Snoqualmie Valley School District Summer School 2015 Course Descriptions Language Arts The purpose of the Language Arts Summer School Program is to provide remedial support and prepare students for demonstrating grade level skills that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Language Arts for Elementary School Students 1st Kindergarten to Grade and Early Elementary Grades During Summer School, students will receive systematic phonics instruction to improve their early reading skills. Students will practice their just "just right" reading level to improve fluency and comprehension. Skill instruction will include: Phonics and Word Analysis Skills Responding to Questions about Key Details Retelling Stories Identifying Literary Elements – Character, Setting, Plot Intermediate Elementary Grades Skill instruction will include: Fluency - Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Determine a theme of a text Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated Page 1 Snoqualmie Valley School District Summer School 2015 Course Descriptions Language Arts for Middle School Students Within this small learning environment, students will improve their reading and writing skills necessary to be successful at the next grade level. In an effort to track student progress, students will intentionally develop a growth plan while working in targeted areas for improvement. Skill instruction will include: Produce clear and coherent writing Understand and apply the steps of the writing process including prewriting, drafting, revising editing, and publishing Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts Engage in a variety of skill-based lessons Focus on comprehension strategies Build vocabulary Begin literary analysis using the “Structured Writing” approach Page 2 Snoqualmie Valley School District Summer School 2015 Course Descriptions Mathematics The purpose of the Math Summer School Program (grades K-8) is to is to provide remedial support and prepare students for demonstrating grade level skills that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Math for Elementary School Students Kindergarten Instruction will be based on the Envisions Step Up to First grade. This will include a review and preview of skills the students will need to be successful in first grade. Review of numbers to 100 Review/Introduction of Addition to 10 Introduction to subtraction First Grade Instruction will include review of topics covered in first grade as well as supplemental materials. Addition and Subtraction within Groups of 20 Word Problems Place Value to the Tens Place Early Elementary Students will be placed in class based on instructional need. Addition and Subtraction with and without regrouping, to 3 digits Place Value to 10,000 Multiplication and Division Foundational Skills Math Facts 0-10 Fraction Concepts – What is a fraction, finding equivalence, and fraction models Intermediate Elementary Students will be placed in class based on instructional need. Use the four operations (+, -, x, /) with whole numbers to solve problems. Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers. Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Understand decimal notation for fractions, and compare decimal fractions. Page 3 Snoqualmie Valley School District Summer School 2015 Course Descriptions Math for Middle School Students Students who have finished their grade level math course will receive additional common core instruction and practice to further develop their math skills. Instruction will include review of topics covered in their grade level as well as background and enrichment materials. Technology will be used to supplement and individualize each child’s instruction and assist in tracking their progress. There will be an intentional focus on using the Mathematical Practices. Grade 6 Common Core 6 curriculum focuses on basic number sense concepts and doing operations with fractions. The study of ratio concepts and proportional relationships is a major focus. Students are to find common factors and multiples. They are to understand expressions and write and solve one-variable equations and inequalities. In Geometry, students will study area, surface area, and volume. Probability and statistics topics are developed. The summer school course outcome is to better prepare students for Common Core 7. There will be a heavy focus on understanding operations with rational numbers and using math properties. Grade 7 Common Core 7 curriculum solidifies the student’s ability to analyze proportional relationships and use them to represent real-world applications and numerical and algebraic expressions and equation. Students will draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe relationships between them. Geometrical tasks include identifying angle measure, area, surface area, and volume. Probability and statistics topics are developed. The summer school course outcome is to better prepare students for Common Core 8. There will be a heavy focus on understanding operations with rational numbers and integers and using math properties. Grade 8 The focus of the Common Core 8 curriculum is working with expressions, equations, and functions. Additionally, students study congruence and similarity as it relates to Geometry and solve real-world problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres. Students learn to apply the Pythagorean Theorem and explore the idea of using numbers that are not rational and how they can be approximated by rational numbers. Probability and statistics topics are developed. The summer school course is designed to better prepare students for Algebra in the ninth grade. There will be a heavy focus on operations with rational numbers, integers, and using math properties. Additionally, there will be great emphasis on understanding linear algebra. Page 4