Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy
Azer Badalov
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
Renewable energy
o Important and useful energy recourse in the world
o Water going through turbine, dynamo spins
o Cheap
o Easy to look after
o 20% of world electricity
o 90% of renewable electricity
o Blades, spin dynamo inside the turbine
o Cheap, easy to run and look after
o Less generation of electricity, than offshore ones
o Offshore- expensive and hard to look after
o Energy from sun
o Produces electricity
o Solar cells
o Conversion of solar energy
o Semiconductors
o Compact
o Biomass
o Convert to energy
o Plants
o Burning
o Carbon Dioxide
o Heat
o Underground
o Energy
Why it is important?
o Environmentally friendly
o More jobs
o Energy security
o Economical benefits
What are some restrictions?
o Funding
o Care
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
Renewable Energy in Azerbaijan
State Agency of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources was created under
The Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan by the president of Azerbaijan, on July 16,
2009. Agency has 25 employees. Also agency includes to department and one
 The Department of Strategic Development of the Investment Projects and
 The Department of Production and Promotion of Alternative and
Renewable Energy Sources
 The Sector of Introduction and Implementation of New Technologies
“State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources of the republic of
Azerbaijan” work on different aspects of development of usage of renewable
energy in Azerbaijan. All of these topics are below
1. Strategic development
a. Establishment of state projects
b. Communication/Organization
c. State strategy
d. Development of proposed projects
e. Work with international organizations/projects
2. Communication
a. Website
b. Database
c. Bulletins/booklets/news
d. Organization of seminars and events
e. Both internal and international relations
f. Management
3. Training
a. Organization of trainings
4. Finance and Management
a. Development of financial proposals for projects
b. Management of Agencies budget
c. Development of draft Law proposals
d. Creating quality management
5. License
a. Gives permission to carry out a project in given sector or region of
6. Measuring/ Monitoring
a. Discovering Renewable energy sources
b. Discovering territories
c. Analyzing technologies
d. Conducting projects
7. Environment
a. Ensuring safety of environment
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
State Agency conducts projects and works with both international and internal
organizations, Governments (international), business small, medium and large.
Programs & Projects
With Azerbaijani Government
Name of Project
Amount of
Pirakushkul Wind 110
Hovsan Gas
Absheron Solar
Sea Wind Park
power plant
165 million
75 million
87,5 million
250 million
80 million
Azerbaijan Gov.
KFW Bank
Azerbaijan Gov.
Azerbaijan Gov.
Azerbaijan Gov.
Private investor
Azerbaijan Gov.
Private Investor
With the European Government
Azerbaijani Government and European Union are strong patterns in
energy and other sector. Azerbaijan and EU are working on many projects. One
of the main project that they are working on is building of a pipe that connect
Azerbaijan with Europe, providing a major transit route for Gas and Oil. After the
establishment of State Agency European Union started and still continues
supporting the program that is founded by Azerbaijani Government for “the
increased use of alternative and renewable energy sources.”
With KWF (German State Owned Bank)
1. Help to Energy sector
a. Credit: 61 million Euros
b. Future Expectations: 130 million Euros
c. Cooperation with state agency
d. Cooperation on future projects in sector of renewable energy
2. KFW’ involvment in development of alternative energy projects
a. Demand
i. The ability to meet the energy needs of up to 2,000 MW
In addition to the lack of energy demand by 2018
b. Regulations
i. Alternative Energy Law
ii. Tariff
iii. back pay
iv. network code
c. technical grounds
i. data collection
ii. Network (internal and external)
iii. efficiency
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
1. Increasing Energy Security efficiency
2. Support of development in Energy sector
With Caspian Technology
1. Built-in devices
a. Vestas V52 wind turbine type: 2 x 850 kW = 1.7 MW
b. 2 pieces of 63 meters, allowing all parameters to measure wind
wind measurement qursusu
2. The location of the area: the Baku-Guba highway 55 kilometrliyi
3. Infrastructure maintenance: Very good
4. Project implementation period: 8 months
5. Pilot project of 35 kW of power line network that is constantly providing
green energy.
With Alten Group
1. Small Hybrid stations
2. Small Biogas generators
3. Biomass and biogas programs
Image Below show Wind map of Azerbaijan and Solar map of Azerbaijan
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
Gobustan Polygon
General Information
Further development of renewable energy sources will help in
achieving new levels of energy security. Oil and gas reserves will not
be available forever, so the countries involved in the oil and gas
production from fossil fuels, are limited to energy sources that can
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
run out, that why this countries must promote sustainable
development of alternative energy sources.
As the potential of renewable and alternative energy are rich in
Azerbaijan Republic. President of Azerbaijan has created under the
Ministry of Industry and Energy “the State Agency on Alternative and
Renewable Energy Sources”, so that much of this potential could
become reality.
In addition, there is a favorable natural condition for the
development of renewable energy sources in Azerbaijan. First of all,
there is a high potential for wind power, especially on the Absheron
Peninsula. Wind speed year-round 3 - 7 m / s which is perfect for a
wind generators. Azerbaijan has 260-280 sunny days wich is
considered to be effectivly useful for solar energy. With the
government of Azerbaijan State Agency has developed an
experimental hybrid, thi shybry station will produce 5.5 MW of
power and will supply electricity to the city of Gobustan, the wind
power plants will produce 2.7 MW, the solar panels will produce 1.8
MW and the bio-gas plant will produce 1.1 MW,
The overall goal is
The overall objective of this station is to be the direction for the
development of renewable and alternative energy sources, and will
Azer Badalov
M5B Personal Project
serve as a good example of sustainable development renewable
energy in developing countries.
In the production of renewable energy will provide the following:
Reduction of CO2
Protection of the environment.
Improve the level of health care.
An independent power supply.
Main goals of this Hybriid station are:
The creation of renewable energy.
Not only for Azerbaijan , a good example for the entire region
Modern training center.
Independent Control Center and the smart use of network systems.
Testing of new technologies in the field of renewable and alternative.
enegry .
to educate students and others on how to work with technologies
involved in the sector of renewable and alternative enegy.
This Station uses differen combination of a variety of renewable and
alternative sources
Wind power - 2.7 MW Solar power - 1.8 MW
Bio - gas plant - 1.1 MW
The use of heat pumps