Academic Biology Cell Structure and Function NTK/SG Keystone

Academic Biology
Cell Structure and Function NTK/SG
Keystone Eligible Content:
A121 Compare cellular structures and their functions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
A122 Describe and interpret relationships between structure and function at various levels of biological
organization (ie organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and multicellular organisms).
Homeostasis and Transport
A411 Describe how the structure of the plasma membrane allows it to function as a regulatory structure
and/or protective barrier for a cell.
A412 Compare the mechanisms that transport materials across the plasma membrane (ie passive
transport-diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion; and active transport-pumps, endocytosis, exocytosis).
A413 Describe how membrane-bound cellular organelles (eg endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus)
facilitate the transport of materials within a cell.
A421 Explain how organisms maintain homeostasis (eg thermoregulation, water regulation, oxygen
Cell Structure
a. Prokaryotic v Eukaryotic
b. Unicellular v. multicellular
c. Cell Organelles
i. Which are common to all cells?
ii. Names
iii. Functions
iv. *ER and Golgi work together to facilitate transport of materials through vesicles
1. Vesicles- phospholipid bilayer, budding, pinching off, fusing
Movement across membrane
a. Fluid Mosaic Model
i. Semi/selectively permeable
ii. phospholipids, integral proteins, role of carbohydrates
b. Solution concentrations
i. Isotonic- water movement at equal rates
ii. Hypertonic-water will move out of cell
iii. Hypotonic- water will move into cell
c. Methods of transport across a membrane
i. Passive
1. Diffusion
2. Osmosis
3. Facilitated diffusion
a. Protein channels
ii. Active
1. Use energy- movement against concentration gradient
2. Protein pumps (Sodium/Potassium pump)
3. Endocytosis
a. Phagocytosis-cell eating
b. Pinocytosis-cell drinking
4. Exocytosis
Levels of Organization from Cell to Organ System
i. Organelles
ii. Cells
iii. Tissue
iv. Organs
v. Organ systems
vi. Multicellular organisms
Cell communication: receptors and cell signaling