Practice Final Exam Key

Practice Final Exam
1. A person with type AB blood could receive what type of blood? ___All_____
2. The study of heredity is called ____Genetics____________
3. DNA is an abbreviation for ____Deoxyribonucleic Acid________
4. The "Father of Genetics": ______Mendel________
5. A diagram that is used to predict the outcome of a genetic cross _____Punnett Square____
6. A persons external appearance is the [ genotype / phenotype ]
7. An alternate form of a gene is called an _____Allele_______.
8. The shape of a DNA molecule is a ______Double Helix_____________
9. Genes located on sex chromosomes are called ______Sex-linked_______
10. A person with two X chromosomes XX will be [ male / female ]
11. A person with type O blood can receive what type of blood? ___Only O____
12. Give an example of two polygenic traits ____Height, Hair Color_________
13. Mendel’s first generation, after the parental generation was called ___Filial One or F1___
14. A carrier is a person who is [ heterozygous / homozygous ]
15. A segment of DNA that controls a particular trait _____Gene_______
16. Which of the following represents a homozygous genotype: [ AA / Aa ]
17. Name a sex-linked disease ____Hemophilia, Color-Blindness________
18. If a yellow seeded plant is crossed with a green seeded plant, and all of the offspring are green,
which trait is dominant [ yellow / green ]
19. A family record that shows how a trait is inherited over several generations is called a _pedigree__
20. In some flowers, red and white color is codominant. Flowers and be red (RR), white (rr) or pink
(Rr). If two pink flowers are crossed, what percentage of the offspring will also be pink?
If a red and a white flower are crossed, what percentage of the offspring will be pink? 100%
21. A man who has normal vision XCY is married to a woman who is colorblind XcXc
How many of their children will be colorblind and what is their sex? 50% and they are male; all
males will be color-blind though.
22. In pea plants, tall is dominant to short. A heterozygous tall (Tt) is crossed with a short (tt) plant.
What percentage of their offspring will be short? 50%
Two short plants are crossed, what percentage of their offspring will be short? 100%
Two heterozygous plants are crossed, what percentage of their offspring will be tall? 75%
23. A man with type AB blood is married to a woman with type AB blood. What blood types are
possible among their children and in what proportion? 25% A, 25% B, 50% AB
24. A man with type O blood is married to a woman with type A blood (she can be either genotype AO
or AA). What blood types are possible among their children? Type A and Type O
25. Determine the genotypes in the pedigree below. The trait being studied is the tongue rolling ability.
Those who cannot roll their tongue are recessive (tt)
I-1 is Tt, I-2 is tt
II-1 is tt, II-2 is Tt, II-3 is Tt, II-4 is tt
III-1 is Tt, III-2 is tt
26. List the possible genotypes for each blood type
Blood Type A ___IAIA___ and __IAIo___
Blood Type B ___IBIB___ and __IBIo____
Blood Type O ___IoIo______
27. Given a parent’s blood type be able to determine the offspring’s blood type. Show a cross that
demonstrates blood type inheritance between a parent who is homozygous for A blood and an O
type parent.
All offspring with be Heterozygous Type A Blood
28. What is this a diagram of?
29. Where in the cell is it taking place?
30. What is III?
Amino Acid
31. What is IV?
32. What is I?
33. What is II?
mRNA (link of codons)
34. What is DNA Replication? When DNA makes a copy of itself.
35. Draw a nucleotide. Label the 3 parts that make up a nucleotide.
36. How are DNA & RNA different? (Hint: there are 3 differences)
a. DNA is double Stranded, RNA is single Stranded
b. DNA has deoxyribose as its Sugar, RNA has Ribose
c. DNA has Thymine, RNA uses uracil
37. Using the DNA strand below, what would a complementary strand of DNA look like?
38. Using the DNA strand below, what would a strand of RNA look like?
39. How many nitrogenous bases make a codon? _____3______
40. How many codons produce one amino acid? ______1_____
41. Genes contain instructions for assembling which important macromolecule? ____Protein____
42. What is genetic engineering? When scientists alter the genes in an organism to correct, express,
or isolate a particular trait.
