CALM SITE DESCRIPTION FORM SITE NAME: Mentasta Fen, Wrangell – St. Elias National Park and Preserve, Alaska PRIMARY RESEARCHERS: Chris Arp (USGS Alaska Science Center), Trey Simmons (NPS Central Alaska Inventory and Monitoring Network SITE LATITUDE/LONGITUDE: N 62° 33.097’ W143° 22.385’ NAD83 SITE ELEVATION (mean elevation above sea level, meters): 1000 masl SITE SLOPE AND ASPECT: 3%, southwest GEOMORPHOLOGICAL (landform) DESCRIPTION OF AREA CONTAINING SITE: Valley toe-slope to valley bottom boreal lowlands with organic-rich soils overlying glacial deposits, glaciofluvial outwash, and lacustrine deposits (Ecotype: boreal lowland tussack – scrub bog) SOIL DESCRIPTION (predominant texture, i.e., ‘sand’, ‘gravel’, ‘peat’, etc.): Moderate thickness organic-rich horizon and peat overlying lacustrine clay, glacial and glaciofluvial deposits. Typic Historthels, Terric Hemistels, Typic Aquorthels, Typic Fibristels. PERMANENT TEMPERATURE AND/OR MOISTURE INSTALLATIONS (probes, recorders, sensors, etc.); INCLUDE ANNUAL AVERAGE VALUES/RANGES WHEN POSSIBLE: 4-channel temperature loggers (HOBO U12 with HOBO TMC6-HD temperature sensors) installed to 10, 50, 100, 150 cm depth logging at 4 hr intervals. Shallow well installed with pressure transducer (HOBO U20-001) to record water level and temperature at 4 hr interval. CLOSEST CLIMATE STATION (name, lat./long.); INCLUDE MONTHLY AIR TEMP. AND SNOW DEPTH FOR YEARS OF CALM MEASUREMENTS: Nearest long-term station is Slana Airport Alaska (N 62° 42’ 00’’, W143°58’48’’ at 730 masl). Recent station located at this CALM site since May 2009. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Grid (1 hectare) AL measurements on 09 September 2009 in cm are: Mean = 50.5, SD = 11.1, Min = 30, and Max = 85 No soil or climate monitoring data available for this period. 2/97 KMH