MN Corn FY2016 secondary RFP

Identifying and promoting opportunities for corn growers while enhancing quality of life.
The Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council (MCR&PC) and the Minnesota Corn Growers
Association (MCGA) are accepting proposals related to corn production and stewardship.
Proposals addressing needs in Production Stewardship should focus on the following topics related to
corn production in Minnesota: nitrate loss reduction, nitrogen best management practices for
Minnesota soils, water quality, and reduction of nitrate loss via drainage systems. Examples of project
priorities identified by the MCR&PC/MCGA Board have been listed below. A proposal in response to this
RFP is anticipated to involve an extended duration project. These (extended duration projects) are
defined as those funded for a time period less than the expected timeline to fully complete the
objectives of the research with subsequent years funding requests anticipated (these will have specified
annual workloads and a proposed completion date).
This is a secondary RFP release with a specific focus on research/education to reduce nitrate loss and
contamination of ground and surface water. Available first year funding for this secondary RFP is
approximately $350,000 and could potentially encompass a single multidisciplinary award. Proposals in
response to this RFP should not be duplicative of preliminary proposals already submitted in response to
the 2016 MN Corn RFP which was due November 2, 2015. Proposals should be highly collaborative,
multidisciplinary and encompassing in regard to nitrogen management and ground water and surface
water nitrate reduction, and should include management, evaluation for economic viability of practices
that could result from accomplished objectives of the research, and education and implementation
strategies reaching all corn production areas of the State. Proposals may also include investigation
toward nitrate loss reduction via utilization of data management programs such as Encirca℠, Climate
Field View™, R7®, AgSolver®, or other. Multidisciplinary proposals with a clear strategy to result in
realized nitrate loss reduction from Minnesota corn fields will be given priority. Investigation, delivery of
results and initiation of implementation across Minnesota may encompass up to 4 years of extended
duration funding to project completion.
These instructions prescribe the proposal format and the approach for development of a preliminary
proposal. The instructions are designed to insure submission of information essential to understanding
and comprehensive evaluation of proposals. It is anticipated that the project may require more than
one year to complete, therefore identify realistic annual workloads. Funding will be on a 12 month basis
and objectives and goals must be identified that can be completed in each year. Contract extension
requests will be strongly discouraged and critically evaluated. The unbound proposal should address the
following sections in no more than a total of 6 single-spaced 8.5” X 11” pages (pages beyond 6 will not
be included in the review process):
1. Cover page should be completed and attached to your proposal (SEE BELOW);
2. Goals and Objectives to be accomplished during a 12 month funding cycle. Identify each
collaborator, their area of expertise, and how their section fits into the overall goals and
objectives of the greater proposal.
3. Methods/Timeline (provide general yearly timeline if greater than one year to complete);
4. Deliverables;
5. Citations only if needed for proof of concept (novel nonduplicative research is anticipated but
will be verified during the review process);
6. Budget page should be completed (individual Co-PI budgets should be included if applicable but
an overall project budget is expected. Individual budgets will not count against the page
limitation) and attached to your proposal (SEE BELOW).
Successful funding of a proposal will also require the PI to submit a Synopsis (250 words or less) of the
proposed project with the final proposal and work plan and a separate Statement of Benefits to
Minnesota Corn Farmers (125 words or less). These are not expected with the preliminary proposal.
The synopsis should describe the relevance of the project to one or more of the research priorities and
how this proposal will advance existing knowledge of the topic (The synopsis will also be used in the MN
Corn Research Directory).
Either a hard-copy or an electronic version of the proposal must be received at the contact below no
later than 3:00 p.m., Central Standard Time, February 10, 2016. This is a fast turnaround RFP with the
intention that funding and project initiation will commence April 1, 2016.
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Attn: Paul Meints
738 1st Avenue East
Shakopee, MN 55379
The Production Stewardship Focus Team will review preliminary proposals based on the following
criteria: relevance of the project to the priorities; technical soundness and scientific merit;
nonduplicative and novel objectives of the research; capabilities of investigator(s) and collaborator(s);
and relevance to Minnesota agriculture. Following a review by the Production Stewardship Focus Team,
successful and non-successful respondents will be notified by March 15, 2016.
A contract and associated work-plan must be submitted for selected proposals. Funding for each
successful proposal for 2016 will also be expected to produce quarterly reports (dates will be
identified in the 2016 contract) for the Production Stewardship focus team, one article (on project
relevance and progress annually) suitable for “mainstream media” (a requested poster at Ag Expo will
substitute for the article), and a final report upon completion including a full abstract as outlined in
the contract. Quarterly and final reports are considered non-proprietary and will be placed on the
MCGA website and used to communicate with Minnesota corn growers and the general public. The
article suitable for mainstream media (or the poster at Ag Expo) is intended to communicate with both
corn growers and the general public the value of the research and its relevancy to Minnesotans. The
abstract submitted with the final report upon completion of the research will also be used in the MN
Corn Research Summary.
The MCR&PC is a producer-funded organization and it is essential that the MCR&PC/MCGA be
recognized as a funding source when research information is orally presented or distributed in written
Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Cover Page
Research Proposal, FY16
Proposal Title (ten words or less):
Project Team Leader
University or Research Company:
Mailing Address:
E-mail address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
MCGA Member:  Yes  No
MCR&PC/MCGA Research/Education Topic
(check new or extended duration, and most appropriate fit)
Production Stewardship  Extended Duration Project New Project
Water quality/Conservation
Nitrate loss reduction/nitrogen management
Reduction of nitrate loss via drainage systems
This Section for Office Use Only
MCR&PC/MCGA Action on Proposals
Funded  Not Funded 
FY2016 Allocation _________________________
Project #: ___________________ (will be assigned after successful funding)
MCR&PC/MCGA Comments:
Minnesota Corn Growers Association
Research Proposal Budget, 2016
Itemized Budget: Use the table below to provide estimated expenses for various portions of
your proposal. Proposals are anticipated on a 12 month funding cycle. If the project is initiated
in 2016, list the 12 month funding request in that column even if the 12 months will include a
portion of 2017. If the project is expected to have an extended duration (see explanation in
Project Priorities**) estimate budgets for each year needed to complete the proposed research.
1. Consultants and
2. Personnel salaries and
3. Supplies and materials
4. Equipment
5. Travel
6. Communications
7. Laboratory analysis (soil,
plant, water, manure, etc.)
8. Education/outreach related
9. Other costs
Total Funds Requested:
Total Project 2016 Cost: $ _______________, Total Estimated Project Cost: $_______________
‡ Note indirect expenses are not an eligible budget item.
The MCR&PC/MCGA values building relationships and support from other organizations and co-funding of projects
is viewed as one of the key methods to foster this collaboration. If applicable, list other sources of funds you have
received or to which you have applied for this project. Failure to disclose other funding sources for this project
may impact continued funding through MCR&PC.