STANDING ORDER MANDATE To: The Manager Bank address: (your bank) [Bank Name] [Bank Address] Please pay: Skelmersdale Branch The Co-operative Bank 10 Market Street, Wigan, WN1 1JN For the credit of: Bank Details: The Farm Animal Sanctuary Account Number 65484166 Sort Code 089299 The sum of: Amount [xxxx.xx] (In words also) Commencing on [Day/Month/Year] and thereafter on the [Day] day of the month until further notice and debit my account accordingly:Account to be debited: [Payees bank account name] Account number: XXXXXXXX Sort code: XX-XX-XX Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ This Standing Order Mandate supersedes all previous standing orders to The Farm Animal Sanctuary The Farm Animal Sanctuary, Manor Orchard Farm, School Lane, Middle Littleton, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 8LN