MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA STATE COUNCIL 22 October 2010 RESOLUTIONS FROM MEMBERSHIP SCHOOL CROSSINGS FUNDING That the MAV acknowledge the change to the funding arrangement and the proposal to review the school crossing supervision program, and that the MAV continue to work with the State Government on the review of the program. DGR STATUS FOR DONATIONS That the MAV lobbies the Federal Treasurer and Prime Minister to provide the local government sector with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status in order to provide the local government sector with the ability to receive tax deductible donations from the community for the development and upgrade of much needed community infrastructure across Australia. DSE CROWN LAND AND COMMITTEES OF MANAGEMENT That the MAV lobbies the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Innovation Gavin Jennings, MLC, and the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) for DSE to provide greater levels of support, including financial support, to its community based committees of management managing Crown land reserves on behalf of the state government rather than relying on local government to provide this support. Page 1 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership EARLY YEARS REFORM That the Municipal Association of Victoria continues to advocate strongly to State and Federal Governments: That prior to implementation all associated workforce, infrastructure, transitional, operational and other related expenditure is totally costed, fully funded and supported by the Federal Government, and no implementation costs are passed onto Victorian Local Government; and That implementation will not be at the expense of the much valued community three year old kindergarten programs and related early years services, and that the required funding is provided to enable both three and four year old kindergarten programs to continue. PUBLIC LIBRARIES That the MAV: Advocate to the State Government to commit to the long term funding of Library Services to reduce the disparity between State and Local Government contributions with a view to achieving parity in the funding partnership agreement over the next three years Express its disappointment with the recent announcement of the 2010/11 Public Libraries Grants Program - a minor increase in recurrent funding for libraries which falls substantially below real cost increases Seek a commitment from the State Government to the following: a) An increase to the total quantum of recurrent funding provided to local government for the operation of public libraries and annual indexation of this amount to ensure that it increases with population and the wage cost index b) Ongoing funding on top of the recurrent grant for currently funded state wide initiatives such as WiFi for all public libraries c) Ongoing infrastructure funding for new library facilities and refurbishment – specifically a new triennium of funding rounds for the Living Libraries infrastructure program with the cap on the grant increased to at least $2,000,000. VICROADS MAINTENANCE FUNDING That State Government increase the funding for VicRoads Road Maintenance Funding and that a road management plan be developed for these roads to ensure adequate funding to maintain the desired level of maintenance. COST SHIFTING That with respect to the impact on local government of the Bushfire Royal Commission Final Report recommendations, that the MAV continue its advocacy to State Government for appropriate funding for any implementation of such recommendations. Page 2 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY That the MAV Be acknowledged for its continuing support to address the financial plight of small councils Acknowledge the Whelan Report as a model for funding small rural councils Welcome bipartisan political support for the Whelan Report conclusions Commend the Minister for Local Government for recognising the Whelan Report as “a valuable piece of work which highlights these issues and their impact on rural councils” and his commitment to advocating the case for regional and rural councils in ministerial forums at every opportunity Maintain regard to the findings, conclusions, solutions and recommendations of the Whelan Report in the broader piece of work around council sustainability which the Minister has asked it to work on with Local Government Victoria Actively lobby state and federal government on behalf of the 18 small rural councils identified by the Whelan Report SUSTAINABLE MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN That the MAV seeks expressions of interest from member Councils to financially support the development of an advocacy strategy to make the community more aware of the impacts of the continuing financial pressures occurring in the Local Government sector. RECREATION FUNDING That the MAV advocate for increased capital funding for major recreation facilities, as the most funding currently available on a competitive basis is $500,000 and funding available should reflect the real cost of refurbishment of existing facilities or development of new ones. RATE RELIEF FOR RESIDENTIAL VILLAGES That the MAV request the Minister for Housing and Minister for Local Government to investigate providing rate subsidies for residential village managers (including caravan parks and moveable dwellings) that create employment and provide genuine affordable housing options for communities COST SHIFTING That the MAV and the State Government review the current cost shifting agreement, to include and strengthen provisions around legislative changes that affect councils. HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE That the MAV lobby the Victorian State Government for an investigation into the adequacy of Home and Community Care (HACC) funding for our ever increasing ageing community. Page 3 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership