
Nurtured Heart Approach Media Materials
Formal Review Process
In the spirit of bringing the Approach to as many people as possible in inspired ways, the Children’s Success
Foundation (CSF) is delighted to partner with NHA Trainers to develop media materials of all kinds - books,
dvds, games, artworks, etc.
In order to insure that the Approach is being taught and shared according to all of the fundamental tenets,
and to protect the integrity of the Approach which is essential in research, grant applications, CEUs, etc. we
have developed a Formal Review Process. We want to both encourage new iterations of products related to
NHA yet safeguard the core direction of such products via reviews and approvals that only the Children’s
Success Foundation is designated to provide.
Nurtured Heart Approach and it’s associated terminology and techniques are trademarked and copyrighted.
To ensure fidelity to the Approach and to avoid any legal breech of the right of use of copyrighted material,
CSF requires a Formal Review Process for all media materials that use the name Nurtured Heart Approach,
its associated terminologies and techniques.
The Formal Review Process is outlined below. While this is an ample description of the process and associated
responsibilities, the below information is not guaranteed to be a complete description. CSF reserves the right
to add any requirements that may be reasonably determined to be necessary.
This document also serves as a contract. Please read carefully and sign the last pages. Mail an original signed
copy of this Formal Review Contract along with a check made out to Children’s Success Foundation to:
Children’s Success Foundation
4165 West Ironwood Hills Drive
Tucson, AZ 85745
If sending your Formal Review Media electronically, please send to, Jean Hollowell, CSF Executive Director at:
We celebrate your great endeavor to share NHA in a way that makes a global impact. Your passion to share
and dedication to fidelity shows us that you are fully committed to the greatest success of the Approach and
transformation for each person that your work touches.
1. Author’s Final Version:
When media material (book, video, game, etc) is in the author's FINAL version (before or after the publisher
performs any edits) please submit to CSF for formal review.
2. Fidelity:
If you have not signed the NHA Fidelity Agreement, you will be asked to do so as part of the Formal Review
If a publication does use NHA terminology or techniques, please know that you must use proper attribution.
Materials that fully incorporate NHA in discussing how NHA is used in one or more realm must not remove,
add or distort any key concepts that could confuse a reader and lead them to believe that NHA has been
changed or altered. The NHA techniques can be provided with fresh explanation and personal experiences
but cannot be re-named or altered.
If the publication uses NHA copyrighted names or terminology, somewhere on the publication the CSF
website must be mentioned as follows:
For more information on Nurtured Heart Approach visit: www.ChildrensSuccessFoundation.com
The media material must also exercise caution in not taking NHA in part or whole at the level of conceptual
or artistic expression, in theory or practice, and giving it a new name. Regardless of attribution that is in
conflict with both trademark and copyright law and issue will be taken.
If the media material has no mention of NHA but the author was inspired in part by what he/she learned
through study of NHA, it would be appreciated if in the acknowledgements or elsewhere a note was
mentioned such as:
“This work was inspired in part by the Nurtured Heart Approach created by Howard Glasser. While this work
does not teach the elements of the Approach, the core understandings were essential in creating this work.”
You may re-write the previous statement to make it your own.
3. Reviewer:
The person who reviews your work will either be Howard Glasser or a certified NHA Trainer. Each work will
be evaluated by CSF before a reviewer is assigned. Special requests for reviewers will be considered, but in no
way guaranteed.
2. Review Fees:
Submission Fee: $100 ~ due at time of submission
First Review: $35 per hour ~ first round of review which will include editing as necessary to be fully compliant
with NHA copyright material.
Edit Implementation Review: $25 per hour ~ this round of review is preformed after the author has
incorporated the suggested edits to ensure that the CSF suggested editing is properly implemented.
Post-Publisher Editing Review: $25 per hour ~ Once you have submitted your project to the publisher, they
may require further editing. If a significant amount of editing is required that may interfere with the fidelity to
the NHA, please re-submit to CSF for review. In most cases this will not be necessary. But please use
conservative judgment to determine if it is necessary to re-submit to CSF.
