1 Synthetic apatite nanoparticles as a phosphorus fertilizer for soybean (Glycine 2 max) Ruiqiang Liu* and Rattan Lal 3 4 Carbon Management &Sequestration Center, School of Environment & Natural Resources, the 5 Ohio State University, 210 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA. 6 *Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 614 292 5678; fax: +1 614 556 8942 7 E-mail address:liu.603@osu.edu (R. Liu) 8 9 Supplemental Online Material-1 (SOM-1) 10 Supplementary Material and Method 11 Lettuce Seed germination test 12 The phytotoxicity of nHA was estimated using the 5-d seed germination test (Bowers et al., 13 1997). Tests were conducted using buttercrunch lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds purchased from a 14 local nursery (Columbus, Ohio, USA). Test seeds were selected for uniform size and color after 15 screening through a #20 sieve to remove the small seeds. Seed germination tests were conducted 16 by placing 10 test seeds in 10 ml of nHA solution (as prepared or diluted) contained in clear, 17 polystyrene Petri dishes (9 × 50 mm) with leak-proof covers. Five replicates of 10 seeds each 18 were prepared for each solution. Control treatments (5 replicates) were conducted in a similar 19 fashion but using distilled water. Test containers were incubated at 25 ◦C under a light-dark 20 cycle of 18 h and 6 h, respectively, at ~ 38 mE m-2 s-1 for a period of 5 d (incubator 21 manufactured by Percival Scientific Inc.). After 5 d, the total number of germinated seeds was 22 recorded and the percent germination determined for each elutriate. The germination was 1 23 considered successful if the primary root length was ≥ 3 mm. The final length of each 24 germinated seedling was measured using a caliper (Bet-Art Products). 25 Supplementary results and discussion 26 Assessment of HA nanoparticles toxicity by lettuce seed germination test 27 Although neither calcium or phosphate, nor apatite is believed to be toxic to plants or other 28 organisms at normal concentrations, the toxicity of nHA should be specifically tested to address 29 the public concerns on introducing synthesized nanoparticles to the environment. It has been 30 widely accepted that the toxicity of a type of nanoparticles might be very different from the bulk 31 counterpart due to the higher specific surface areas and the higher reactivity of the former 32 (Taylor and Walton, 1993; Lee et al., 2010; Ma et al., 2010). Moreover, nanoparticles could 33 reduce or totally block the porous structures or intercellular spaces in plant organs and thus affect 34 associated physiological activities (e.g., nutrients uptake and transport) (Ma et al., 2010). 35 However, beneficial effects of some engineered nanoparticles (e.g., TiO2, SiO2, and multiple 36 wall carbon nanotubes) on plant growth have also been reported (Lin et al., 2004; 37 Khodakovskaya et al., 2009; Su et al., 2009). 38 Supplementary Fig. 1 shows responses of lettuce seeds and seedlings to DI water, nHA as 39 prepared, and the DI-water diluted nHA solutions. The data indicate that lettuce seeds in DI 40 water had an average total germination of 98% while those in nHA solution had an average 41 germination of 86%. Total germination in diluted nHA solutions ranged from 84 – 98%. 42 Statistical analysis suggests that lettuce seeds germination in those solutions were not 43 significantly different (S. Fig. 1a), showing that the nHA, as mild as DI water, did not exhibit 44 any acute toxic or inhibitory effect on plants and should be an environmentally friendly product. 2 45 Elongation of the germinated lettuce seedlings also supports this conclusion (S. Fig. 1b). The 46 seedlings were 4.3 cm long on average in DI water, which was very close to the values of 4.6 cm 47 grown in the nHA solution and 3.4-5.0 cm found in the diluted nHA solutions. The seedlings 48 even grew better in some of the nHA solutions than in DI water. For example, 5.0 cm-elongation 49 was observed in 80% nHA solution, which was 18% longer than that in DI water, suggesting that 50 the nHA could provide P nutrient to lettuce seedlings and promote the growth. However, nutrient 51 P might not needed in high amount on the early stage of lettuce growth so that the results of 52 germination test only are not enough to support the benefit roles of nHA solution as a P fertilizer. 53 But the germination tests at least indicate that the nHA is not toxic to plants and as benign as DI 54 water. Applications of engineered nHA in the field should be safe to the environment and the 55 ecosystem. 56 57 58 59 Supplementary Figure Caption 60 61 62 Supplementary Figure 1. Effects of nano-sized hydroxyapatite (nHA) on germination of lettuce seeds (a, top) and elongation of the germinated seedlings (b, bottom). DIW: Deionized water; 100% nHA: nHA as pared; 80% nHA: diluted nHA solution with DIW and so on. 63 64 65 66 67 68 3 69 a a a a a a 10% nHA 5% nHA a DIW 100% nHA 80% nHA 40% nHA 20% nHA 70 71 a ab a ab ab ab b DIW 100% nHA 80% nHA 40% nHA 20% nHA 10% nHA 5% nHA 72 73 74 75 Supplementary Figure 1. Effects of nano-sized hydroxyapatite (nHA) on germination of lettuce seeds (a, top) and elongation of the germinated seedlings (b, bottom). DIW: Deionized water; 100% nHA: nHA as pared; 80% nHA: diluted nHA solution with DIW and so on. 76 77 78 4 79 80 Supplementary References 81 Bowers, N., Pratt, J.R., Beeson, D., & Lewis, M. Comparative evaluation of soil toxicity using 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 lettuce seeds and soil ciliates. Environ. Toxic. Chem. 16, 207-213 (1997). Khodakovskaya, M. et al. Carbon nanotubes are able to penetrate plant seed coat and dramatically affect seed germination and plant growth. ACS Nano 3, 3221-3227 (2009). Lee, C.W. et al. Developmental phytotoxicity of metal oxide nanoparticles to Arabidopsis thaliana. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 669-675 (2010). Lin, B. et al. Effects of TMS (nanostructured silicon dioxide) on growth of Changbai Larch seedlings. J. For. Res. CHN 15,138-140 (2004). 89 Ma, X, Geiser-Lee, J., Deng, Y. & Kolmakov, A. Interactions between engineered nanoparticles 90 (ENPs) and plants: phytotoxicity, update and accumulation. Sci. Total Environ. 408, 3053- 91 3061 (2010). 92 Su, M. et al. Promotion of nano-anatase TiO2 on the spectral responses and photochemical 93 activities of D1/D2/Cyt b559 complex of spinach. Spectrochim. Acta. Part A Mol. Biomol. 94 Spectrosc. 72, 1112-1116 (2009). 95 Taylor, R. & Walton, D.R.M. The chemistry of fullerenes. Nature 363, 685-693 (1993). 96 5