be the appropriate
government agency. (Concern expressed by Kristin R.)
Motion to develop legislation for a merger between LPAG and DBSCC. Mark
moved. David seconded. No opposition. No abstentions. Motion carried.
Identified a committee to work on the legislation in the next couple weeks. Donna is
willing to help as the chair with a clear framework. Marty as staff for LPAG may be able
to help. The DBSCC members on the sub-committee will be Mark, David, Donna, Kristin
R. and Marty will staff the sub-committee. Darla is happy to review the draft.
David reported on the grant committee meeting.
Reviewed the proposal from MVDS. It was not new or innovative.
Motion to deny the MVDS application and send them a denial letter. Mark moved,
Donna seconded. No opposition. No abstentions. Motion carried.
Reviewed the proposal for Trio who wanted to purchase a horse herd for a therapeutic
riding program. It was not new or innovative and saw the purchase of horses as a capital
investment. We do not recommend funding them.
Motion to deny the Trio application and send them a denial letter. Kristin R.
moved, Mark seconded. No opposition. No abstentions. Motion carried.
Motion to clarify the definition of “family member” in the grant application and
request a 1-paragraph bio that describes the board member and their relationship
to their family member. Mark moved, Donovan seconded. No opposition. No
abstentions. Motion carried.
Reviewed the proposal for CO-DOLA. The application is from a government agency or
government agencies with a pass-through funder.
Motion that we clarify on the application that we do not fund government agencies
or agencies that will pass funds through to government agencies. Mark moved,
Donovan seconded. No opposition. No abstentions. Motion carried.
Motion that we clarify corporations *** I’m sorry I missed the text of this motion**
Mark moved, Josh seconded. No opposition. No abstentions. Motion carried.
Motion that the Sub-S oversight board requirements be increased from 3 to 6
representatives. Darla recommended amending to 5 representatives. Mark moved,
Darla seconded. No opposition. No abstentions. Motion carried.
We need to have ongoing discussion about percentages of people with disabilities and
family members of people with disabilities serving on boards.
Kristin L. had to leave the meeting at 3:05pm.
The meeting adjourned at ***pm.