Weekly Parent Letter for September 8

Weekly Parent Letter for September 8-11, 2015
Destiny’s Gift
Spelling: Phonics (Long a/ e) *Due to a short week, students will not have a spelling test on Friday.
Reading: Destiny’s Gift - Read pages 78 -100
customers – people who are buying something
block – area between two streets
spreading – putting
afford – able to pay
contacted – talked to
Reading Skills: Understanding characters; antonyms (opposites) ex: open-closed
Writing: Personal Narrative Paragraphs
Grammar: Fragmented Sentences: ( Lives on the. ) Complete Sentences: (My best friend likes to dance.)
Run-on Sentences: Ann likes music, she plays the piano.
Ann likes music. She plays the piano.
Math: Students will be arranging numbers in order from least to greatest and greatest to least. Example 132,
148, 169 and 169, 148, 132. We will be writing numbers in word form and standard form. Example- Two hundred
eighty four and 284. We will also continue subtracting with borrowing.
The first stage in the growth of many plants is the seed.
When a small plant breaks out of the seed , we say the seed germinates.
A young plant can also be called a seedling.
Seed parts include stored food, seed coat, seedling.
Plants get their energy from sun.
Plants get their green color from chlorophyll.
The food making process in plants is called photosynthesis.
The food the plant makes that is good to eat is a kind of sugar.
During photosynthesis, plants make oxygen for us to breathe.
Label the parts of the seed. (seed coat, tiny plant, and stored food)
Social Studies: The Low Country of South Carolina
*The land is flat and low.
*It is the region closest to our ocean.
* It is made up of the coast and the coastal plain.
*The coast is along the ocean.
*Most of the coast is sandy, white beach.
*The Grand strand is South Carolina’s longest beach. It is 55 miles long.
*The coastal plain is an area of flat land between the coast and the middle of the state.
*Climate is the kind of weather an area usually has.
*Summers in the low country are usually hot.
*Winters are usually cool.
*Islands that protect the coast from the ocean are called barrier islands.
*Some areas on the coast are called wetlands, marshes, swamps.
wetlands – covered by water most or all of the time
marshes – grasslands covered with water
swamps – like a marsh but has trees
* Some areas on the coastal plain have forest and grasslands. These areas are usually somewhat dry.
*The Low Country forests and grasslands provide habitats for many animals.
*A habitat is a home for wildlife.