Supplementary Data Appendix A Calculations used in the OBMM In formulating the OBMM, it was necessary to set the variables. In these expressions, the gross mass of a particular chemical pollutant (e.g., chemical pollutant “A”) in each medium was defined in M (mol), and the following variables were set: 1. Mptu (mol): gross mass of A in the upper atmosphere; 2. Mptd (mol): gross mass of A in the lower atmosphere; 3. Mslpt (mol): gross mass of A in soil; 4. Mwtpt (mol): gross mass of A in water; 5. Msdpt (mol): gross mass of A in sediment; 1. Mptu (mol): gross mass of A in the upper atmosphere. The following three physio-chemical phenomena of chemical pollutants occurred in the upper atmospheric layer: advection, wet deposition on soil and wet deposition on water. dMptu dt 2. Qar(Cptin Cptu) Cptu *Vptwd * Ssl Cptu *Vptwd * Swt (A.1) Mptu (mol): gross mass of A in lower atmosphere. The following four physio-chemical phenomena of chemical pollutants in the lower atmospheric layer: advection, emission, dry and wet deposition on soil, and dry and wet deposition on water. dMptd dt Qar(Cptin Cptd ) Gar Cptd * (Vptdd Vptwd ) * Ssl (A.2) Cptd * (Vptdd Vptwd ) * Swt 3. Mslpt (mol): gross mass of A in soil. The following five physio-chemical phenomena of chemical pollutants occurred in soil: dry deposition from the upper atmosphere, dry and wet deposition from the lower atmosphere, emission, elution into liquids in soil and erosion. 20 dMslpt dt Cptu * Vptdd Cptd * (Vptdd Vptwt) * Ssl Gsl Ksl * Mslpt * (Cwtsat Csllq 4. Sitsl (A.3) ) Mslpt * Rosl * ((1 Esl ) * Hsl) Mwtpt (mol): gross mass of A in water. The following seven physio-chemical phenomena of chemical pollutants occurred in water: dry deposition from the upper atmosphere, dry and wet deposition from the lower atmosphere, erosion, emission, outflow from mouth of a river, elution into the water, sedimentation; however, deposition from the atmosphere to Lake Biwa is excluded. dMwtpt dt Cptu *Vptdd Cptd * (Vptdd Vptwd ) * Srv Msl * Rsl * ((1 Esl ) * Hsl) Gss Qwt * Css Kss * Mss * (Cwtsat Cwt ) Vssdep* Mss 5. (A.4) Hwt Msdpt (mol): gross mass of A in sediment. The following two physio-chemical phenomena of chemical pollutants occurred in sediment: sedimentation of chemical pollutants with suspended solids, elution of chemical pollutants into the liquid phase in the sediment. dMsdpt Vssdep* Mss Ksd * Msdpt* (Cwtsat Csdlq) dt Hwt (A.7) 21 Table 1 Parameters used in the OBMM calculations and their abbreviations. Abbreviations Parameter Value - G,ar emission to atmosphere G,sl emission to soil G,ss emission to sediment Gwt,lq emission to water Cpt,u calculated concentration in upper atmosphere Cpt,d calculated concentration in lower atmosphere Cpt,in calculated concentration in inflow atmosphere C,ss calculated concentration in suspended solids C,wt calculated concentration in sediment Cwt,lq calculated concentration in water Cwt,sat set value for concentration of saturated solution in the liquid phase S,sl set value for soil area 7.35x10-9 m2 S,wt set value for water area 8.63x10-8 m2 S,rv set value for river area 2.08x10-6 m2 H,sl set value for soil depth 5.0x10-2 m H,wt set value for river depth 3m DH,sd sediment depth variation R,sl set value for soil particle density 2.30E-03 E,sl set value for soil voidage 5.0x10-1 Sit,sl set value for soil moisture content 2.5x10-1 Sit,sd sediment moisture content 1.4x10-1 Q,ar air inflow Q,wt set value for water inflow 298 m s -1 Ro,sl set value for outflow rate of soil particle 8.70 m s -1 R,of set value for outflow water volum 4.20 m s -1 Vpt,wd wet deposition rate Vpt,dd dry deposition rate 1.00x10-2 m s -1 Vss,dep sedimentaiton rate of suspended particle 7.13x10-6 m s -1 K,sl solution rate to the liquid phase in soil K,ss solution rate to the liquid phase in water K,sd solution rate to the liquid phase in sediment Kw,tsd diffusion rate from water body to sediment - 3 22 Table 2 Chemical properties of each chemical required for the OBMM calculations Chemical Property Units Molecular Weight Da Henry`s Co-efficient atm m3 mol-1 Vapor Pressure atm Distribution Co-efficient log (POW) Dissolution Co-efficient g L-1 Diffusion Co-efficient (Atmosphere) m2 s -1 Diffusion Co-efficient (Water) m2 s -1 Half-life (Atmosphere) hours Half-life (Soil) hours Half-life (Water) hours Half-life (Sediment) hours 23 Appendix B Fig. 5 Calculated concentration data for soil, water, and sediment. 24 Appendix C Table 4 List of PRTR chemicals possessing 1) Non-decreasing concentration trends, 2) Highest averaged calculated concentrations, and 3) Occur in multiple environmental media. 25 Table 5 List of PRTR chemicals possessing 1) Non-decreasing concentration trends, 2) Highest averaged calculated concentrations, and 3) Occur in only one environmental medium. PRTR No. *CAS No. *Chemicals Name AAAAAA *Molecular Weight (Da) Atmosphere (1 out of 4 media) 11 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 44.1 63 1330-20-7 Xylene 106.2 224 108-67-8 Mesitylene 120.2 225 95-53-4 o-Toluidine 107.2 269 117-84-0 Di-N-Octyl phthalate 390.6 Soil (1 out of 4 media) 53 2593-15-9 Echlomezol 247.5 126 82692-44-2 Benzofenap 431.3 152 2310-17-0 Phosalone 367.8 271 3648-21-3 Di-N-Heptyl phthalate 362.5 252.7 Water (1 out of 4 media) 222 75-25-2 Tribromomethane 227 108-88-3 Toluene 254 123-31-9 Hydroquinone 110.1 322 89269-64-7 Ferimzone 254.3 330 3766-81-2 Fenobucarb 207.3 92.1 26 Table 6 PRTR chemicals considered in this study with decreasing concentration trends. 27 28 29 30 31 32