DRAFT MINUTES LAFP BOARD MEETING Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse, New Orleans, LA August 5, 2015- 6:30 pm ROLL CALL Melvin Bourgeois , MD - President Brian Elkins, , MD – President-Elect James Taylor, MD – Vice-President Chris Foret, MD - Secretary Michael Harper, MD – Immediate Past President Derek Anderson, MD – Speaker/GA Daniel Jens, MD Vice Speaker, District 2 Director Mary Coleman, MD – District 1 Director William Woessner, MD – District 1 Alt. Director Jack Heidenreich, MD – District 3A Director Ricky Jones, MD – District 4 Director Richard Bridges, MD – Distict 6B Alt. Director Jason Fuqua, MD – District 7 Director Jody George, MD – District 7 Alt. Director Kiesha Harvey, MD – Resident Delegate James Campbell, MD – AAFP Alternate Delegate Guests Present: Mark Dawson, MD – LAFP LSBME Representative Kim Gassie, Blue Cross Blue Shield LA Wayne Gravois, MD Kenny LaBorde Ed Martin, MD Staff Present: Ragan LeBlanc, Executive Vice President Lee Ann Albert, Education and Membership Director Clay Coco, Marketing and Events Coordinator Mary Ducote, Administrative Assistant Bilee Yelverton, Lobbyist CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Dr. Bourgeois at 8:20 PM. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Board reviewed the minutes from the March 5, 2015 Board meeting. The following motion was adopted by unanimous consent of the Board: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT THE MARCH 5, 2015 MINTUES BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. CARRIED. THE MOTION Board Meeting August 5 2015 Page 2 of 6 REPORTS President’s Report Dr. Melvin Bourgeois provided the Board with an update on the activities of the LAFP Board of Directors over the past year. He also stated that a copy of his report was included in the meeting packet. Secretary’s Report Dr. Chris Foret referred the Board to the copy of his report in the meeting packet. Executive Director’s Report Ms. LeBlanc introduced the LAFP staff to everyone in attendance. She reviewed the registration numbers for Annual Assembly. She also noted that all exhibit booths were sold for a total of 56 exhibitors. Also, she reviewed the sponsorships and grant funding received for the meeting. AAFP Delegate Report Dr. James Campbell referred the board to a copy of the report included in the meeting packet. He stated that he did not have anything additional to add. OPERATIONS COMMITTEE/TREASURER’S REPORT Ms. LeBlanc noted that the Profit Loss Statement is included on pages 23-27 of the meeting packet. Ms. LeBlanc noted that there is $108,638.34 in income with outstanding expenses to date for 2015. The LAFP account holdings are $295,659.19 as of August 7, 2015. Ms. LeBlanc referred the members to a copy of the audit report included in the meeting packet. She asked that if the board did not have any additional questions, she would need the board to approve the financials. The following motion was approved by unanimous consent: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT THE PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FOR 2014, THE PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT FOR 2015, THE CURRENT ACCOUNT HOLDING AND THE 2014 AUDIT REPORT BE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. THE MOTION CARRIED. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Dr. James Taylor reviewed the slate of nominees that would be submitted during the General Assembly for 2015-2016. He stated that all positions had been filled except on vacancy on the LAFP Foundation Board in the lay member category. The following motion was approved by unanimous consent: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT JUSTIN ANGELLE BE NOMINTED AS LAY MEMBER TO THE LAFP FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS. THE MOTION CARRIED. Dr. James Taylor thanked the board for their input for the 2016 slate. LEGISLATIVE AND MEMBERSHIP ISSUES COMMITTEE REPORT Dr. James Taylor gave an overview of the 2015 legislative session and thanked Ms. Yelverton for assisting with assembling the legislative monitoring report. He noted that the membership was engaged Board Meeting August 5 2015 Page 3 of 6 through VoterVoice and informed the board how the system was very instrumental in providing background information on each bill and ultimately useful to defeat or persuade votes on several bills during the session. EDUCATION COMMITTEE REPORT Members were referred to report included in the packet as reference of the work of the committee over the past year. RESIDENT STUDENT LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Ms. Albert gave an overview of participation of student and resident members. She also provided an update on National Conference as well as the current delegate listing. She noted that the committee would like to establish a Resident Leadership Award and that a resolution would be brought to the floor of the General Assembly for a full vote. Residency Programs Report Members were referred to the board packet for the Residency Program Directors’ Reports. Family Medicine Department Chairs’ Report Members were referred to the board packet for the Medical School Department Chairs’ Reports. OLD BUSINESS FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE Ms. Albert provided an update from FOP President Darrell Basco regarding LAFP members becoming Lodge physicians. The Board requested a listing of the Lodges throughout the state be obtained and provided to the membership. AAFP POLICY ON GUN CONTROL Resolution 1: Background Checks and Education for Patients Regarding Guns Safety Dr. Derek Anderson provided an overview of the wording of Resolution 1 regarding background checks and education for patients regarding gun safety. He stated that there were some issues with the resolution directing legislators to pass legislation and suggested that the resolution be amended on the floor of the General Assembly. Dr. Taylor voiced his concerns as well regarding the difference of position of the LAFP and what the resolution was asking. He suggested that new language be proposed for the resolution to mirror the LAFP’s position on the issue. The issue was