PENSIONER REBATE CONCESSION That the Municipal Association of Victoria continues to actively lobby the Minister for Local Government to conduct a review of the pensioner rebate concession with a view to increasing the concession amount. PENSIONER RATE CONCESSION That the Municipal Association of Victoria State Council continues its advocacy role on the matter of the state government increasing pensioner rates concessions more in line with the real cost of living. AGED CARE/HEALTH – COAG REFORMS That the MAV actively lobby the Australian Government for greater dialogue directly with Victorian Local Governments in relation to the proposed health care reforms associated with the Draft Building a 21st Century Primary Health Care System: A Draft of Australia's First National Primary Health Care Strategy. TRUTH IN LABELING That the MAV urge the Federal and State governments to introduce rigorous 'truth in labelling' laws, not only to inform consumers of the true origin of products they are purchasing, but to protect local farmers and other producers' livelihoods. RESIDENTIAL CARE STRATEGY FOR YOUNG AND ADULT CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES That State Government develop and release a strategy to clearly outline the way in which it will seek to address the issue of inadequate residential care and respite support for young and adult children with disabilities who are being cared for at home by their parents. INCREASED FACILITY BASED RESPITE CARE That the MAV State Council: a) Commends the Victorian State Government for the increase in the range of models of respite care for people with a disability and their carers, particularly the recently announced funding of an additional 15 facility based overnight respite beds for people with a disability across the state. b) Calls on the Victorian State Government to acknowledge a community preference for facility based overnight respite beds for people with a disability, rather than some of the newly developed alternatives and substantially increase the funding for these facilities based on needs analysis and not policy. FUNDING FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH A DISABILITY That the MAV State Council requests the Commonwealth Government to provide ongoing funding for school holiday programs for young people with a disability. Page 4 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership INFORMAL & LOW IMPACT CAMPING GROUNDS That the MAV lobby the Victorian State Government to amend the Residential Tenancies (Caravan Park and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2010 to provide an exemption from registration for informal and low impact camping grounds when such facilities are managed on a not for profit basis. SMOKE-FREE ENVIRONMENTS That on behalf of Victorian Local Government, the MAV lobbies the State Government to examine a State-wide policy on smoke-free outdoor public places and provide advice to Councils through an “MAV Member‟s Brief” on options available to a Council in pursuing smokefree outdoor policies. PREVENTING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN That the MAV reaffirm its commitment to preventing violence against women, and increase its partnership effort to be commensurate with the State Government, to implement „A Right to Respect: Victoria‟s Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2010-2020‟. VCAT MEDIATION PROCEDURES That the Municipal Association of Victoria approach the relevant areas of State Government (Attorney-General, Department of Planning and Community Development, Office of Local Government) to discuss the role of Council representatives at VCAT mediation hearings, and the expectations of VCAT in the performance of such representatives in that role, having regard to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 and Planning and Environment Act 1987, noting that in most municipalities there are limits to the authority of those staff appointed as delegates under the provisions of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. Page 5 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership PLANNING – PLANNING SYSTEM REFORM PRIORITY ISSUES That the MAV actively pursue with DPCD and the Minister for Planning reforms and improvements to the legislative, operational and funding environment affected councils planning roles, in particular: · advocate for a complete review of the Planning Scheme Amendment process, to enable more timely, efficient and effective responses to emerging community issues. · urgent completion of the planning fees review, to establish the policy basis for the level of fees charged, and to establish a regime that can remain contemporary without requiring legislative change. · conclude outstanding reviews to the Planning and Environment Act, but not progress with the proposed private certification of planning scheme amendments · implementation of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) Review recommendations · mechanisms to ensure local policy is given greater recognition and weight at VCAT, such as a Ministerial Statement enabling Planning Policy to be written in precise language · clarification of the role of the Development Facilitation Group relative to the Priority Development Panels and councils in „fast tracking‟ permit assessments. · provision for adequate community consultation on matters referred to the DFG or the Department as Responsible Authority · To conclude outstanding reviews in a timely manner including the proposed new Residential Zones, Car parking, Activity Centre Zoning, the Planning and Environment Act review and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) Review. · To achieve certainty in the planning process for the community and developers through broader use of mandatory height controls. Page 6 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership PLANNING – PRIORITY PLANNING POLICY ISSUES That the MAV