3. Time Frames:
No Edits Required: A simple submission that requires no editing could take between 2 weeks (simple children’s
book) to 4 weeks (book of 25 pages or more).
First Review with Edits: May take up to 6 weeks.
Edit Implementation Review: May take up to 3 weeks.
Post-Publisher Editing Review: May take up to 3 weeks.
Note on Time Frames: Please do not sign a contract with a publisher that specifies final submission deadlines
earlier than 3 months from initial submission to CSF for Formal Review Process.
4. 10% Contribution to CSF:
For all media materials that use NHA terminology and techniques, a tax-deductible contribution of 10% of
GROSS sales is required to be made to CSF. This is in lieu of a more formal licensing fee for use of copyrighted
terminologies and techniques of NHA. Please allow for this in calculations of your wholesale and retail
pricing. This contribution must be made quarterly. Even the books that you sell to the NH Bookstore, require
10% from your Gross sales to the Bookstore. Thank you for contribution to CSF. This helps us continue our
work to make NHA a household name. We hope that the official sanctioning of CSF supports your product
4. Testimonial from Howard Glasser:
Often authors/creators would like a 1 - 3 sentence statement from Howard Glasser in support of their
work. In rare cases, Howard may be moved to write a Forward. Only those who have completed the
designation of Master Trainer are eligible for this opportunity. We will let you know if your work has been
selected. To operate in fairness, Howard may offer a plug to books/projects that meet the following criteria.
1. Book has successfully COMPLETED the Formal Review Process
2. Author has signed and returned this formal contract.
3. Author has agreed in writing to sell the book/work to the CSF Bookstore at Wholesale price for a period of
at least 5 years.
4. The author must be enrolled in the NHA Master Trainer program. Program currently in development.
4. Contains No NHA Copyrighted Terminology:
If the book does not have the NHA name in it or copyrighted NHA terminology or techniques we still offer
a brief review process for works that are in alignment with the spirit of NHA. This process could serve one or
both of the following purposes:
1. determine if Nurtured Heart Publications (Howard Glasser) is interested in publishing the work
2. determine if it is appropriate to list on the CSF online Nurtured Heart bookstore www.nurturedheartbookstore.com or www.childrenssuccessfoundation.com
The associated fee is simply a $100 submission fee.
Thank you for participating in the CSF Formal Review Process for Nurtured Heart Approach media materials.
We wish you great success with your inspired project.
(continue below for the Formal Review Agreement)
(Please return these two pages, with original signatures to CSF)
Name ___________________________________________________
Phone number ____________________________________________
Email Address ____________________________________________
Mailing Address:
Please list titles of works you are including for review:
Amount of Check for the initial submission fee(s): _____________________________
We will send you an invoice for the hourly review fees if applicable.
Please initial by the following statements that apply:
___ I have read and signed the NHA Fidelity Agreement.
___ I am submitting for Formal Review a work that does use NHA copyrighted terminologies or techniques
___ I am submitting for Formal Review a work that does not use NHA copyrighted terminologies or techniques
___ I will submit a contribution quarterly to CSF in the amount of 10% of GROSS sales of this (these) works for
the lifetime of these works.
___ Please consider my work(s) for inclusion on the Nurtured Heart Bookstore
(www.NurturedHeartBookstore.com / www.childrenssuccessfoundation.com ). I agree to sell my work(s) to
the Nurtured Heart Bookstore at Wholesale price for a minimum of 5 years.
___ This is what I consider my final version of this work. I understand that my publisher may require further
___ I am currently working with a publisher who will publish my work
___ The version I am sending includes edits from my publisher
___ The version I am sending has not been edited via my publisher.
___ I would like Howard Glasser / Nurtured Heart Publishing to consider publishing my work
Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ______________
Print Name: __________________________________
Witness: _____________________________________ Date: ______________
Print Name: __________________________________