Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 User Manual – Security Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. 6330 San Vicente Blvd., STE 245 Los Angeles, CA. 90048 Tel: (323) 954-3000 Fax: (323) 954-3005 Revision No. 4 February 9, 2016 Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Table of Contents CONTENTS CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 2 USER SECURITY ....................................................................................................................... 3 USER MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................4 PERMISSIONS...........................................................................................................................6 RULES .....................................................................................................................................9 SECURITY ................................................................................................................................11 DATA ACCESS ..........................................................................................................................12 GROUPS ..................................................................................................................................13 How To Add/Remove A User From Vendor Approval Group ........................................... 15 How To Add/Remove A User From Reserve/Payment Escalation Group ........................ 16 LETTER SECURITY ....................................................................................................................17 How To Setup A Letter Group ......................................................................................... 19 How To Setup A Letter Category ..................................................................................... 20 How To Add A Letter Category To A Letter Group........................................................... 21 USER BUDDY ...........................................................................................................................23 How To Setup A User Buddy ........................................................................................... 26 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................... 27 LETTERS CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................27 Letter and Attachment File Security ................................................................................. 27 NOTES .....................................................................................................................................31 File Security .................................................................................................................... 31 DISABLING AN EXISTING USER ..................................................................................................32 Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security User Security USER SECURITY The Security module is used to grant and maintain user access to the claim system. Each individual user has unique security configurations. Each user can be granted View, Add, Edit and Delete capability for any screen in the system. Several extended security rights and authorities can also be granted to individual users. A Buddy can be established for any user allowing the buddy to act on behalf of the user. A supervisor can act on behalf of any user in their user-defined group. Access Allows each user’s security access to be defined for any screen Remote users can be defined This can grant functional rights to some of the screens throughout the system Rules Allows each user’s various authorities to be defined Applies customer’s business rules to each user Allows letters to be assigned to each user User-defined types User-defined levels User-defined groups Business Rules with multi-tiered escalation User-defined escalations per rule Security rights can be copied from one user to another System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 3 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security User Maintenance USER MAINTENANCE Figure 1-1: Security Maintenance – User Maintenance Tab User Maintenance Tab Field User Name Image Login Buddy Title Include Disabled First/MI/Last Full Name Initials Address City/State/Zip Work Fax Email Signature BMP Description Password Exp Days System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function User Login name for Claim System User Login for third party imaging software Name of assigned buddy to the user User Title in the organization Checkbox to include already disabled users in the system First name, middle initial and last name of the user Full Name of the user User initials Street address of User/Organization City, State and Zip of the User or Organization Work Phone number and Extension Fax Number User Email Able to browse to the location of the User Signature bitmap User Description User login password How many days before password expires 4 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security User Maintenance User Maintenance Tab Field Date Priority Level Access group Rem Adj Service Location User Type Examiner Type Workgroup Supervisor Manager UDF Status System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function This is the calculated expiration date of the password when populated The priority level of the user The security level of the user Allows control of the claims and insolvent companies the user has access to Include is the user is a member of the Remote Adjusting Service Location of the user, eg In House Role of the user eg Examiner or Manager User to identify the examiners for the Examiner Production Report Make the user a member of any workgroups that have been setup Assign a supervisor to the User User is a Manger User Defined Fields that can be applied to the user Current status of the user eg Active or Disabled 5 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Permissions PERMISSIONS Figure 1-2: Security Maintenance – Permissions Tab Permissions Tab Item ACH Electronic Payments Add Principal Admin Check Advanced Search Attachment Export Billing Reassign Bulk Commit Loss Notices Business Unit Editing Carrier Reassignment Check Printing