request agreement from the Minister for Planning to a work program to progress and conclude reviews to support the priority planning policy issues for local government which are: completion of the review of the parking provisions in the Victoria Planning Provisions, including adequate provision of parking for holiday accommodation the proposed new Residential Zones and Activity Centre Zones setting of height limits in activity centres and transit corridors tools and mechanisms (including but not limited to inclusionary zoning) to improved provision of affordable housing reducing problem gambling through o standard guidelines for Social and Economic Impact Assessment Statements and assessing community benefit / net community detriment o Reduced EGMs in areas of high socio-economic disadvantage o improved timelines for local government to consult and respond to EGM applications o complementary strategies such as universal pre-commitment systems and education and counselling services reducing adverse effects on community health, safety and wellbeing associated with licenced premises, including packaged alcohol sales in terms of their location, number and the permit approvals processes allowing councils to incorporate Ecologically Sustainable Design requirements and that the MAV work with interested Councils, DPCD and relevant organizations, to consider the development of more effective strategies for Council to amend their Planning Schemes to include local policies in support of such issues. Page 7 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership STATE GOVERNMENT GAMBLING POLICY AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK That the State Council request the MAV to lobby the State Government to expand its gambling policy and regulatory framework to firstly, improve certain planning provisions and secondly, reduce problem gambling as follows: 1. Planning Provisions a) Provide standard guidelines to assist local government to prepare Social and Economic Impact Assessment Statements and assess community benefit in response to planning applications and the requirements of the Victorian Commission of Gambling Regulation. b) Reduce the levels and density of EGMs in areas of high socio-economic disadvantage to be no higher than metropolitan and/or rural average rates. c) Allow local government sufficient time to assess the social and economic impact of planning applications to increase EGM numbers and/or open new venues. d) Allow sufficient time for local government to inform and consult with its constituency and assess the impact on the community of planning applications to increase EGM numbers and/or open new venues. 2. Reduce Problem Gambling a) Trial and introduce a universal pre-commitment system for gaming machines, using technologies that allow all consumers in all venues to set binding limits on their future play. Improve the level of education, information and counselling services to help prevent problem gambling. LEGISLATIVE REFORM – PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 That the MAV advocate to the State Government to amend Clause 52.27 of the Victorian Planning Provisions to: 1. remove the packaged liquor exemption and require packaged outlets to obtain a planning permit from the relevant local government authority. 2. include as one of the purposes of the provision “To ensure that the impact of the licensed premises on the health, safety and wellbeing of the community is considered. AMENDMENT OF BUILDING REGULATIONS TO CONSIDER OVERLOOKING OF VACANT LAND That the MAV calls on the State Government to amend Part 4 of the Building Regulations to apply a test for overlooking of adjoining properties, where it can be reasonably ascertained that the adjoining property will be developed in the form of a dwelling. BUILDING SERVICES That the MAV request the State Government to change the Building Act & Building Regulations to ensure that a Private Building Surveyor is responsible and accountable for any fault that is found with the building after the Certificate of Final Inspection or Occupancy Permit is issued. Page 8 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership POPULATION POLICY That the Municipal Association of Victoria calls upon the Victorian Government to develop a comprehensive population and settlement policy that encompasses sustainable population which recognises the significant role and potential for regional and rural centres rather than the continued expansion of metropolitan Melbourne, and further calls on the State Government to ensure the provision and maintenance of physical and social infrastructure and eco systems necessary to sustain the health and wellbeing of local communities and conserve and respect Victoria‟s unique biodiversity. OPEN SPACE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR LARGE DEVELOPMENTS That this MAV Conference request the Minister for Planning to enable local government to include local policy in their planning schemes which would require all new, large-scale developments (residential, commercial and mixed use) to include or contribute to adequate local open space to cater for the recreational and communal needs of their development‟s residents, employees and visitors. PROTECTION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND AND FOOD SECURITY That the MAV calls on the State Government to put in place long term measures to protect high quality agricultural land at the urban interface of metropolitan Melbourne to address growing food security and food miles issues. That the MAV formally nominate representatives to the Whole of Governments and Land Use Planning Working Groups which are part of the (VicHealth) Food Alliance Working Groups POTATO CROPPING AND PCN CONTROLS That the MAV request the State Government to ensure that the protocols and controls applicable to areas affected by Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) are applied ensuring