Cellular organelles notes 8-2 Nucleus: the nucleus is the control

Cellular organelles notes 8-2
Nucleus: the nucleus is the control center of the cell. It contains chromosomes, which makes up DNA. It is round,
shaped like a ball. It acts like the brain of the cell. It helps control and tell the cell what type of cell it will be.
When we looked at the onions under the microscope the nucleus was the dark stained round structure in the
middle of the cell. It is held in place by the cytoplasm.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid has the job of storing in carrying the genetic information two produces new cells for
the system. DNA coils up in two X- shaped chromosomes. In a normal human being there are 23 pairs of
chromosomes. People with down syndrome have an extra chromosome. Without DNA we would not be able to
make perfect copies of our cells and would not be able to pass on our genetic information.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Mitochondria: are the powerhouse of the cell. The breakdown tiny food particles like glucose and fats and turn
them into ATP. Adenosine triphosphate molecules provide energy to the cells in the body systems. Mitochondria
are shaped like tiny sausages. They have their own a unique DNA. Cellular respiration occurs inside the
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Endoplasmic reticulum: these are two was found in eukaryotic cells, through which proteins are transported to
where they’re needed or stored in the Golgi apparatus. Rough ER makes lipids and proteins needed by in the cell
to work. Ribosomes are attached to the outside of the rough ER and they help assemble proteins by linking
together chemical units into molecules. The smooth ER is a series of folded membranes and one of its jobs is to
make lipids a substance that stores energy, build cell parts, and sends messages.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
vacuoles: vacuoles are balloon like spaces within the cytoplasm which act as storage places for surplus food,
wastes, and other substances that the cell can’t use right away. They are surrounded by a membrane. Plant cells
have very large vacuoles that take up 50 to 95% of the space inside the cell. Vacuole means empty space. The
vacuoles, when they’re full of water, press against the cell wall that helps a plan to keep its shape and allow it to
grow taller in animal cells vacuoles have a smaller role. We compare this organelle
Cytoplasm: cytoplasm supports the inside of the cell this includes the whole area between a cell membrane and
the nuclear membrane. It supports the cell organelles and keeps them in place. It also supports a cell membrane.
Cytoplasm helps to absorb, store and distribute oxygen in food to parts of the cell it is a jelly like substance.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Lysosomes :are membrane bound vesicles in eukaryotic multicellular complex organisms. They act as a recycling
center, because they contain enzymes which breakdown proteins facts and other waste. There are a large number
of Lysosomes in white blood cells which helps them perform their function of breaking down and digesting
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Ribosomes: they are protein construction teams. Cells need to make protein and these proteins could be used as
enzymes are two support other cell functions like producing hydrochloric acid in the stomach. They are the
construction guys who connect one amino acid to build long chains of proteins. The air found floating in the
cytoplasm and I’d hear into the rough ER, which looks bumpy under a high powered microscope.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Chloroplasts: the are found only in plants because this is where photosynthesis takes place this organelles
transformed sunlight into energy for photosynthesis it can also happen in specific unicellular organisms, typically
found in water environments. Chloroplasts can also be found in specific fungi. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll
which is the active ingredient for photosynthesis.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Cell membrane: this is the cell actively permeable structure and that encloses the contents of the cell periods it
regulates the passages of substances in two and out of the cell or an organelle. Like the skin on a body cell
membrane surrounds and protects its it prevents some things from coming and another things from going out
periods it is made of glycerophospholipids in a double layer. It acts as a barrier, yet it allows water and nutrients,
and oxygen to enter, and CO2 carbon dioxide, wastes, and excess water to leave the cell. We compare this
organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Cell wall: this is a region to structure surrounding the cell membrane of plants, fungi, and some unicellular
organisms. It protects and supports the cell and as it is made of cellulose which is indigestible plant fiber. Cell
walls held plants to keep their shape, because they don’t have bones like in animals. Cellulose provides a
protective framework for a plant cell to be able to survive and maintain its shape to grow tall.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________
Golgi complex: this cell organelles is made out of flat and sacs. Its main function is to create and package proteins.
The proteins are stored in the Golgi apparatus for future use if they cannot be used right away. Fats and nutrients
are also stored in the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus releases Golgi bodies which float freely throughout the
cytoplasm and sometimes join with a cell membrane to be able to release the proteins that have been stored into
the bloodstream.
We compare this organelle to:___________________________________________________________