Technical Activities Committee TAC Exec Minutes – 8 December 2010 Attending: Laura McGill, Tom Duerr, Allen Arrington, Trevor Sorensen, Neal Pfeiffer, Ashwani Gupta, Tony Gross, Jeff Hamstra, Bill West, Achille Messac, Terry Morris, Mark Melanson, Dolores Krausche, Megan Scheidt, Betty Guillie 1. TAC VP Issues – Laura McGill a. Meeting Schedule for ASM – Next meeting list is attached with minutes. This list shows the meetings associated with TAC. The full committee list lists all meetings taking place at ASM. Directors – remind your chairs to attend the TC/PC Chair Training on Monday afternoon. Also, remember to invite the program committee chairs associated with your group to your group meetings. Information concerning which program committees fall within each group will be sent to the Directors so they will know which PCs they should invite to their group meeting. Contact information for the chairs will also be included. Directors – if you cannot attend any of the TAC related meetings at ASM, please send a representative from your group and also let the chairperson of the meeting know you will not be attending.. Two new meetings on committee list – Systems/T&E Event, and TAC Ethical Standards Subcommittee meeting. Laura will contact the relevant participants of the meetings. TAC agenda at ASM – most reports should be about 10-15 minutes in length. Engineers as Educators Workshop will be presented over lunch. 2. TAC VP-Elect Issues – Basil Hassan (not attending) 3. Staff Issues – Betty Guillie a. TAC Funds Status – Allotted - $1528; Remaining - $47,573 b. Metrics for Recent Conferences – Missile Sciences – Budget 385; Actual 363 c. Conferences for Approval TAC Event Approval Forms: Aerospace T&E Days, New Orleans, LA, 25-28 June 2012. Approved by David Riley and Neal Pfeiffer 49th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit & the 11th Annual International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Jose, CA, 15-17 July 2013. Approved by Ashwani Gupta Motion was made to approve, seconded, passed. Betty will send to TAC for an e-mail vote. Cosponsored Conferences: 2011 Integrated Communications Navigation and Surveillance Conference, Washington DC, 17-19 May 2011. The operating society is the IEEE AESS and AIAA Digital Avionics TC. The proposer of the form, John Gonda, is the chair of the DATC. The Conference General Chair, Robert Kerczewski is an AIAA member. The Technical Technical Activities Committee Program Chair, Thomas Redling is an AIAA member and member of the DATC. The Administrative Chair, Ellis Hitt, is also an AIAA member and member of the TC. Approved by Jim Neidhoefer. Motion to approve, seconded, and passed. Betty will send to TAC for an e-mail vote. 2nd International IAA Symposium on Private Human Access to Space, Arcachon, France, 30 May – 1 June 2011. The operating society is IAA International Academy of Astronautics. We did cosponsor the event in 2008. According to the form, there are not any TC/PCs involved or supporting the event; however, they state that the Space Colonization and Space Transportation TCs and Space Exploration PC would be interested in attending this event. Garrett Smith is an AIAA member. IAC has approved this event as a cosponsored event. Also approved by Trevor Sorensen. (This conference was delayed from last month’s telecom so Tony Gross could check with the Space Exploration PC concerning their involvement.) TAC does not object to this and will continue to find someone to report on this, but will not hold up IAC’s approval. TAC will abstain. IEEE CPMT 2011 ASTR Workshop, San Francisco, CA, 12-14 October 2011. The operating society is IEEE CPMT Society. According to the form there is not any TC support. The Proposer and General Chair, Dr. Ephraim Suhir, is an AIAA member. The technical program co-chairs are not. Sent to Kathleen Atkins for approval. Kathleen did not approve this event. TAC is declining support. The proposer of the form will be notified that TAC did not approve this request. 6th Int. Conference Supply on the Wings, Frankfurt, Germany, 2-4 November 2011. The operating society is Airtec GmbH & Co. KG. Although they do not list any specific committee as supporting the event, Dr. Grzegorz Kawiecki of Boeing is a current member of the Adaptive Structures TC. Other AIAA members listed on the form are: Richard Degenhardt, contact person and technical program chair of the event, Leslie Cohen, Janusz Narkiewicz, Murray Scott, and Trevor Young. IAC approved this event as a cosponsored event. Sent to Kathleen Atkins for approval. Kathleen did not approve this event, as there was not a close enough connection to AIAA. TAC will abstain. 4. NIS Activities – Mark Melanson – SAE Space Environments Committee – proposal will be presented at NIS and TAC in January for it to officially become an AIAA Program Committee. Working on the Assessment Tool for TCs. Bill West and Mark Melanson will draft a letter for use in the distribution and once approved, Betty will send the letter and assessment tool to Directors for final review. 5. Public Policy – Tom Duerr CVD Key Issues Update – Tom did receive some feedback concerning the Key Issues but it was very limited. TAC will need to come up with POC on the issues. Tom Duerr will take the issues list and determine the lead technical group. Public Policy Position Paper Process needs to be finalized. PPC and TAC will look over it and vote at ASM. Both CVD Key Issues Update and PP Position Paper Process should be on the agenda in Orlando. 6. Liaison Reports – as indicated by the Liaisons a. Honors and Awards – Sanjay Garg – not attending b. Publications – Wayne Hurwitz – not attending c. Membership/RSAC – Cathy Downen – not attending d. Young Professionals – Jeremy Kenny/Ben Tutt – not attending d. Education / SAC – Dolores Krausche – no report e. Exhibits – John Chawner – not attending Technical Activities Committee f. Standards – Allen Arrington – Standards is currently working on a list of Standards being sent to Archives. The committee is also trying to get contacts from the TCs concerning their POC for Standards. A section is being added to the Annual Report that asks for subcommittees within each committee. This will help determine which TCs have certain subcommittees. g. International – Need to Identify 7. Program Committees – Tony Gross – Two of the PCs will be giving reports at TAC. They are: Reusable Launch Vehicles PC and Space Exploration PC. Presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes. Tony will report on the health of PCs – 10 minutes. 8. Directors – Around the Room/Phone Achille Messac (for Kathleen Atkins) – The Crichlow selection committee is wrapping up their selection. They will present their choice at H&A and the Board of Directors in January. The Directors of the Aerospace Design & Structures Group and Engineering & Technology Management Group are looking into the possibly of merging the remaining members of the CAESTC with the DETC. Neal Pfeiffer – There will be a 20XX meeting at ASM. Ashwani Gupta – JPC/IECEC – first to use ScholarOne. Did not get good feedback. Megan reported that we have now been using ScholarOne for a year. A survey was sent to participants and feedback is being collected. Staff has been making constant improvements to the terminology and 2 training sessions are being provided at ASM. TAC will be provided with a ScholarOne Update at the TAC meeting in Orlando. Update will be provided at the TAC meeting in January. Terry Morris (for Jim Neidhoefer) – The Group has been reviewing the different areas of Information Systems. The plan is to adjust the TC charters to make sure all areas are covered. Trevor Sorensen – planning for Space 2011 in Long Beach is going well. Space 2010 had some problems – addressing those problems for Space 2011. Second SMG Newsletter was released last month. Allen Arrington – LAAATC – elections being held this week. ABET (Structured Programming) white paper – NIS needs to review. Bill West and Mark Melanson (for David Riley) – TAC Funding request form – question was asked about using TAC Funding for reimbursement of conference registration. TAC will not approve reimbursement of conference registration in the future. 10. Old Business - none 11: New Business – none See you in Orlando!!