the equitable treatment of farming areas across the state. The protocols and controls should not disadvantage affected properties when it comes to interstate markets for their goods. PUBLIC LIGHTING That the MAV formally request the Minister for Local Government to exempt local government from section 186 of the Local Government Act 1989 to install energy efficient lighting. PROCESS FOR DEALING WITH MINING EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS That the Municipal Association of Victoria facilitate discussions with the State Government towards giving Councils an effective and concerted voice in the process of dealing with exploratory mining approvals with a view to seeking the following outcomes: 1. Disclosure of full details of the application in advance; 2. Transparency of decision-making, including disclosure of process timelines and consideration given to submissions; 3. Right of review. Page 9 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership IMPLEMENTATION OF SECURING OUR NATURAL FUTURE; THE LAND AND BIODIVERSITY WHITE PAPER That the Municipal Association of Victoria: 1. express concern to the State Government regarding the lack of consultation about matters of importance to Local Government contained in the Land and Biodiversity White Paper and failure to engage Local Government in the implementation of the proposals, and 2. remind the State Government that many of the State‟s most important natural resources are located in regions where the local Council‟s already face severe financial and resource constraints. METROPOLITAN WASTE MANAGEMENT GROUP That the Metropolitan Waste Management Group provide incentives and policies to provide local recycling options for Council's recycled waste streams. FIRE PREVENTION – NATIVE VEGETATION REMOVAL FROM ROADSIDES That the MAV continue to work closely and actively with the state government to refine and streamline the assessment and approval process associated with the removal of native vegetation on roadsides as a fire prevention measure which will result in a more balanced, clear, flexible and certain system. WATER SECURITY That, 1. As the State Government‟s commitment to allowing water authorities to trade water has the potential to disadvantage towns and communities suffering economic hardship who may have an unequal opportunity to secure the water they deserve, 2. The State Government be asked to commit to the principle that all Victorian residents have a right and expectation of a fair and reasonable supply of potable water including residents of rural towns and communities; and 3. To give effect to this principle water authorities be required to ensure that the needs of these communities have been responsibly met and that appropriate water storage has been set aside for their needs before considering other demands and trading, including the supply of water for irrigation purposes, and 4. The Essential Services Commissioner be required to undertake independent monitoring of this. Page 10 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership MURRAY DARLING BASIN PLAN AND THE IMPACTS ON REGIONAL COMMUNITIES That the Federal Government be called upon to fully consult directly with Local Government on the Murray Darling Basin Plan prior to any implementation of the plans/recommendations 1. That the MAV seek endorsement from this meeting that the Federal Government be encouraged to find other sources of environmental water for example: · Infrastructure efficiency upgrades · Community identified areas of „non-irrigation‟ · Continued support for on-farm water efficiencies 2. That the MAV urges the State Government to form a working party comprising Local Government, Regional Development Victoria and invite Regional Development Australia to develop a co-ordinated response to the Plan which addresses the environmental, social and economic impacts of the plan It is imperative that this action occurs as a matter of urgency to minimise the erosion of business and community confidence. DSE SUPPORT TO CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITIES That the MAV lobbies the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Innovation Gavin Jennings, MLC, the Minister for Water Timothy Holding, MLA, and the Secretary of the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) Greg Wilson, requesting DSE to provide greater levels of support, including financial support, to Catchment Management Authorities to allow them to fulfill their legislative roles and responsibilities under the Water Act 1989 and the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994. THE IMPACT OF DELIVERING INFRASTRUCTURE TO GROWTH MUNICIPALITIES That the State Council request the MAV to prepare an assessment report on the impacts on the amenity and lifestyle of major infrastructure upgrades to service growth in metropolitan Melbourne and growth areas. DISCLOSURE OF LOCATION OF PRIVATE DRAINS That the MAV calls on the State Government to amend section 32 of the Sale of Land Act to provide that, in addition to requiring provision by the vendor of a copy of any building permit issued in the preceding 7 years, details of the location and type of private drains on the land are included. Page 11 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING LEVEE BANKS That the MAV lobby the Victorian State Government – · To acknowledge and fulfill its responsibility for repairs and maintenance of all levee banks on Crown land that are intended to protect surrounding farmland from inundation during a flood event. · To negotiate with the relevant Authorities to determine a process allowing for repairs and maintenance to existing levee banks to occur with minimal „red tape‟ and expense. · To introduce legislation that allows Authorities to enter private land to undertake emergency repairs and maintenance to existing levee banks where banks are assessed to be inadequate or poorly maintained. · To introduce