
Story Writing for Kindergarten : All About Me!
Teacher Name: Allie Nowak, Annie Valade, Ariauna Chandler, Anna Kuzma
Student Name:
Concept Map
Writing Activity
Wrote their first and
last name correctly
and had more than
three things about
themselves in their
Attempted to write
first and last name,
but had a few errors.
Only had two or less
things about
themselves in their
Filled in all of the
Filled in majority of
blanks with
the blanks with
appropriate answers. spelling that was
Spelling was
correctly sounded
Spoke clearly to the Mumbled somewhat
class with lots of
during presentations
confidence. During with less confidence.
other students
Seemed somewhat
distracted and not
listened intently with focused on other
no interruptions.
Date Created: Sep 24, 2013 12:08 pm (CDT)
Only wrote first
Did not write their
name and was
name at all and failed
written with multiple to write facts about
errors. Only had two themselves or
or less facts about
attempted to.
themselves in their
Only filled in three or Only filled in two or
less of the blanks and less blanks with the
spelling was not
spelling not
understandable at
Spoke very quietly
and shy about
presenting to class.
Did not show much
respect for other
students during their
Refused to present
to the class and was
very disruptive to
other students
during their
Story Writing for First Grade : All About Me!
Teacher Name: Allie Nowak, Annie Valade, Ariauna Chandler, Anna Kuzma
Student Name:
Concept Map
Wrote their first and
last name correctly and
had more than three
things about
themselves in their
Attempted to write
first and last name, but
had a few errors. Only
had two or less things
about themselves in
their map.
Only wrote first name
and was written with
multiple errors. Only
had two or less facts
about themselves in
their map.
Writing Activity
Wrote more than two
sentences about not
only themselves but
more than two
sentences about what
they have in common
with a classmate.
Wrote two or more
sentences about
themselves and less
than two sentences
about what they have
in common with
another classmate.
Only wrote two or less Wrote two or less
sentences about
sentences about
themselves and two themselves and
or less sentences
failed to write
about a classmate and anything about
wrote nothing about another classmate
what they and the
and what they have
classmate have in
in common with
Spoke clearly to the
class with lots of
confidence. During
other students
presentations, listened
intently with no
Mumbled somewhat
during presentations
with less confidence.
Seemed somewhat
distracted and not
focused on other
Spoke very quietly and Refused to present
shy about presenting to the class and was
to class. Did not show very disruptive to
much respect for
other students
other students during during their
their presentations. presentations.
Date Created: Sep 24, 2013 12:08 pm (CDT)
Did not write their
name at all and
failed to write facts
about themselves
or attempted to.
Story Writing for Second or Third Grade : All About Me!
Teacher Name: Allie Nowak, Annie Valade, Ariauna Chandler, Anna Kuzma
Student Name:
Concept Map
Wrote their first and last
name correctly and had
more than three things
about themselves in their
Attempted to write first
and last name, but had a
few errors. Only had two or
less things about
themselves in their map.
Only wrote first name
and was written with
multiple errors. Only had
two or less facts about
themselves in their map.
Did not write their
name at all and failed to
write facts about
themselves or
attempted to.
Writing Activity
Worked well with partner
to write information about
them. Wrote more than 4
sentences about their
partner with very few
spelling and grammer
Worked well with partner
but got off task somewhat.
Only wrote three or less
sentences about partner
and had multiple spelling
and grammer errors.
Got off task multiple ties Stayed off task the
with partner and failed to whole time, failed to
write three or more
write about partner in
sentences about partner. one or more sentences.
Had many spelling and Majority of assignment
grammer errors.
had spelling and
grammer errors.
Spoke clearly to the class
with lots of confidence.
Spoke about partner the
whole time and did not
stray off topic. During other
students presentations,
listened intently with no
Mumbled somewhat during Spoke very quietly and
presentations with less
shy about presenting to
confidence. Strayed off
class. Felt and looked
topic somewhat,
uncomfortable about
sometimes did not talk
talking about partner.
about partner but majority Did not show much
of presentation was about respect for other
them. Seemed somewhat students during their
distracted and not focused presentations.
on other students.
Refused to present to
the class or only talked
about themselves
during presntations and
not about their partner.
Was very disruptive to
other students during
their presentations.