Tastee Zone Job Application Name: Phone: E

Tastee Zone
Job Application
Name: _________________ Phone: _______________ E-Mail: ______________
Address: _________________________________________________
Will you be 15 or older before May of current year: _______
School: ________________________
If offered employment how will you get to work (drive/walk/other)? ___________________
Availability: (Please indicate what times you are available for work for each day):
Do you participate in any school year extracurricular activities (i.e. Baseball, Field-Hockey,
Softball, Band, etc., please list): ___________________________________________________
Do you participate in any summer activities (camps for sports teams/rec travel teams,
babysitting, other jobs, etc.?): _____________________________________________________
Will this be your first job, if not, where else have you worked?
Do you know any current/former employees (if so, who?): ______________________________
Why do you think you would be a good employee?
Why are you applying for a job here and why do you want to work?
What is customer service?
What do you do if your replacement doesn’t come in on time? How will you ensure you are on
time for your shifts? What will you do if you need to miss a shift?
Why do customers get their treats from Tastee Zone?
A customer orders a snowball and once you make it & give it to them they realize they forgot
their money at home, what do you do?
We are not always hiring, but we do keep applications on file to use as call-backs. We normally
hire from March-April for the season, however, we do occasionally have the need to add staff
later in the season. We try to keep our staff lean to accommodate enough work hours to go
around, so we try not to over-hire.
Some of the general job duties at Tastee Zone include:
Cleaning! This is one of the most important duties at our store. Cleanliness is
important for a complete customer experience (serving good product, keeping an
ascetically pleasing store and for regulation requirements). Cleaning includes:
Mopping, Sweeping, Wiping with Bar Towels, Washing
Cups/Pumps/Bottles/Topping Containers/Jimmy Wheels/Spoons/ and Equipment,
Picking up trash around our building, washing picnic tables and our deck.
Making and Serving Product! Making good cones and snowballs is a learning
process that we will help you with. A quick learner will study what is shown to
them and work to practice this art. Presentation is a major component to serving
a quality product, and people are often influenced as to how “good” something
tastes based on how it looks! We will teach you everything you need to know!
Customer service! The other part of the customer experience is having a pleasant,
outgoing server. Being cheerful and pleasant is the cornerstone of every
interaction with a customer at Tastee Zone. Our staff is the most cheerful, happy
group of employees I have ever had the pleasure of working with!
Applicants need to have a firm grasp of making change. Making change for $5s,
$10s, $20s and any combination of the aforementioned is a routine occurrence.
To ensure that registers will balance at the end of the night it is important that
applicants can make change properly.