15th May 2013 Dear Parents and Carers As part of our current topic

15th May 2013
Dear Parents and Carers
As part of our current topic of ‘All Creatures Great and Small’, we have planned to take the
children to Ladyland Farm in Horley, Surrey on Friday 28th June 2013.
Ladyland Farm is a working farm run by qualified and experienced teachers, which gives children a
hands-on experience in a well structured but ‘real’ learning environment. During the course of the
day, each class will be accompanied a farmer who will give them the opportunity to handle various
small animals, help with feeding and answer the many questions that the children will have. If the
weather allows, the children will be able to take a Tractor Ride around the farm and have a chance
to play in the adventure playground.
Children will come to school as normal at 8:45. The coaches will leave around 9:30 and we
will arrive back at school by 3:00 when they are to be collected.
It is very important that children are suitably dressed as they will be outdoors all day.
Children MUST wear wellington boots, long trousers/tracksuit bottoms/jeans and their
school sweatshirt. Sun cream MUST be applied at home before the trip.
Children will need to have clean shoes in a labelled plastic bag for their journey home and
every child needs a packed lunch, including a drink in a named carrier bag – no
lunchboxes please as we will be disposing of all lunch debris before we return. Lunch will
be stored safely at the farm on our arrival, so children will not be carrying their lunch
during their visit.
They will be travelling to the farm by coach (with seatbelts), and during the day each class
will accompanied by at least five adults including their class teacher.
Whilst at the farm the children will be under constant supervision and will wash their hands after
touching the animals and before they have lunch. No child will go unsupervised to the toilet.
The cost of the visit is £19.00 (or a subsidised fee of £14.00 for families in receipt of free school
meals) per child. This covers coach travel, entry to the farm and activities whilst at the farm. As
our school budget is not sufficient to cover the cost for each child and to ensure that there is a safe
ratio of adults to children, we have to ask for families to pay for these trips. If sufficient money is
not received, then unfortunately we will be unable to go ahead with the trip.
Before we go you need to:
Please pay £19.00 via ParentPay by FRIDAY 14th JUNE 2013.
If you do not pay, your child will not be able to go on the trip
Many thanks
Miss Hawes, Miss Bidmead and Miss Mountford
Headteacher: Jane Fairbourn
Address: The Crescent, Selhurst, Croydon CR0 2HN Telephone: 0208 684 8283
Email: head@thecrescent.croydon.sch.uk website:
Reception Trip to Ladyland Farm, Horley on Friday 28th June 2013
Child’s Class_______________________________
I wish my son/daughter _______________________________________________
to be allowed to take part in the above mentioned school trip, and having read the information letter, agree to
him/her taking part in the activity described.
I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the group that
any rules and instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed.
Please delete and complete the following as is appropriate.
My child has
no illness, allergy or physical disability*
the following illness or physical disability*
*Cross out which does not apply
which necessitates the following medical treatment ________________________________________
I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of the visit.
Please tick the box if your child suffers from travel sickness
I understand that a payment of £19.00 (£14.00 for families in receipt of Free School Meals) is required which is
payable through ParentPay
Signed _______________________________________________________
Emergency contact name …………………………………………………………
Telephone number for 28th June 2013
Headteacher: Jane Fairbourn
Address: The Crescent, Selhurst, Croydon CR0 2HN Telephone: 0208 684 8283
Email: head@thecrescent.croydon.sch.uk website: