10 Tips for Recovery

South Ayrshire Recovery Service
10 Top Tips for Recovery
1. Get into treatment:
If you are not already attending a treatment service, then ask about a referral. Being in
treatment is strongly associated with positive outcomes (i.e. things getting better). Your
Addaction service or GP can refer you. Ask about the options for treatment & stick with
treatment. Dropping out is associated with relapse. For a full list of services in South
Ayrshire, please ask an Addaction project worker.
2. Ask for help:
This recovery journey is much easier if we do it in the company of others. Get help. Asking
for help can be difficult but it will make the road smoother. Find peer based support, a
counsellor, service user groups, a recovery coach, or a support worker. Use their support
and keep using it.
3. Move away from using/ drinking friends:
Friends you have used with or drunk with are not the right kind of support for recovery. Stay
clear of old buddies and find family and friends who are able to support you in recovery.
4. Avoid new romantic relationships early on:
The “love” and infatuation with a new partner can act very like a drug and the relationship
can become the focus of life. This can mean that positive activities, and in particular
recovery orientated, may suffer. When the relationship goes wrong then relapse is a very
real danger.
5. Don’t hang out in old haunts:
Events and places that you associate with drinking or using can be powerful relapse triggers.
There an old recovery saying “if you sit in the barbers chair long enough, you’ll get your hair
cut”. Going into pubs, clubs, concerts or houses where you used or drank before is not
advisable. Even the booze aisle in the supermarket can be dangerous. It’s best to find new
places to go to. In South Ayrshire we have Café Hope and there are many other mutual aid
meetings every night to go to.
6. Avoid testing yourself with a drink or drug:
For most people with serious dependence, being able to go back to controlled using or
drinking is unlikely to be successful and can be dangerous. It is a common thought after a
period of stability but don’t follow it.
7. Don’t isolate:
Isolation is a common trait in people who suffer from addiction. The antidote lies in
connecting to others. That’s what helps many to move forward with their recoveries.
Connecting to others allows us to deal with stress better, we lead happier lives and we both
help and are helped. In one study, just adding one sober person to your social networks
reduced relapse rates by 27%.
8. Get connected to mutual aid:
Hard on the heels of number 7. Get plugged into mutual aid and recovery communities.
Mutual Aid Partnerships (MAP- Addaction services only), Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics
Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous & SMART Recovery are examples of mutual aid groups. If
you go to a 12 step fellowship, get a sponsor, research indicates you are much less likely to
relapse if you do.
South Ayrshire Recovery Service
10 Top Tips for Recovery
9. Find something to do:
Meaningful activity is a predictor of sustained recovery. By that we mean things like
volunteering, getting some qualifications, and undertaking training or getting a job. In
addition we also mean getting to the gym, going swimming, joining a leisure or social group.
Meet regularly with recovery friends and supportive family members. Make plans & keep
10. Deal with stress in healthy ways:
Now that you have stopped using alcohol or illicit drugs, you will need to find healthier ways
to deal with stress. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Solution Focused Therapy, Ear
Acupuncture & relaxation groups are available in Addaction; please ask one of our staff.
In addition, the simple process of setting up a support network and talking about what’s
going on for you can help. Lift the phone rather than lifting a drink or a drug
Local Services & Resources:
Addaction Recovery Service: 0808 178 4549
NHS Addiction Service: 01292 559800
Ayrshire Council on Alcohol (ACA): 01292 281238
Recovery Ayr/ Café Hope: 59 John Street, Ayr (Fridays 5-7pm)
Care & Share (Ayr): Riverside Church, Ayr (Wednesdays 2-4.30pm)
Care & Share (Troon): Lighthouse Church, Ailsa Road, Troon (Tuesdays 2-4pm)
Alternatively ask one of the Addaction team about local services & resources.
South Ayrshire Recovery Service & Next Steps
3 Killoch Place Ayr KA7 2EA
T: 0808 178 4549 E: southayrshire@addaction.org.uk