ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND Minutes of the London Area Council Meeting held on 27 November 2014 starting at 2.00pm at 21 Bloomsbury Street, London Members Present: Veronica Wadley Andrew Burke Bradley Hemmings Councillor Flick Rea Councillor Florence Eshalomi Councillor Guy Nicholson Councillor Kevin Davies David Hall James Conway John Middleton Marcus Davey Munira Mirza Sally Tallant Chair of London Area Council London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member London Area Council Member Apologies: Robert Dufton London Area Council Member Present from Arts Council England: Moira Sinclair Executive Director, London and South East London Area Director Director Music, London Director Theatre, London Director International, London Director Visual Arts, London Senior Manager, Advocacy and Communications, London and South East Senior Manager Operations, London and South East Assistant to London Area Director (minutes) Joyce Wilson Helen Sprott Neil Darlison Nick McDowell Peter Heslip Natalie Jones Paul Cunningham Michelle Wei Guests: Brian Ashley Sophie Lancaster Director, Libraries and Nottingham, Arts Council England Relationship Manager, Libraries, London, Arts Council England Page 1 of 5 1. WELCOME AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 1.1 The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Councillor Kevin Davis who had been nominated by London Councils to join the London Area Council. 1.2 It was noted that Cecilia Wee and Robert Dufton had stepped down from the London Area Council. Area Council sent its’ thanks to Cecilia and Robert for their contributions over the years. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 2.1 The Chair reminded Council that it needed to keep its declarations of interest up to date. 2.2 It was noted that Councillor Kevin Davis would submit a Declaration of Interest form to the Arts Council post meeting. 3. MINUTES FROM THE LAST AREA COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 10 and 11 JUNE 2014 3.1 The minutes were agreed as a true and accurate record. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE LAST AREA COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 10 and 11 JUNE 2014 4.1 It was noted there would be two presentations from the executive at the next Area Council meeting in early March – a presentation about the London literature portfolio, and a presentation about craft from a national perspective. 5. ARTS HIGHLIGHTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS 5.1 The Chair asked everyone present to highlight one of the arts events they had attended since the last meeting. 6. CHAIR’S UPDATE 6.1 The Chair asked Council to note that Marcus Davey and Munira Mirza had both been re-appointed as Mayor’s nominees for the London Area Council. An open recruitment process is underway to fill the other two Mayoral vacancies following the resignations of Cecilia Wee and Robert Dufton. 6.2 The Chair also talked about the change in leadership of the Arts Council with Alan Davey and Moira Sinclair’s departure in the near future. The Chair Page 2 of 5 thanked both for their support of her work as Area Council Chair since her appointment. 6.3 Area Council noted that the new Chief Executive would continue to play a crucial role in rebalancing Arts Council investment intelligently. The Arts Council has begun the process of separating out its budget for national activities and considering how it can be clearer about what area benefit actually means, and also how it might more effectively measure impact. Council stated that the Arts Council needed to have a clearer focus on the 10 year strategy, especially on building the infrastructure needed to develop and sustain talent in all areas. Council also felt that the Arts Council needed to talk about its work more in the context of the visitor economy, and take a more proactive approach to promoting equal partnerships across the country instead of just reacting and trying to explain the relationships and out of London benefits in response to Rebalancing Our Cultural Capital report and the CMS report. 7. DIRECTORS’ UPDATE 7.1 Area Council noted that all Arts Council staff designated as London based had moved to 21 Bloomsbury Street this summer. 7.2 Joyce Wilson and directors updated Council about the progress being made on negotiating funding agreements with National Portfolio Organisations and the work carried out with those NPOs which had received significant cuts in the NPO application round. Area Council noted that there had been no formal complaints about the investment process from London based organisations. 7.3 Area Council discussed the National and Area Council summit in October in Birmingham and reiterated that Area Council members would like to be more engaged in Arts Council work in between meetings. They were particularly keen to help promote and demonstrate the value of the arms-length principle and the wider impact of public investment in arts and culture across England. The members who attended the summit praised Sir Peter Bazalgette, Chair of Arts Council England, who delivered a passionate speech at the end of the summit, and asked if this could be placed online. Action: Natalie Jones to check if the video is available and could be shared online. 