Minnesota Corn Growers Association Budget Research Proposal

Identifying and promoting opportunities for corn growers while enhancing quality of life.
The Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council (MCR&PC) and the Minnesota Corn
Growers Association (MCGA) are accepting proposals related to corn production and
Proposals should focus on the following topics related to corn production in Minnesota:
genetics and traits, soil fertility, tillage, and water quality. Examples of specific issues identified
by the MCR&PC/MCGA Board include:
 Characterization of the impact of agronomic practices on nitrogen mineralization;
 Influence of planting date and hybrid relative maturity on corn yield;
 Evaluation of optimum agronomic practices in Northwestern Minnesota for corn
production including hybrid selection, plant population, soil fertility, and tillage;
 Educational initiative for farmers, crop consultants, and natural resource professionals
comprised of a series of workshops and associated materials highlighting the latest
science related to nitrogen management and treatment practices;
 Development of field-scale water budgets using empirical and process-based modeling
methods based on Minnesota corn production systems with and without the presence
of subsurface drainage;
 Evaluation of innovative drainage system practices designed to restore or protect water
quality while meeting the needs of agricultural production;
 Exploration of the harvest of biomass, biofuels, and/or biopharmaceuticals from
constructed wetlands;
 Evaluation of the use of cover crops in corn production addressing such issues as plant
selection, seeding rates, seeding practices, and the use of seed coatings.
These instructions prescribe the proposal format and the approach for development and
presentation of proposal data. The instructions are designed to insure submission of
information essential to understanding and comprehensive evaluation of proposals. The
unbound proposal should address the following sections in no more than a total of 6 singlespaced 8.5” X 11” pages:
1. Cover page should be completed and attached to your proposal (SEE BELOW);
2. Relevance of the project to one or more of the research priorities addressing how this
proposal will advance existing knowledge of the topic;
3. State the benefit of the project to Minnesota corn farmers (125 words or less);
4. Objectives;
5. Methods/Timeline;
6. Deliverables;
7. Citations;
8. Budget page should be completed and attached to your proposal (SEE BELOW).
Proposals and questions can be directed to:
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Attn: Adam Birr
738 1st Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379
Either a hard-copy or an electronic version of the proposal must be received no later than
3:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, November 11, 2013.
The Production Stewardship Focus Team will review preliminary proposals based on the
following criteria: relevance of the project to the priorities; technical soundness and scientific
merit; novelty of the research; capabilities of investigator(s) and collaborator(s); and relevance
to Minnesota agriculture. Investigators of the top scoring projects will be asked to make an inperson presentation in mid-January 2014 at the MCGA office in Shakopee. Following a review
by the Production Stewardship Focus Team, successful and non-successful respondents will be
notified by March 15, 2014.
A contract and associated workplan will be developed for selected proposals. Funding will be
contingent upon written progress reports and a final report as outlined in the contract. A nonproprietary report will be placed on the MCGA website and will be used to communicate with
Minnesota corn growers and the general public. The MCR&PC is a producer-funded
organization and it is essential that the MCR&PC/MCGA be recognized as a funding source
when research information is distributed.
If you have any questions or would like an electronic copy of this document, please contact
Adam Birr at the MCGA office (952)460-3606 or by email abirr@mncorn.org.
Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Cover Page
Research Proposal, FY14
Proposal Title:
Project Team Leader
University or Research Company:
Mailing Address:
E-mail address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
MCGA Member:  Yes  No
Project #:
(will be assigned after submission)
MCR&PC/MCGA Research Topic (check all that apply)
Genetics and traits
Soil fertility
Water quality
This Section For Office Use Only
MCR&PC/MCGA Action on Proposals
FY2014 Allocation _______________
MCR&PC/MCGA Comments:
Funded  Not Funded 
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Research Proposal, FY14
Total Project Costs:
Itemized Budget
Use the table below to provide estimated expenses for various portions of your proposal. Years
are defined as fiscal years from October 1st to September 30th.
FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017
1. Consultants and subcontractors
2. Personnel salaries and fringe
3. Supplies and materials
4. Equipment
5. Travel
6. Communications
7. Laboratory analysis (soil, plant, water,
manure, etc)
8. Education/outreach related activities
9. Other costs
Total Funds Requested:
* Note indirect expenses are not an eligible budget item.
The MCR&PC/MCGA values building relationships and support from other organizations and cofunding of projects is viewed as one of the key methods to foster this collaboration. If
applicable, list other sources of funds you have received or applied for this project.