43. What are restriction enzymes? Enzymes used to cut DNA at specific points for Gel
44. What are autosomes? Non-Sex Chromosomes
45. How many autosomes do normal humans have? ____44____
46. What sex chromosomes do females have? ___XX___ Males? ____XY____
47. How many sex chromosomes do normal humans have? _____2________
48. How many total chromosomes do normal humans have? _____46________
49. How many chromosomes do Down Syndrome individuals have? ____47___________
50. Is Down ’s syndrome monosomy or trisomy? _______Trisomy___________
51. An organism that has foreign DNA inserted to alter its genes is called _____Transgenic________
52. When a new species evolves, it is called ____Speciation_____
53. The ability for an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment is called ____fitness_____
54. Organs that no longer serve a real function are called _____vestigial______
55. Organs that serve the same function in different species but look very different are called
56. Organs that look similar but serve different functions in different species are called
57. When a group of the same species gets separated by a mountain and are forced to adapt to two
different surroundings and leads to speciation, it is called ____geographic isolation______
58. When organisms start off looking different but become similar because of the environment, it is
called _____convergent________ evolution.
59. Draw the bell curves of the 3 factors that influence speciation below:
a. Stabilizing selection
b. Directional selection
c. Disruptive selection
60. What type of bacteria live in extreme environments? ______archaebacteria__________
61. Round bacteria are called ______coccus or cocci________.
62. Rod shaped bacteria are called ____bacilli or bacillus_____.
63. Spiral Shaped Bacteria are called ___spirilli or spirillum_______.
64. The outer protein coat of a virus is called a _____capsid_______.
65. Bacteria help the environment because they are ______________________________
66. Bacteria are helpful to humans because they are used to make ____cheese, yogurt, pickles______
67. Bacterial cell division is called ______binary fission_________
68. Bacterial sexual reproduction (where they exchange genetic material) is called ____conjugation__
69. Uncoiled DNA is called __chromatin____
70. Coiled up sections of DNA with proteins are called ___chromosomes____
71. Two chromosomes that code for the same genes are called _____homologous____________
72. After interphase copies of chromosomes that are bound by a centromere are called _____Sister
73. How many homologous pairs of chromosomes do normal humans have? ______23______
74. What is formed from meiosis? 4 genetically different daughter cells
75. Cells that have a full set of chromosomes are called ______diploid_______
76. Cells that have half the number of chromosomes are called ____haploid_______
77. At what stage of meiosis does crossing over occur? _____prophase 1______
78. How many daughter cells result from meiosis? ___4____ Are they identical? ____no_____
79. What is an allele? Alternate form of a gene
80. Describe the difference between dominant alleles and recessive alleles?
Dominate is the allele that mask the recessive and will show up
Recessive is masked by the dominant and will not show up
81. What is an example of a heterozygous genotype? __Hh______
82. What is an example of a Homozygous dominant genotype? ___HH______
83. What is an example of a Homozygous recessive genotype? __hh_______
84. Is HH a genotype or phenotype? ____genotype________
85. When DNA makes a copy of itself, it is called ____Replication________
86. The process where the DNA code is converted into mRNA (occurs in the nucleus) is called
87. The process at the ribosome where an actual protein is being made between mRNA and tRNA is
called _____Translation__________
88. How many daughter cells form at the end of mitosis? _____2________
89. How many daughter cells form at the end of meiosis? ____4________
90. A trait, behavior, or characteristic that allows an organism to better survive in its environment is
called an ____Adaptation________
91. The organisms at the bottom of the energy pyramid are the ____Primary producers_____
92. The ultimate source of energy for any food web is the ______Sun______________
93. The first species to inhabit an area where there was only rock are called ____pioneer species____
94. When a plant community gets replaced with another plant community because of a natural disaster
like a forest fire, ____secondary succession_______ has occurred.
95. A species that is not native to an area and eventually dominates the ecosystem is called an
96. A secondary consumer feeds off of a ______primary consumer or sometimes a producer______
97. The maximum number of individuals that an environment can handle without members of species
dying from starvation (maximum number is supported), ______carrying capacity____________
has been reached.
98. Squares on a pedigree represent ____males_______ and circles represent _____females________
99. In DNA, Adenine bonds with _____thymine___________
In RNA, Adenine bonds with ______uracil__________
In DNA Cytosine bonds with ______guanine___________
In RNA Cytosine bonds with ______guanine__________
The three base pair combination that codes for an amino acid on mRNA is called a _codon_
The three base pair combination that brings an amino acid on tRNA is called an _anti-codon
When chromosomes fail to separate properly, it is called ______non-disjunction________
A picture of all of the chromosomes lined up largest to smallest but arrange in homologous
pairs is called a ____karyotype_______