7.4 Area Council noted the progress of current strategic funds and the proposed design and implementation of new programmes for 2015-18. Council expressed concerns about announcing so many programmes against a backdrop of economic pressure and asked for a full list of strategic funds. Council also asked if Arts Council officers were fully briefed to talk about all the different strategic funds and to make organisations aware of their Page 3 of 5 existence. Joyce Wilson explained that an announcement of strategic funds was made quarterly, largely through the Arts Council’s website, as well as being mentioned at the recent briefing events. The Arts Council would expect applications from a comparably small number of organisations to support ambitions that the NPO and Grants for the Arts funding streams could not. The Arts Council was considering whether to refine the criteria for Exceptional Awards, International commissions, Outdoor Arts and Regional Ambition Funds and combine them under one title to make it easier for organisations to apply in future. Council thought we could support organisations more in tackling philanthropic giving and ask organisations that have a successful fundraising strategy to share their knowledge and expertise with the sector. Action: Michelle to send a full list of strategic funds proposed for 2015-18 to Council. 8. NPO / MPM INVESTMENT PROCESS AFTER ACTION REVIEW 8.1 Area Council noted the terms of the NPO / MPM Investment Process after action review and was asked for input to the review. 8.2 John Middleton reiterated that he thought the Arts Council’s summary assessment for the NPO / MPM applications should be more precise and helpful to enable Council members to make decisions. Action: John Middleton to be put in touch with Guy Purdy to discuss the summary assessment in the context of the after action review. 8.3 Council would welcome clearer objectives next time. 8.4 Council felt it would be helpful to ask Jenny McIntosh to review the 2014 investment process rather than reviewing it internally. 8.5 Council was unclear what year or stage we were in, in terms of delivering the Arts Council’s 10 year strategy framework - Achieving great art and culture for everyone. Council was informed the strategy ran from 2010 to 2020, and we were just under half way. Council would welcome a mid-point review of progress. 9. 9.1 LIBRARIES Brain Ashley, Director of Libraries and Nottingham, and Sophie Lancaster, Relationship Manager, Libraries, London, were invited to the meeting to talk about the Arts Council’s work with libraries and lead a discussion with Area Council on raising sector awareness about our role. 9.2 Area Council made the following comments and suggestions: The sector would welcome more creative new partnerships between libraries and artists / arts organisations Page 4 of 5 Council would welcome an in-depth review of libraries and the Arts Council’s development role The Arts Council should enable strong and open dialogue with libraries to make them more engaged with the arts and audiences Council would like to see more case studies on successful Grants for the Arts applications from libraries The Arts Council should promote the use of digital media in libraries and the diverse use of library resources London Boroughs can help by recognising the impact of libraries on health and wellbeing Council suggested it could hold a future Council meeting in a library or invite a library to present at a future Council meeting 10. AREA PLAN 10.1 Joyce Wilson presented the draft London area plan which will be regularly reviewed and updated by the Area Management Team. 10.2 Area Council was invited to comment on which areas we should be prioritising to effect change, and to comment on what the Arts Council planned to do to bring about those changes. Area Council’s priorities were: To be clearer about diversity and equality To prioritise Goal 5 more To build funding capacity and help small organisations in outer London To better communicate good news stories and successful programmes and projects To list the human and financial resources next to the tasks outlined in the area plan 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 11.1 Area Council discussed data sharing between venues and touring organisations and suggested that the Arts Council could publish some case studies about touring organisations and their impact to positively influence relationships with venues. Action: The Arts Council executives to feedback to Simon Mellor, Executive Director, Arts and Culture. 11.2 The Chair thanked the Council members and the Arts Council officers for their valuable time and input to the meeting. The meeting closed at 4:45pm on 27 November 2014 Page 5 of 5