discussed with the Board and Dr. Jens agreed to work with Dr. Taylor on language before the assembly meeting. NEW BUSINESS GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING The board reviewed the follow-up actions from the 2014 General Assembly meeting that would be submitted to the membership during this years’ meeting. The following motion was approved by unanimous consent: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPORT BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. THE MOTION CARRIED. Board Meeting August 5 2015 Page 4 of 6 GUEST SPEAKERS Ms. LeBlanc informed the board that Representative Abraham was scheduled to address the General Assembly. GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION 2: RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE The Board reviewed the resolution and offered no revisions. RESOLUTION 3: ESTABLISH A RESIDENT AWARD OF EXCELLENCE The Board reviewed the resolution and recommended that the wording be revised to include the LAFP Foundation as the entity that would establish the award. RESOLUTION 4: DUES INCREASE FOR ACTIVE, INACTIVE AND SUPPORTING MEMBERSHIP The Board reviewed the resolution and offered no revisions. RESOLUTION 5: LATE TERM ABORTIONS The Board reviewed and discussed the language of the Resolution 5. The Board recommended that they had no revisions to the resolution at this time and should be debated on the floor of General Assembly. RESOLUTION 6: RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF VACCINATIONS AND IMMUNIZATIONS IN LOUISIANA The Board reviewed the resolution and recommended that the wording be revised to remove the first resolved. RESOUTION 7: MEDICAL AND RECREATIONAL USE OF MARIJUANA The Board reviewed the resolution and offered no revisions. RESOUTION 8: NURSE PRACTITIONERS The Board reviewed the resolution and offered no revisions. REVIEW OF POLCIES TO SUNSET: BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORT A The board reviewed the current LAFP policies that were scheduled to sunset this year. The board offered one suggested change in the policy regarding mid-level providers that the number of mid-levels a physician should be able to supervise at one time should be changed from 2 to 4. The following motion was approved by unanimous consent: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICIY STATEMENTS BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. STRATEGIC PLAN Ms. LeBlanc gave an overview of the strategic planning meeting held on April 11, 2015. She referred the board to the full report included in the meeting packet. She informed the board that the report would be presented to the General Assembly. She also referenced the 2015-2018 goals. She stated that the Board would begin working on the specifics under each goal in the fall and that workgroups may be Board Meeting August 5 2015 Page 5 of 6 formed to carry out some of the work in the plan. The following motion was approved by unanimous consent: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT THE 2015-2018 LAFP STRATEGIC PLAN BE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND INSTALLATION Ms. LeBlanc reminded the members that Awards and Installation will be held on Saturday, August 8 at 12:45 PM and that officer and committee members pictures would be taken. LSBME CHANGES TO PROPOSED RULE – PHYSICIAN PRACTICE AND TELEMEDICINE Ms. LeBlanc referenced the proposed draft of rules that had been published by the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners on telemedicine and physician practices. She asked Dr. Dawson to update the board regarding the rules. Dr. Dawson informed the board that this was the first draft that had been published and that there were some issues with regards to Schedule II medications and how those were to be handled through telemedicine. MEDICAL SCHOOL/MATCH DATE TABLES Ms. LeBlanc told the Board that the 2015 medical school and match data was located in the packet. Dr. Derek Anderson went over the match data and thanked Ms. LeBlanc for all her hard work with this undertaking. LOUISIANA HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 170 Ms. LeBlanc gave an overview of Louisiana House Concurrent Resolution 170 to the Board. She informed them that the LAFP was named to have a representative on the workgroup that would look at health care delivery in the State of Louisiana. She informed them that there was also HCR 129 that was having meetings that just focused on health care delivery in Baton Rouge. She stated that the committee will meet bi-monthly and that the next meetings were scheduled for September 11, November 13, and January 8. The workgroup would have to submit a final report by August 2016 to both the House and Senate Health and Welfare Committee. The workgroup will focus on key five areas that include: 1. Health Financing 2. Health Information Systems 3. Leadership and Governance 4. Workforce Development and Education 5. Service Delivery She stated that she would keep the board informed on the progress of the workgroup and that if members wanted to listen to the meetings they are live broadcasted on the legislature website. AAFP NOMINATIONS/COMMISSIONS - DEADLINE OCTOBER 15, 2015 Ms. LeBlanc reminded the board that anyone who was interested in serving on an AAFP Commission, that the deadline to apply was October 15, 2015. Board Meeting August 5 2015 Page 6 of 6 Conflict of Interest Form Ms. LeBlanc stated that Board Conflict of Interest forms were attached to the back of the meeting packet. She continued by asking that each member sign and return the form to the LAFP office. Updated Roster Dr. Bourgeois informed the Board that an updated Board roster was located in the back of the meeting packet. He asked everyone to review the information for accuracy. ADJOURNMENT Due to there being no more business presented to the Board, the following motion was adopted by unanimous consent of the Board: MOTION (APPROVED) THAT DUE TO THERE BEING NO FURTHER BUSINESS, THE LAFP BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING BE ADJOURNED AT 9:47 PM. MOTION CARRIED. Respectfully submitted, Melvin Bourgeois, MD LAFP President, 2014-2015