System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function if Checked Allows the user to generate ACH payments User is able to add the principal in Collections Able to view and verify Admin checks, based on users level Allows user to export attachments back to the liquidator Allows the user to commit Loss Notices in bulk from the Notice Bulk Update screen Ability to edit the Claim Type field in the Claim Tab of Claim Maintenance Allows the user to add or remove a Carrier contact from a claim Able to Print checks 6 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Permissions Permissions Tab Item Check Reimbursement Check Reissue Check Void Claim Image Claim Number Reassignment Claimant Editing Coverage Verification Examiner Examiner Reassignment Fast Track Fund Reassignment Home Tab User Enabled Insolvent Company Claim No Enable Interest Rate Editing Liquidator No Enable Manager Manager Reassignment MSP Override Payee Override Payment Post Bulking PIP Editing PNPI Policy Number Reassignment PSQ Edit Button Remote Check Print Split Editing Supervisor Transaction Readjustment System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function if Checked The Reimbursement amount is user entered not to exceed the amount of the selected payment. UDS comment default to "REIMBURSEMENT" plus the selected reason, user and add to or change this comment. This generates a payment transaction with a negative (user entered) amount, on the current date with the UDS transaction comment mentioned above, a void type to indicate Allows the user access to a Reissue button that creates an exact copy of the check and adds it to the Verify queue. The requestor of the check is the original requestor Able to Void checks Allows the user rights to the Imaging capabilities of the claim system Able to reassign the claim number of a claim User is able to edit the Claimant information on a claim User is an Examiner Able to reassign the examiner on a claim Allows the user to make use of the Fast Track option when setting up a claim Allows user to change fund in Claim Maintenance Allows user to change Ins # field (Insolvent Company Claim No) in Misc section of Claim tab in Claim Maintenance User is able to edit interest rate in Collections No longer used User is a Manger Able to reassign a manager on a claim Security level governs which Medical fields user can change When issuing a check to a claimant, adjusters will be prevented from changing the Payee or the Mailing address. Supervisor level should have the ability to modify payee. If the user has PNPI security they are able to view the Social Security information of the claimants and insured Able to reassign the policy number of a claim Able to access the PSQ edit button to make changes to the data on the PSQ popup screen Allows the user to print checks from a remote site, user will be unable to print check locally Able to edit the splitting of the debt in Collections Designates the supervisor which will be the user's primary manager Allows user to readjust correction transaction for a transaction that has already been adjusted or moved 7 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Permissions Permissions Tab Item UDC Override System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function if Checked 8 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Rules RULES Figure 1-3: Security Maintenance – Rules Tab Rules Tab Item Suffix Aggregate Loss Reserve Limit Suffix Aggregate Expense Reserve Limit Suffix Loss Payment Limit Suffix Expense Payment Limit UEP Check Request Admin Payment Limit Letter Assignment Overdue Diary Vendor Approval Group System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function This sets the user limit for the aggregate loss reserve and also indicates what escalation group they are assigned to, if any This sets the user limit for the aggregate Expense reserve and also indicates what escalation group they are assigned to, if any This sets the user limit for the Loss Payment Limit and also indicates what escalation group they are assigned to, if any This sets the user limit for the Expense Payment Limit and also indicates what escalation group they are assigned to, if any This allows the user to request check payment in Unearned Premium This sets the user limit for the Admin Payment Limit and also indicates what escalation group they are assigned to, if any Assigns the user to a letter group where they will have access to letters that are included in that group Assigns users to an overdue diary escalation group Allows the user to approve vendors if the option is checked 9 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Rules Rules Tab Item OFAC Approval System Alerts/Notification Approval Check Verify Limit (admin) Check Verify Limit (claim) Check Verify Limit (UEP) Check Verify Limit (autopay) Check Verify Limit (EOR) Check Reprint Group Reopen From History Group System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function Allows the user to approve checks that have been flagged by OFAC Allows the user to receive System alerts and Notifications Allows the user to verify Admin checks up to the specified limit Allows the user to verify Claim checks up to the specified limit Allows the user to verify UEP checks up to the specified limit Allows the user to verify AutoPay checks up to the specified limit Allows the user to verify EOR checks up to the specified limit Allows the user to Reprint a check Allows the user to reopen claims that are currently in the History database. 