2014-15 VICTORIAN BUDGET The Victorian Budget for 2014-15 was released on 6 May 2014. As the Government’s final budget ahead of the 2014 Victorian election, there is a considerable new expenditure on transport infrastructure as the state moves towards the election campaign. Funding in the budget has focused on transport infrastructure projects, along with selected funding of education facilities. Long-term funding commitments are made for the second phase of the East-West project and the Melbourne Rail Link project, which will construct a tunnel from Southern Cross to South Yarra via Montague and Domain. This project also includes a rail link to the airport and will result in each suburban line travelling on dedicated tracks. For councils, the budget has focused on metropolitan planning and some community infrastructure funding (such as kindergarten, multicultural infrastructure and sporting facilities). No funding has been provided in the budget for the renewal of the Country Roads and Bridges program or the Putting Locals First or Local Government Infrastructure program. These programs are scheduled to conclude at the end of 2014-15 and the MAV will focus on achieving a commitment to extend these vital projects for a further four years. No additional allocation was provided for public libraries following the conclusion of the Tomorrow’s Library project and the MAV will continue to campaign for this matter to achieve a positive outcome for councils. 1 Assessment against MAV Budget Submission The following table provides a comparison between the issues highlighted in the MAV submission and the funding commitments made in the 2014-15 Budget. With the focus of the budget primarily on delivering major infrastructure initiatives, it is unsurprising that many of the priorities included in our submission have not yet been funded. Table 1: Assessment of MAV requests Rural and regional infrastructure Infrastructure investment in growth areas Powerline relocation Scheme Public library funding Flood infrastructure Roadside weeds Planning MAV REQUEST Continuation of the Country Roads and Bridges program for four years and renewal of the Putting Locals First and Local Government infrastructure programs Funding to support the Plan Melbourne implementation, particularly to support Melbourne’s growth areas Funding for the reinstatement of the Powerline Relocation Scheme BUDGET 2013-14 No funding committed in the Budget. The programs are in their final year in 2014-15. Commitment to the current program funding with an appropriate indexation factor for current service delivery Progressive increase in the recurrent funding over four years to increase the total annual contribution by $10 million per annum $20 million over four years for the extension of the Living Libraries program, including indexation future program indexation Continued funding of $1m per annum for public libraries to support the Premier’s Reading Challenge No commitment within the budget papers Further investment in local flood studies to identify priority areas for intervention Longer term commitment to funding the new responsibilities that arise from the CALP Act review Development of a whole-ofgovernment service and delivery plan for the implementation of Plan Melbourne and Regional Growth Plans Support for rural councils’ planning activities $7.6 million in 2014-15 for the state to implement its responsibilities arising from the flood and drainage reviews $4 million over four years for peri-urban areas Support for councils and the state in the implementation of planning schemes Plan Melbourne received $11.2 million in funding over four years, the Metropolitan Planning Authority $51.6 million and $3.1 million over four years to support Regional Growth Plans Significant investment in infrastructure, including transport, education and health. Concentrated on metropolitan infrastructure. No commitment Many of the transport infrastructure projects are consistent with this item, although a plan is yet to be produced. $9.2 million over four years for the extension of the Rural Council Planning Flying Squad INITIATIVES OF INTEREST TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT The following matters have been funded through the 2014-15 Budget which are of direct relevance to local government: Planning $11.2 million over four years for the implementation of Plan Melbourne $51.6 million over four years for the Metropolitan Planning Authority, of which $51.3 million over three years will be collected in revenue through a new levy to be placed on development applications for projects with construction costs of greater than $1 million. Given the absence of a substantive review or increase in planning fees collected by the councils, the MAV again calls on the Victorian Government to review the adequacy of planning fees. $9.2 million over four years for the continuation and extension of the Rural Council Planning Flying Squad to assist rural councils with strategic planning and other planning initiatives $3.1 million over four years to support the implementation of Regional Growth Plans $2.5 million over four years for the establishment of the Victorian Design Review Panel Transport $3.2 billion over the next four years for the construction of the Western section of the East-Link project $830 million over four years to commence the Melbourne Rail Link project, which will provide a rail link to the Melbourne airport and a new tunnel running from Southern Cross to South Yarra via Domain and Montague. The project will also un-tangle the metropolitan rail lines. $390.4 million over four years to reduce the cost of public transport travel across zones one and two; removal of fares for tram travel within the Melbourne CBD and Docklands $109 million for the operations of new regional rail trains and new bus services to support the Regional Rail Link project $100.3 million over five years for maintenance and operation of the Regional Rail Link $95 million over four years for arterial road maintenance and $50 million over two years for capital spending on arterial road restoration $26.8 million over four years for operational