legislation enabling costs of emergency levee bank works to be recovered from the landowner. STATE GOVERNMENT COMMITMENT TO INFRASTRUCTURE The State Government commit to a 10 year infrastructure budget and 25 year infrastructure provision planning as part of state wide regional planning activity being undertaken. NATIVE VEGETATION FRAMEWORK REQUIREMENTS FOR ESSENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE That the MAV seek an urgent review of the Victorian Native Vegetation Framework requirements as they apply to the provision of essential communications infrastructure across the State and develop and approve appropriate Code(s) of Practice to facilitate the improved provision of mobile phone telecommunication facilities. GRADE SEPARATION OF LEVEL RAILWAY CROSSINGS “That the MAV calls on the State Government to: 1. Release the current priority list for grade separation of level railway crossings in Victoria. 2. Ensure that construction starts on these projects by 2011/12. 3. Increase investment in grade separation over and above the $440 million outlined in the Victorian Transport Plan.” Page 12 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT That this MAV conference, whilst acknowledging the Victorian Government recent investments in public transport as set out in the Victorian Transport Plan: 1. request the MAV to argue the case to the State Government that current investment in public transport does not match population growth and demand for public transport, nor the imperatives of sustainability, congestion reduction, peak oil, and climate change; 2. request the State Government to accelerate investment into public transport to meet population growth and demand, and ensure that all projects are subject to proper cost benefit analysis, environmental impact statements and transparency for public accountability; and 3. request the MAV to undertake its own body of research on public transport infrastructure gaps and needs in communities to better support representations to other tiers of Government on investment shortfalls. ADVOCACY – SUPPORT IN MAINTAINING VICTORIAN ROAD NETWORK MAV advocate to the Minister for Roads & Ports to recognise the state cost shift and road maintenance burden imposed upon Councils through increasing heavy vehicle traffic diversion onto local roads, and for the Minister to confirm that recognition by either increasing road funding levels to allow for opening of more roads to higher productivity vehicles, or VicRoads extend their arterial road network to cover maintenance and reconstruction responsibility for selected local regional Victorian Roads. BETTER INTEGRATION OF TRANSPORT AND LAND USE PLANNING That the MAV continue to advocate to the State Government for better integration of land use planning and transport, at both strategic and operational levels. FIRE PREPARDNESS – COST RECOVERY That the State Government be urged to provide funding for local government and particularly small rural shires which are grappling with the implications and requirements of bushfire issues including: Local roadside vegetation Pre - season preparedness Response to the Royal Commission pre and post the final report Community expectations that local government will provide local solutions rather than work with the community NSP's and TPP's Extreme heat events and the provision of respite centres Code Red Days and the provision of respite centres and services. Page 13 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership FIRE REFUGES That the Municipal Association of Victoria seek clarification on the future role and operation of fire refuges with particular regard to issues such as: size and location. number in a given location (per head of population) standard periodic maintenance and upkeep. liability. relationship to Neighbourhood Safer Places prospect of creating complacency within the community causing them to leave too late. FIRE SERVICES LEVY ADMINISTRATION That the MAV support the Bushfire Royal Commission proposal that 1. a single fund be established to finance the operations of the CFA and MFB and that monies for that fund be collected through the application of a property-based Fire Services Levy; 2. the Fire Services Levy be based on landed property and motor vehicle values, adjusted for risk factors; and 3. a single authority, such as the State Revenue Office (as nominated in the Royal Commission) be the collection agency. DESIGNATION OF FIRE ACCESS TRACKS IN COMMERCIAL GPS PRODUCTS That the MAV request the State Government via the Victorian Spatial Council, to investigate the development of a state based mechanism to ensure that vendors: Make use of the same authoritative mapping data used by Victorian local and State governments and emergency services organisations; and accurately depict lower order roads and informal tracks, such as Fire Access Tracks, in their spatial mapping platforms used to support commercial Global Positioning System navigation products. SINGLE MECC SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM That the MAV calls on the State Government to fund the implementation and maintenance of a compulsory single software solution for MECC incident management across all municipalities. POLICE NUMBERS That the Municipal Association of Victoria State Council advocates to the State Government to ensure its commitment to recently announced increases in police numbers towards making communities a safer place to live is fully implemented. 