DAF Measure 5 Local Area Co-ordination Factsheet

Dormant Accounts Fund
Fact Sheet
Measure 5 Local Areas Co-Ordination (Disability Services)
Purpose of the
The fund is administered under the 2001 Dormant Accounts Act, together
with the Unclaimed Life Assurance Policies Act 2003 and the Dormant
Accounts (Amendment) Act 2012 and is under the statutory functions of
the Minister of the Environment, Community and Local Government with
effect from the 1st January 2013.
Monies may be disbursed in accordance with the Part 6 of the 2012 Act,
only for the purposes of programmes or projects to assist
1) The personal and social development of persons who are
economically or socially disadvantaged
2) The educational development of persons who are educationally
disadvantaged or
3) Persons with a disability
Total Budget
available for
allocation to
Who is eligible
to apply?
Who is not
eligible to
Non-Statutory Bodies or organisations funded under Sections 38 and
39 of the Health Act 2004
Community Organisations with a legal structure
Statutory Bodies
For profit organisations
Single organisation applicant
The HSE can only be partner to an application, not a lead Partner.
Organisations that do not have a separate legal entity
Priority will be given to proposals which:
 Are innovative and complementary to existing statutory and nonstatutory services
 Demonstrate a mainstreaming approach utilising socially inclusive
community-based settings and activities.
 Demonstrate a partnership approach to the delivery of their actions and
that have been developed collectively using local expertise and
Actions or
engaging local communities will be prioritised.
Have the potential for being replicated in other locations and regions.
While Local Area Co-ordination covers all of the activities described
below, for the purpose of this Measure proposals will be considered
which prioritise a subset of eligible actions.
At an individual level within the local area: Provide information and advice;
 Provide advocacy support, promote self- advocacy and put
individuals in contact with statutory / advocacy services;
 Support self – direction and individual planning, by supporting
individuals to identify goals, strengths and needs;
 Develop relationships with individuals and their families and work
with them to develop practical solutions to meeting their personal
goals and needs, utilising their personal (natural support) networks
and community networks;
 Support individuals to achieve greater choice and control in their
 Support individuals to gain access to the supports and services
required to meet their goals, including access to mainstream
 Assist individuals and families to develop networks and support
each other;
 Support individuals to actively engage in the community.
Measure Level
Outputs and
At a local community level: Build relationships with statutory and non-statutory service
providers across a range of essential services, including health,
education, social protection, local government and transport;
 Build relationships with the local business community;
 Encourage and support the development of local partnerships,
contributing to connecting and integrating services at a local level;
 Raise community awareness and actions that will actively include
people with disabilities and autism;
 Work with community, sports, cultural and youth organisations to
develop their capacity to include people with disabilities and autism
in their activities.
Under each Measure of the Dormant Accounts Fund an indicative list of
potential Measure Level outputs and outcomes have been identified. All
project proposals are expected to identify potential outputs and outcomes
which will be achievable during the grant period and will be reported on at
the end of the project. In identifying what positive changes that may occur
as a result of your project proposal it is anticipated that you would consider
the indicative list below and identify how your project proposal may
contribute to the achievement of one or more of these.
 Number and type of agencies, networks and community groups
engaged with (set list of types)
 Number and breakdown of individual clients (breakdown by category of
e.g. parent/guardian; community or statutory worker; family member;
person with disability)
 Numbers and types of interventions by co-ordinator
 Perceived improvement in level of control/choice.
 Demonstrated increase in community participation.
Based on simple questionnaire for co-ordinators to administer to all
individual clients/families 2 months after initial contact
of the
under this
The proposer(s) – applicant must have a legal status. Where an
application is received from a partnership, it will be necessary for the
partnership to nominate a lead organisation which will accept
contractual responsibility for the proposal.
The partnership should have a county-wide or regional remit
The target cohort for this Measure does not include people whose
primary disability is mental health, or people over the age of 65 with
age-related disabilities
Project proposals can cover two or more Community Healthcare
Organisation areas however not more than one grant will be allocated
in any one CHO area
Project proposals must contact the nominated HSE person for the
target area within your proposal in advance of applying and details
must be included on your application form.
Local Area Co-ordination Project Proposals must include the
appointment of one or more Local Area Co-ordinators. The Local
Area Co-ordinator must engage with a cross-section of children and
adults with intellectual, physical and sensory disabilities, or autism, and
their families
Project proposals must clearly demonstrate a partnership/consortium
approach, single organisation applications will not be eligible to
Proposals must be additional to their organisation’s core, work and
activities, and funding must not be requested as a substitute for
mainstream government funding. This is funding for once of initiatives
and distinct pieces of work
Successful applicants must ensure that any publicity documentation or
press release or similar announcement should include
acknowledgement of the source of the funding i.e. the Department of
the Environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG),
Department of Health and the Dormant Accounts Fund 2015
What is the
period of time
for a project
How much can
I apply for?
How many
are there likely
to be?
Eligible Costs
A detailed job description for the Local Area Co-ordinator
including employment arrangements must be submitted with the
 Grants will be awarded on the basis that the funding will cease at the
end of the project period and the outcome of the projects evaluated
 No commitment will be given by the DOH or HSE to any continuation
funding of any successful applications and applicants must take
account of this. Unless applicants can provide a guarantee of
continued support project proposals should be based on providing
time-limited services to clients rather than providing continuous
18 months
Successful applicants will be required to enter into a grant agreement no
later than 24th December 2015. Grant Agreements will have a maximum
end date of the 30th June 2017
Minimum amount of grant that can be sought: €50,000
Maximum amount of grant that can be sought: €100,000
It is anticipated that approximately 5-7 pilot project proposals will be
approved for funding.
Indicative list of eligible costs:
 Salary costs, including recruitment, which must be no greater than
the Department of Health Consolidated Salary Scales
 Venue /Room hire
 Staff Travel and Subsistence
 Training / facilitation fees
 Publicity and Advertising
 Indirect Overhead costs are eligible for Community and Voluntary
Organisations only; a flat rate of 5% of the total direct cost will
All costs included in applications must relate directly to the implementation
of the project proposal and be clearly verifiable
Ineligible costs Indicative List of ineligible costs:
Building or refurbishment Costs
Redundancy Costs
Organisation Core Costs, including salary and overheads which
are not as a direct result of the implementation of the DAF project
Retrospective Costs – activities that has already been undertaken
prior to the date of the project.
Costs not directly related to the project
Relevant Acts,
Policies and
The Dormant Accounts Act 2001
The Unclaimed Life Assurance Policies Act 2003
The Dormant Accounts (Amendment) Acts 2005 to 2012
Public Procurement Guidelines – Competitive Process 22-11-2010
Equality Status Act 2000
National Disability Strategy ( Department of Justice & Equality)
National Disability Strategy Implementation Plan 2013-2015
(Department of Justice and Equality)
Value for Money and Policy Review of Disability Services in Ireland
(Department of Health)