10 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Security SECURITY Figure 1-4: Security Maintenance – Security Tab Security Tab Item View Edit Add Delete System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function 11 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Data Access DATA ACCESS Figure 1-5: Security Maintenance – Data Access Tab Data Access Tab Item Select Group Group Title Type Type Help Group Help Created Changed Status System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function Lists pre existing groups Displays the name of the group Lists the Types of Groups that are available Describes what the group type means User Defined field to describe the group Displays who and when the group was created Displays who and when the group was changed Indicates if the group is Active, Disabled or Pending 12 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Groups GROUPS Figure 1-6: Security Maintenance – Groups Tab Groups Tab Item Adjusting Service Claim Access Admin Check Request Auto Pay Exception Catastrophe Signature Check Reprint Check Verify Limit (admin) Check Verify Limit (autopay) Check Verify Limit (claim) Check Verify Limit (EOR) Check Verify Limit (UEP) Claims with OSL but no OSE Claims Without Activity Claims Without Diary Company Catastrophe Association Company Claim Access System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function Lists users that are able to request an Admin check Lists the Catastrophes that the GF has claims for Lists the users that are able to reprint checks Lists all the users that are able to verify Admin checks Lists all the users that are able to verify Autopay checks Lists all the users that are able to verify Claim checks Lists all the users that are able to verify EOR checks Lists all the users that are able to verify UEP checks Lists the Insolvent Companies that are associated with a particular Catastrophe Lists the groups that have been set up that have Company access restrictions 13 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Groups Groups Tab Item Defense Attorney Claim Access Fund Claim Access Letter Letter Assignment Letter Option Letter Option Association Limited Contact Claim Access MSP Data Correction Alert MSP Export Data Error Alert New Assignment to Examiner New Attachment New MSP Beneficiary Alert New MSP Coverage Alert OFAC Approval Open Claims Without OSE Open Claims Without OSL Overdue Diary Related Claims Group Remote Examiner Claim Access Remote Manager Claim Access Reopen From History Group Suffix Aggregate Expense Reserve Limit Suffix Aggregate Loss Reserve Limit Suffix Expense Payment Limit Suffix Loss Payment Limit System Alerts/Notification Approval UEP Check Request Vendor Approval Workflow System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function Lists the groups that have been set up where claim access is limited to the defense attorney This list a breakdown of all the available letter groups and shows what letters are in which group This lists the users that have access to letters and shows which letter groups they have access to. This list the users that are able to approve payments that are flagged by OFAC Displays the Overdue Diary Escalation groups and the members of those groups This lists the users that are able to reopen claims from History Displays the Suffix Aggregate Expense Reserve Limit Escalation groups and the members of those groups Displays the Suffix Aggregate Loss Reserve Limit Escalation groups and the members of those groups Displays the Suffix Expense Payment Limit Escalation groups and the members of those groups Displays the Suffix Loss Payment Limit Escalation groups and the members of those groups This list the users that are able to request UEP checks Displays all the users that are able to approve Vendors 14 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Add/Remove A User From Vendor Approval Group How To Add/Remove A User From Vendor Approval Group Members of this group can approve new or changed vendors. All members are notified of any new or changed vendors in the Alerts category of their Home tab. Adding a Member to the Vendor Approval Group a) Go to the Security Maintenance Security tab and select the user to be added to the Vendor Approval group b) Goto the Rules tab in Security Maintenance c) Highlight the Vendor Approval Group row d) Click Edit (The check box for the Vendor Approval Group should automatically be checked) e) Click Update f) The User will now be part of the Vendor Approval Group and be able to receive alerts and approve Vendors. (The user will not receive any existing alerts, only alerts generated since they were added to the group). Removing a Member from the Vendor Approval Group a) Go to the Security Maintenance Security tab and select the user to be removed to the Vendor Approval group b) Goto the Rules tab in Security Maintenance c) Highlight the Vendor Approval Group row d) Click Edit e) Uncheck the check box for Vendor Approval Group f) Click Update g) The User will no longer be part of the Vendor Approval Group (The existing alerts will be removed from the users queue and no additional alerts will be sent to the user). System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 15 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Add/Remove A User From Reserve/Payment Escalation Group How To Add/Remove A User From Reserve/Payment Escalation Group Adding a Member to a Reserve/Payment Escalation Group a) For a user to be eligible to become a member of an escalation group they need to be a Manager and have Monetary payment or reserve limit depending on which Escalation group they are to be a member of. b) In Security Maintenance goto the Rules Tab c) Highlight the Escalation Group d) Click on the Members button e) On the Popup screen, there is a dropdown list that will show all available candidates f) Select a Candidate and click the Add button g) The user will be added to the grid above. h) When all changes are complete click the Save button Removing a Member to a Reserve/Payment Escalation Group a) In Security Maintenance goto the Rules Tab b) Highlight the Escalation Group c) Click on the Members button d) A popup screen will show the current members of the group e) Highlight one of the existing members and click the delete button. This will remove them from the group f) Click the Save button when finished. System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 16 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Letter Security LETTER SECURITY Security Tab Item Subject Type Tier Name Description System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function 17 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Letter Security Figure 12-1: Security Maintenance – Letter Group Figure 12-1: Security Maintenance – Add Letter Group System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 18 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Setup A Letter Group How To Setup A Letter Group a) From Security Maintenance goto the Groups Tab. b) In