Check ans key for some changes Name: Pretest: _____/48 Posttest

Check ans key for some changes
Name: ____________________________
Pretest: _____/48
Posttest: ______/48
Pretest Ch 17 & 19.2: Patterns of Evolution
Part 1: Matching Vocab. Match the term on the right with the definition on the left by
placing the letter on the blank where it best matches.
1. _____ all of the gens and alleles in an entire
A. adaptive radiation
B. behavioral isolation
2. _____ evolution keeps making things more to
C. bottleneck effect
one extreme, e.g. feet keep getting
D. coevolution
smaller and smaller
E. convergent evolution
3. _____ evolution tends to make organisms more
F. directional selection
to a middle point, e.g. medium sized
G. disruptive selection
feet naturally selected
H. divergent evolution
4. _____ when organisms move to a new habitat
I. founder effect
and start their own population and
J. gene pool
gene pool
K. genetic drift
5. _____ the processes where an organism becomes
L. genetic equilibrium
its own species
M. geographic isolation
6. _____ members of a population start to act
N. Hardy-Weinberg Principle
differently and stop breeding together
O. macroevolutionary patterns
7. _____ looking at DNA and rate of mutation to tell
P. molecular clock
when organisms became different species
Q. punctuated equilibrium
8. _____ a disaster wipes out part of a population
R. reproductive isolation
and the gene frequency changes
S. speciation
9. _____ all the changes in behavior, structures,
T. stabilizing selection
functions and ecology that a species
U. temporal isolation
10. _____ when organisms live together and evolve together (e.g. coral and algae)
11. _____ when populations that live in the same
area mate at different times and become separate species
12. _____ when evolution happens in very short time frames, not little by little
13. _____ when members of a population stop breeding and become their own species
14. _____ evolution tends towards both extremes, not the middle, e.g. big and small
feet are good, medium is bad
15. _____ when organisms evolve and fit all parts of an ecosystem, e.g. live in the
ground, on the ground, in the trees, in the air….
16. _____ populations that get separated physically (e.g. by a river) become different
17. _____ when organisms evolve into many different organisms, but still have
similarities (homologous structures)
18. _____ when populations do not evolve
19. _____ over time, in small population, one allele becomes more common than
another but not by natural selection
20. _____ when organisms in similar environments evolve to have similar traits
(analogous structures)
21. _____ says that all allele frequencies in a population should remain the same, and
the organisms will not evolve
Here is a graph of the range of phenotypes in
a population. Explain what each of the
following is and draw what the graph
would look like after each:
Trait value
22. - 23. Directional selection
24. – 25. Stabilizing selection
26. – 27. Disruptive selection
Genetic equilibrium is the idea that allele frequencies in a population do not change
over time. In other words, a population in genetic equilibrium does not evolve.
There are five things that can disrupt genetic equilibrium and cause evolution
to happen. Name and explain them.
As a population of organisms evolves, it eventually reaches a point where some of the
members can not breed with the others. They have evolved to become a new
species and the process is called speciation. There are 4 ways this can
happen. Name and explain them.
37. – 38. What is the difference between a background extinction and a mass
extinction? Which happens more frequently?
Explain each of these four patterns of evolution (how they happen, what they lead to):
39. convergent evolution
40. divergent evolution:
41. coevolution:
42. adaptive radiation
43. – 44. What is the difference between
gradualism and punctuated
equilibrium?” Explain which
picture to the right is which.
Above are pictures 2 identical diagrams called cladograms. They show how closely
related organisms are and some of the characteristics that separate one from
According to the diagram, what is most closely related to:
45. birds
46. lobsters
47. mammals
48. lungfish