
Supplementary Fig. 130. Grid specific changes of relative densities of groups of
species classified based on their main habitat type: (a) farmland species, (b)
forest species, (c) wetland species and (d) montane species. In graphs the
species-specific relative densities have been scaled into the same unit in all
species so that all species would have equal impact (in contrast to a situation
where the most abundant species would dominate the change) corresponding
direction analyses (Fig. 1). These grid specific relative densities of species in the
first period were subtracted from the corresponding densities of the latter
period. These density changes of the same habitat category were combined gridspecifically and are expressed in colours. Red colour means increasing relative
densities and blue declining relative densities. The black crosses show grids
without data.
Supplementary Fig. 131. Grid specific changes of relative densities of groups of
species classified based on their migration type: (a) residents and partial
migrants and (b) short- and long-distance migrants. In graphs the speciesspecific relative densities have been scaled into the same unit in all species so
that all species would have equal impact (in contrast to a situation where the
most abundant species would dominate the change) corresponding direction
analyses (Fig. 1). These grid-specific relative densities of species in the first
period were subtracted from the corresponding densities of the latter period.
These density changes of the same migration category were combined gridspecifically and are expressed in colours. Red colour means increasing relative
densities and blue declining relative densities. The black crosses show grids
without data.