the Subject drop-down select: Letter. c) Click the Add Group button d) Add the Name of the Group, Specify it as Tier 1 and give a short description e) Click Save System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 19 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Setup A Letter Category How To Setup A Letter Category a) From Security Maintenance goto the Groups Tab. b) In the Subject drop-down select: Letter. c) Click the Add Group button d) Add the Name of the Category, Specify it as Tier 2 and give a short description e) Click Save System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 20 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Setup A Letter Category To A Letter Group How To Add A Letter Category To A Letter Group a) Highlight the Letter Group b) Click the Members button c) This will show a list of the available letter categories that can be added to the selected Letter Group. d) Highlight the desired group and click the Add button e) Click save to finalize the choices and close the members screen. System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 21 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Setup A Letter Category To A Letter Group Tree Maintenance Tab Item Name Window Description Sort Code Type Bitmap Status Window Title Criteria DW Report DW Criteria List DW System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM Function 22 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security User Buddy USER BUDDY This feature allows one particular examiner (user 1) to view the Home Tab information of a different examiner (User 2) that has been designated as their Buddy. A user buddy is designated on the User Maintenance tab in Security Maintenance. Figure 16-1: Security Maintenance – Set up User Buddy System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 23 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security User Buddy Figure 16-1: Security Maintenance – Buddy Figure 16-1: Claim Maintenance – Home Tab, User Viewing Buddy System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 24 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security User Buddy Figure 16-1: Claim Maintenance – Home Tab, Buddy view System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 25 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security How To Setup A User Buddy How To Setup A User Buddy a) From Security Maintenance goto the User Maintenance Tab. b) Select a user who will be assigned a buddy (In this case jsmith) c) Select the User that will be the buddy from the Buddy field drop down (In this case frjones) d) No changes need to be made to be made to the Buddy itself (frjones) e) The User (jsmith) can now look at the data in the Home tab for the Buddy (frjones) f) The buddy assignment is one way, the Buddy (frjones) cannot look at the Users (jsmith) data g) On the Home tab in Claim Maintenance the User (jsmith) is able to View the buddy information through the user drop down field. System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 26 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Appendix – Letters Configuration APPENDIX LETTERS CONFIGURATION Letters – Get components from L:\App\Tdms\vb6\sendmail Letter and Attachment File Security The path for the location of Letters and attachments have been split up to make sure that users cannot make changes to the attachments after they have been associated with a letter or a note. The Letters are now located in LSCLaimStore\Letters, the attachments are located in LSClaimStore\Media. On the Letter folder the users do require the Modify capability. Security Setting for Users on Letter Folder The Media folder requires a slightly more complex security configuration described below. In this case we are taking the Domain Users Group as being the only group that the User will be a part of. The Media Folder Security should be System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 27 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Appendix – Letters Configuration Security Settings for User on Media Folder h) Click on the Advanced button Access Control Settings for Users i) Highlight Domain Users and Click on the View/Edit button System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 28 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Appendix – Letters Configuration Permission Entry for Users on Media Folder The following three check boxes need to be unchecked a) Create Folders/Append Data b) Delete Subfolders and Files c) Delete All the remaining options should be checked Allow. This should mean that the users will be able to attach documents, but they should not be able to alter already attached documents Additionally to this the following SQL script should be run on the Master Database USE master GRANT EXECUTE ON xp_cmdshell TO public GO EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'claimsa', @rolename = 'sysadmin' GO EXEC sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = 'claimsa', @rolename = 'processadmin' System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 29 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Appendix – Letters Configuration This will set the xp_cmdshell command to be accessible by the public group and it will allow claimsa to obtain the sysadmin and processadmin server roles. System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 30 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Appendix – Notes NOTES File Security Need to make sure that users are not allowed to modify items that have been attached to notes. The security on the folder should not have the Modify option checked. System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 31 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc. Lightspeed Claim Management System v5.00 Security Appendix – Disabling An Existing User DISABLING AN EXISTING USER When an examiner or manager leaves the organization, the following steps should be taken to disable the user account: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clear any alerts for the user. Clear any diaries for the user. Remove user from autopay cycles. Remove user from escalation groups. Reassign any claims. Disable user. System Module Overview 02/09/16 4:50 PM 32 Lightspeed Data Solutions, Inc.