funding for the removal of rail crossings, with $679.3 million in capital funding $2.5 million over four years for the establishment of the Victorian Design Review Panel Local government governance $10 million over four years for the Local Government Inspectorate $2.5 million over four years for the introduction of the local government performance reporting initiative Local and community infrastructure $2 million over two years for the Community sports facility program, which will assist in building and improving local sporting facilities $35 million over two years for the strategic sporting infrastructure program, including the Bendigo Aquatic Centre and the Moorabbin community reserve project $18 million over four years for the Supporting Small Business initiative, which includes $4 million for the Local Area Capital Improvement program which will fund councils to revive strip shopping centres $6.0 million over two years for a multicultural community infrastructure fund Children’s services $2.1 million over three years for the maternal and child health service reform project $15 million children’s facilities capital program before 30 June 2014 $8.4 million over four years for the early years strategic planning $3.8 million over two years for early childhood workforce development Emergency management $15.9 million over two years for bushfire recovery and reconstruction, including $2 million in 2013-14 for a clean-up package for Morwell following the mine fire and $1.6 million for emergency relief and rellocation $7.6 million in 2014-15 to support the implementation of the various flood and drainage reviews, including the construction of flood levees $11.6 million over four years for pre-formed incident management teams $5 million over two years for the Morwell mine fire inquiry $39.7 million over four years for the Regional Connectivity program, which will address mobile phone coverage gaps in fire and flood prone areas and internet connectivity gaps on major rural rail corridors. Environment $4 million over four years for the eradication of weeds on public land through the Urban Fringe Weed Management program, which includes a matched funding component with local government. The program will be concentrated in peri-urban areas. $6.3 million over four years for the establishment of an illegal dumping strike force to target the dumping of industrial waste Human services $20.8 million over four years for the Home and Community Care $12.8 over four years for addressing violence against women and children and an additional $600k over two years for the development of improved protocols, data and tools for the acute health care sector to identify and respond to violence against women and children $33.4 million over four years to cater for growth in the number of pensioner concessions, including council rate concessions $2.9 million over four years for the Neighbourhood Houses Coordination program OVERALL ECONOMIC POSITION The underlying financial position of the Victorian Government has improved significantly over the past 12 months, with booming state taxes benefiting the budget’s bottom line. Overall taxation revenue is forecast to increase by 7.2 per cent in 2014-15. While economic conditions have declined substantially since last year’s budget, improving conditions and a boyant property market are forecast to contribute strongly to the State’s bottom line in future years. Unemployment is anticipated to be currently at its peak level, before declining to trend levels and consumer prices are expected to be modest in the short and medium term. Strong population growth is again forecast. The Budget forecasts a surplus of over $1.3 billion in 2014-15, with surpluses averaging $2.7 billion over the four years to 2017-18. Table 2: Victorian economic projections Real gross state product Employment Unemployment rate Consumer price index Wage price index Population 2012-13 Actual 1.6 0.8 5.7 2.2 3.3 1.9 2013-14 Forecast 2.00 0.75 6.25 2.75 2.75 1.8 2014-15 Forecast 2.50 1.25 6.25 2.25 3.25 1.8 2015-16 Forecast 2.75 1.50 6.00 2.50 3.50 1.8 2016-17 Forecast 2.75 1.50 5.75 2.50 3.50 1.8 2017-18 Forecast 2.75 1.50 5.50 2.50 3.50 1.8 Source: Budget Paper Number 2, p13 Grants and Transfers to Local Government As shown in the table below, total grants and transfers to local government are expected to increase in 2014-15, primarily as a consequence of the end of pre-payment of Financial Assistance Grants. Some caution should be exercised in interpreting these data however, as it incorporates a range of funding programs including the Commonwealth financial assistance and road grants. The Financial Assistance Grants program has included early payments in recent years which influence comparisons over time. HACC and MCH funding programs are excluded from these figures. In addition, major grants deriving from the Department of Treasury and Finance relate to disaster reimbursements and are therefore only provided in the aftermath of major disaster events. Table 3: Grants and transfers to local government ($ thousand) Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Department of Environment and Primary Industries Parks Victoria Catchment Management Authorities Department of Health Department of Human Services Department of Justice Country Fire Authority Department of Premier and Cabinet Department of State Development, Business and Innovation Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure Department of Treasury and Finance Total grants 2013-14 Budget 2013-14 Revised 2014-15 Budget 7 529.2 42 529.2 546.2 21 790.7 22 134.1 27 936.3 62.5 765.0 .. 4 006.0 6 164.4 926.7 10 495.6 69 312.9 13.1 156.0 .. 4 006.0 8 562.4 360.9 10 557.6 88 147.0 13.5 153.2 .. 4 106.2 11 263.6 369.9 8 908.6 93 050.2 723 778.2 463 743.8 734 224.8 14 704.0 859 535.1 138 626.3 778 836.4 22 855.2 903 427.7 Source: Budget Paper 3, p349. FURTHER INFORMATION All State Budget papers and media releases listed by Ministerial responsibilities are available on the Victorian Government’s budget website. For further information about the members brief, contact Owen Harvey-Beavis. Website link: www.budget.vic.gov.au