99 YEAR LEASES That the MAV formally request the State Government to amend Section 190 of the Local Government Act 1989 to increase lease terms from 50 to 99 years. Page 14 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership CONFLICT OF INTEREST That the MAV request the Minister for Local Government provide a further round of workshop/training opportunities for Councillors and Officers in order to address the continuing confusion with interpretation and understanding of the legislation. PUPPY FARMS That the MAV support the State Government‟s intention to introduce new regulations, controls and minimum standards for cat and dog breeding establishments, on the breeding, supply and sale of companion animals for the purpose of preventing mass-breeding and exploitation of animals for profit. Furthermore the MAV also urges the State Government to introduce the proposed legislation as a matter of urgency. LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEDAL That the MAV request the Federal Government and in particular the Federal Minister for Local Government, Hon Simon Crean MP, to promulgate a long service medal to be known as the Local Government Medal or Public Service Medal (Local Government) under the Australian Honours System to recognise elected Councillors who have completed at least 12 years service to local government in Australia. ADVERSE POSSESSION That the Municipal Association of Victoria State Council calls on the State Government to allocate a higher priority to preliminary discussions that have been held to amend legislation to protect all land vested in councils from adverse possession claims. SECTION 186 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1989 REVIEW That the MAV call on the Minister for Local Government (Victoria) to review and enhance guidance to councils on strategic procurement in consultation with stakeholders. This should include amending the Local Government Act Regulations to: Define: A „contract‟ for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1989 Better prescribe the range of circumstances under which a council‟s statutory obligations to tender apply, and specifically address situations involving cumulative spend with suppliers. STATE GOVERNMENT LEVY ON DOG AND CAT REGISTRATIONS That the MAV advocate to the State Government that, in recognition of local government‟s critical role, knowledge and expertise in animal management and welfare, and its role as the levy collector on behalf of the State; the State Government consult and collaborate with local government through the MAV on how funds are to be allocated from the Animal Welfare Fund. Page 15 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership FUNDING OF THE ARTERIAL ROADS BACKLOG That the MAV request the State Government, whilst acknowledging and applauding their recent infrastructure funding, to commit to accelerated funding for transport infrastructure (in all its forms), including the arterial road backlog, in the interests of : Public transport, given that in these areas it is fundamentally road-based; Freight efficiency which in these areas is materially impacted by the condition of the arterial road network; Community road safety (a universal expectation); Access to activity centres, education, recreation and employment is a universal service expectation of all communities, particularly new communities in growth areas who are arguably financially vulnerable and „poor‟ in the transport options in their communities. PLANNING SCHEMES – COUNCIL POLICIES That the MAV continues to advocate for the Victorian Government to amend the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (the Act) to compel the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to not only „take into account‟ Council Policy, but to also implement Council Policy. ASSESSMENT OF COMMUNITY AND COUNCIL LIABILITY FROM CLIMATE CHANGE RISKS That the Municipal Association of Victoria seek to initiate an assessment of the community and council insurance and liability issues that may arise as a result of local climate change impacts such as flooding, coastal inundation and heat stress. ROLE OF THE DEPUTY MAYOR That Council join with other Western Region councils in calling on the MAV to lobby the Minister for Local Government to have the Local Government Act 1989 amended to again recognise the role of Deputy Mayor. IMPROVE CONSULTATION ON STATE AGENCY WORKS That the MAV call on the State Government to improve the way its agencies and state departments or their contractors notify and consult with local authorities and neighboring residents when they install new works and services in their area to allow all parties affected by the new works to be properly consulted and informed and where appropriate, local heritage and planning overlays be taken into account in siting of proposed works. ELECTRICITY SAFETY LINE CLEARANCE REGULATION 2010 In order to address the unrealistic cost burden on local government and negative impact on the urban and neighbourhood character; That the MAV enter into dialogue with the appropriate State Government authority in regard to the Electricity Safety Line Clearance Regulation 2010 in order to restore exemption clauses that applied to metropolitan councils in the Electricity Safety Line Clearance Regulation 2005. Page 16 of 17 State Council October 2010 – Resolutions from Membership ELECTRICAL SAFETY (ELECTRIC LINE CLEARANCE) REGULATIONS 2010 That the MAV: 1. express its strong concern at the severity and uncompromising nature of the Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2010 as gazetted, and in particular; a. the significant impact on streetscape amenity which will be a consequence of compliance with the regulations b. the lack of notice in respect of the significant unbudgeted impact which compliance will require; 2. seeks an immediate moratorium on the requirement for compliance with the Regulations, pending a review of their provisions; 3. in the lead up to the state election, urgently lobbies the state government, the opposition and Energy Safety Victoria, advocating strongly for changes to the Electricity Safety (Electric Line Clearance) Regulations 2010 to ensure that the disfigurement or removal of hundreds of thousands of trees required by the Regulations, and the consequential massive impact on community amenity, is avoided. 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