Evolution Test Study Guide What is an adaptation? (380) What is

Evolution Test Study Guide
What is an adaptation? (380)
What is natural selection? (381)
What is fitness? (380)
What do scientists present as evidence for evolution? Name all, and explain them. (382-385)
Define and give an example of artificial selection. (379)
What are homologous structures? Give an example. (384)
What is genetic variation important? (393)
Why is species diversity important?
What must happen for new species to form? (404)
10. Name the three types of reproductive isolation. Give examples. (404-405)
11. Define the following terms.
Allele frequency:
Gene Pool:
12. What is genetic equilibrium? (400)
13. What are the five requirements of genetic equilibrium? (400)
14. What is the difference between genetic equilibrium and genetic drift? (400-401)
15. What are two ways in which genetic drift can occur?
Evolution Test Study Guide
Evolutionary Evidence: Write the letter of the correct definition in the blank space
16. ______ vestigial organs
a) remains of dead organisms
17. ______ homologous structures
b) similarities and differences in amino acid sequences
between organisms
18. ______ DNA sequence
c) related organisms have the same bone makeup
19. ______ fossil record
d) in the early stages of development dogs, pigs and
humans resemble one another
20. ______ embryology
e) structures that have reduced in size because they no
longer serve an important function
Fill in the Blank: Use the following vocabulary terms and fill in the blanks.
Common Ancestor
Directional Selection
Disruptive Selection
Homologous Structures
Natural Selection
Stabilizing Selection
____________________________ is when a population of organisms changes over time. The process that fuels the
process of evolution is through ____________________________ also known as "survival of the fittest" and it acts
on an organism’s ____________________________. Depending on the environment there are 3 ways that
population can be selected against. If the individuals with the one extreme phenotype have the higher
fitness, like having a larger beak size, than it’s known as ____________________________. On the other hand, if
the intermediate or average phenotype of that population is more beneficial than it’s known as
____________________________. Lastly, if both the extreme ends of the phenotypes, like plants being tall or short,
have the higher fitness, than ____________________________ has occurred. A trait that makes a species better
suited to survive and reproduce is called an ____________________________. Those organisms that are better
able to survive and reproduce are said to have a high ____________________________
There is much evidence to support the theory of evolution. For example, many dead remains of
organisms or ____________________________ are very similar to the structures of living things today and show
that many organisms share a ____________________________ Because of this many organisms have
____________________________ like in the fore limbs of modern vertebrates. Lastly, there are similarities within
the ____________________________ of many organisms, like the chicken, turtle, and rat; further prove of support
of the theory of evolution