MindFULLNess - Lisa Morton & Mhairi Cook

MindFULLNess - Early
Project Outline
• North Ayrshire MindFULLNess for Early Years brings
together library resources and families, using educational
apps to help parents/carers to support their child’s learning.
Why MindFULLNess?
• To support very young children and their families to develop digital
• To involve very young children in interactive learning, to improve
their longer term skills, attainment and achievement by giving them
the best possible start.
• Building on the literacy and skills development of Bookbug.
• Continue to build on our digital engagement and develop capacity in
our communities.
Project Delivery
• Four week curriculum covering internet safety/interactive
books, literacy, numeracy and music and art/science and
• Demonstration of apps to parents/carers and then hands-on
session for children.
• Technology includes iPad, iPod touch and Android tablet.
• Early Years Centres Parents’ Groups.
• Primary School Nursery Parents’ Groups.
• Parents/carers targeted through Bookbug sessions
in libraries.
‘This will be great for my wee boy. He’s very visual, and he loves
that water noise’ - parent using the Itsy Bitsy interactive book with
a child with some sensory issues’
‘I'm such a technophobe, but I know I need to learn this to help
my daughter’
‘This is great fun’
‘I cant believe how clear the pictures and sounds are’
‘I have downloaded the library App and a few stories, I am very
happy with them’
‘I downloaded my first app this week’
MindFULLNess - Older
Appy Days
Project Outline
• MindFULLNess brings together library resources and
older people, offering a range of activities to stimulate the
• The project aims to improve health and wellbeing,
increase digital participation and learning opportunities for
older people in North Ayrshire.
Why MindFULLNess?
• Changing demographics in North Ayrshire indicate that by
2018 the number of people of pensionable age will have
increased by 7% and those over 75 by 29.1%.
• We’re conscious that the minds of our residents are
slowing and that reading groups, mental stimulation and
group discussion can alleviate loneliness, mental
deterioration and alleviate feelings of isolation.
Who are the Participants?
• Older learners
• Older people and staff in residential care
homes, sheltered housing units and reached
through our partners for e.g. Alzheimer
• Library staff
• Volunteers – (Computer Buddies, carers,
Project Delivery
•Digital skills workshops delivered in Wi-Fi venues throughout
North Ayrshire.
•Workshops provide opportunities to explore a range of
technology (iPads, iPods, eReaders) and to learn how to access
the library’s online services and use a range of apps.
•Online photograph collection of North Ayrshire (Yesterdays
Project) used as a tool to develop digital skills and stimulate
group discussion and reminiscence.
Next Steps
•Develop a specialist reading group and incorporate
music and poetry.
•Continue to deliver Digital Skills workshops.
•Train Computer Buddies to deliver Digital Skills tuition to
support small groups and individuals.
‘I’m more aware of what’s available in the library service. I really enjoy the group, the
company, relaxing and the socialising.’
‘My son, he knows all this stuff. I’ll be able to tell him I know what he’s talking about.’
‘It’s just great, what you can do. I’d like to communicate with my son in Australia.’
(participant who is now interested in the Computer Buddy Scheme in the library)
‘Seeing the old photos, it puts me in mind of the stories I can tell about them.’
‘It’s been a pleasure hen. You’ve really taught me something today.’
‘They really enjoy it and it’s good for them to get an idea about modern technology
and what it does.’
‘It’s great to see them interacting with modern technology and there’s always at least
one who puts it on their Christmas list!’
Mhairi Cook
Team Leader - Children's Literacies and Arts
Tel: 01294 465591
Lisa Morton
Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator
Tel: 01294 212716