Weekly Curriculum Activity Template ECED 4262 Muzio Student Name Candice Dalrymple Date September 27, 2012 Activity Name Seasonal Apple Trees Curriculum Area Life Science Grade Level 2nd Grade GPS Content Standard S2L1. Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms. b. Relate seasonal changes to observations of how a tree changes throughout a school year. Characteristic of Science S2CS4. Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. c. Describe changes in the size, weight, color, or movement of things, and note which of their other qualities remain the same during a specific change. Objective of the Activity Safety Precautions Students will be to identify the changes in apples trees due to seasonal changes. Students will identify things about the trees that changes as well as what stays the same. none Materials needed Day 1: “Apple Tree! Apple Tree! “ By Mary Blocksma Fall Winter Day 2“The Seasons of Arnold’s Apple Tree” by Gail Gibbons Spring Summer Light blue construction paper 2 per student Brown construction paper 2 per student Labels (summer, fall, winter, spring) Tissue paper: fall yellow, orange, brown, green spring light green, light pink, hot pink summer: dark green and red cotton balls Teacher Directions Teacher will: Read story Ask students to name the changes in the trees and to identify what stayed the same Student Directions Write student responses on chart paper, graphic organizer, or white board Have students fold brown construction paper in half. Have students trace their hand and arm on the brown paper (shape of tree). have students cut out each traced tree shape have student glue the brown pieces onto the light blue construction paper Allow students to create one seasonal tree at a time before going to the next. Give students the labels of the seasons one at a time and have them glue it at the bottom of their tree Students will: Listen to story Identify changes in the trees Fold brown construction paper Trace hands and arm on brown construction paper Cut and glue trees onto blue construction paper Glue seasons at the bottom of the tree