UCL MRes Economics Welcome & Induction Information

Dear MRes Economics offer holder,
RE: MRes Economics Degree Programme 2015/16
Many congratulations on your offer of a place on the MRes Economics degree programme within the
Department of Economics at UCL.
I am delighted to invite you to the MRes Economics welcome meeting. Professor Antonio Cabrales, the
MRes/MPhil/PhD Programme Director, would very much like to meet with you on Monday 28 September at
1pm. The welcome meeting will be held in Room B06, Drayton House, 30 Gordon Street, WC1H 0AX.
Please make every effort to attend this meeting, at which you will receive key information pertaining to the
content and structure of the Economics research degree programme at UCL. This meeting will also give you the
opportunity to meet fellow MRes Economics students for the first time, and some of the research students in the
Department of Economics in the MPhil and PhD years of study.
I would also like to draw your attention to several other key sessions during induction week, and provide you
with some useful information:
1. Pre-enrolment and Enrolment
2. MRes Economics Library Induction
3. Central IT Services Induction
4. Research Methods, Mathematics and Statistics refresher course (optional)
5. MRes Economics Degree: Online timetable
6. Paying Your Fees
7. Campus maps
8. Useful websites and information
UCL Department of Economics
University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 5888
1. Pre-enrolment and Enrolment
For definitive information regarding pre-enrolment, enrolment and fee payments, please visit:
This website is designed to help you to understand what is expected of you during your first few weeks at UCL.
There are three stages to this process: Red (most important), Amber and Green:
Red - These tasks relate to pre-enrolment, enrolment and paying your fees.
Amber - These tasks include getting your ID card; your access to PORTICO (the UCL Student
Information Service); registering with the Department of Economics and module selection.
Green - These tasks include registering with the Police; registering with a Doctor; registering to
vote; opening a Bank Account; Student Disability Services and Travel Information.
Please follow each stage carefully.
Please note: MRes Economics students have been given the time of 10:00 am on the 30th September.
If you are not able to enrol at this time, you may enrol at a different time. To enrol, please go to the Main quad
(map reference C3). UCL staff will direct you to the appropriate enrolment centre. Make sure you have
everything with you that you need to enrol!
If you cannot enrol during induction week, please email me (daniella.harper@ucl.ac.uk) to indicate this.
Please explain why your enrolment is delayed and, importantly, when you will be able to enrol.
2. MRes Economics Library Induction
The Department of Economics librarian, Mr. Kieron Jones, will be running two specialist introductory sessions
to the main UCL library on Thursday 25th September for incoming MRes Economics students. Tours start in the
Flaxman Gallery, on the 1st floor of the Main Library. This introductory session will introduce you to the
Economics collection within the main library, to E-resources and to Explore.
The sessions are at:
Tuesday 29th September
Surnames: A-L
Tuesday 29th September
Surnames: M-Z
This is an excellent opportunity to familiarise yourself with the most relevant areas of UCL’s world class library,
and to meet Kieron, the Department’s specialist librarian.
Kieron will also be running a digital collection session later in the academic year, which you will be invited to
attend. Kieron is able provide specialist one-to-one assistance throughout your research degree programme.
3. Research Methods, Mathematics and Statistics refresher course (optional)
During the first two weeks of term 1 (i.e. the weeks beginning Monday September 28th and Monday October
5th) you have the option to attend an intensive refresher course in Research methods, Mathematics and
Statistics. This course is designed to ensure that incoming students are familiar with the basic maths and stats
‘toolkit’ needed for graduate study in Economics. The Research methods, Mathematics and Statistics course
page can be found at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/economics/masters/course-list/econg100
If you are interested in this refresher course you should read the syllabus, cover relevant material and
undertake the self-assessment test before September 28 2015. The associated Moodle page
https://moodle.ucl.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=8932 is also active. You may log on to this Moodle page as a
guest (no need for a UCL log on to view the page).
From the 1st September 2015, you can access the online timetable for the Research methods, Mathematics
and Statistics by following these instructions:
1) Go to https://cmis.adcom.ucl.ac.uk:4443/timetabling/homePage.do
2) Click on the ‘Custom’ tab, then press ‘Click to Start’
3) Select ‘Switch Module info’ in the second text box, and enter ECONG100 in this second text box, then
‘Search’. This will bring up the Economics Research Methods Module. Select this module by clicking on
it, then ‘Create Timetable’
4) Click on the ‘Change Display’ tab
5) Select Week 05 from the Calendar
The first week’s timetable for the MSc programme appears, displaying the Research Methods, Maths & Stats
Intensive course timetable. Click on each activity entry on the timetable to see an expanded view. Do the same
for Week 06.
Please note this course is optional for MRes Economics students. Also, MRes Economics students do not take
the examination at the end of the intensive refresher course (this is only a requirement for MSc students).
4. MRes Economics degree: Online timetable
Teaching within the MRes Economics degree starts week commencing 5th October 2015.
From the 1st September, you can look up the MRes Economics online timetable by following these
1) Go to https://cmis.adcom.ucl.ac.uk:4443/timetabling/homePage.do
2) Click on Degree Programme
3) Enter MRes Economics in the text box towards the bottom of the screen, and click on the ‘Show
Timetable’ button
4) Click on the Change Display tab
5) Select Week 06 from the calendar to display the timetable for the teaching week ( 5th October 2015Friday 9th October 2015).
Please ensure you check the timetable daily. Due to unforeseen circumstances, lectures may be cancelled and
moved to a different date and time.
5. Paying Your Fees: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/new-students/pay-your-fees
6. Campus maps
In your first week, and thereafter, the campus map may be useful: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/maps
7. Useful websites
MRes Economics Curriculum and programme outline
MRes Economics Scheme of Award
UCL Academic Regulations
Economics Research Degrees Frequently asked Questions
MRes Economics Administration Moodle page
(You will be able to access this page once you have completed the pre-enrolment process)
ISD (Student Computing) Helpdesk
Student Support and wellbeing at UCL
Doctoral school welcome event: http://www.grad.ucl.ac.uk/events/doctoral-school-welcome.html
UCLU Welcome Event: http://uclu.org/about-uclu/welcome-2015
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions, and I look forward to welcoming you to
the Department.
Yours sincerely,
Daniella Harper
Graduate Research Programmes Administrator (MRes, MPhil, PhD)
Department of Economics, University College London
Drayton House, Room G18c
d.harper@ucl.ac.uk 0203 549 5383 (internal - 65383)