Chinese I John Mahon Damien High School (2014-2015) I. Course Overview Chinese I introduces and develops fundamental skills for the practical use and continued study of the modern Chinese Language. The spoken language of the Han people (Mandarin), the Pinyin system of phonetic representation, and the “simplified” characters of modern China are the key sources of study and learning. Instruction and assessment models emphasize and measure the development in students of practical knowledge and skills necessary to understand and use the Chinese Language in both spoken and written form. With a textbook story set among multi-national students and teachers of the language itself, the course also contributes to greater cultural understanding, particularly of the Chinese themselves. II. Course Objectives o To learn and utilize the Pinyin mode of phonetic representation to read, write, comprehend, and speak Mandarin. o To develop a practical command of grammatical structures necessary for effective written and spoken communication of Chinese. o To develop auditory and cognitive skills so students will recognize and comprehend spoken Mandarin syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and short passages. o To form basic and effective methods for accurate and standard pronunciation of Mandarin syllables, words, phrases, sentences, and short passages. o To learn the strokes, radicals, associated pronunciations, and English meanings and/or usages of written Chinese characters so students will be able to both read and write them as individual and compound structures. Approximately 380 will be learned by the end of the course. o To nurture value for Chinese language learning and cross-cultural understanding with the Chinese people, and to utilize the Chinese language for this purpose. III. Assessments Students will be assessed in the four main areas of foreign language learning: reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension. Assignment and assessment modalities will be relatively consistent throughout the course. Assignments will be given both in class and for homework. Assessments will involve mid-chapter quizzes, end-of-chapter tests, and a variety of other forms as necessary. An unweighted, cumulative, semester point system is utilized and grades are determined according to the DHS standard scale: A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; An approximate breakdown of assessment areas and percentages follows: Quizzes/Tests/Final Homework Classwork 60-75% 20-25% 10-15% F = below 60% IV. Materials o o o V. Modern Chinese, Book 1A. 2013. (Both textbook and workbook) Pleco Chinese Dictionary School Policy prohibits the use of cell phones at school during school hours. Students wishing to access the Pleco online dictionary in class are required use a “tablet-sized device” or laptop. Expectations o A cooperative and productive attitude toward learning, in this case, the Chinese language. It takes effort and practice to do anything well, so be prepared and willing to make the effort to succeed in this class and everything else you do. Own up (to the responsibility) and step up (to the challenge). o A respectful and considerate attitude toward your classmates, your teacher, and yourself. In other words, if you don’t have anything nice to say (or do), don’t say it (or do it). o Consult the Student-Parent Handbook for school policies regarding late work, extra credit, and absences. In general, do your work on time, don’t expect extra credit to save your grade, and don’t use absences as crutches. Stay on top of things. o 30 minutes per night of time spent with the language (even if you don’t have “homework”): making or studying flashcards, practicing pronunciation or character writing, memorizing vocabulary, preparing for an upcoming test. o “Acceptable use” policy: If students are going to bring tablets to school for use in Chinese 1, any use of the device must be limited to class-related work for Chinese. Using email, web-browsing, other applications not related to Chinese, or any form of Social Media whatsoever is absolutely forbidden. Students violating this policy will be subject to school-approved consequences and may lose the right to use the device in class. Cell phones will be confiscated if they are used for any reason whatsoever, overtly or covertly. VI. Contact Information o The best way to reach me is school email: o The second best way to reach me is school voicemail: (909) 596-1946, ext. 819