Index to the QIS 4.02 QIS Classroom Training Materials

Index to the QIS 4.02 QIS Classroom Training Materials
The Classroom Training materials are organized on the website as follows:
QIS Prep
Contains all files for QIS Classroom Training orientation and
Stone Valley Manor
Training Shells
Used by surveyor students who are participating in the QIS
Classroom Training to simulate a QIS within ASE-Q. The shells are
to be downloaded on surveyor students’ tablets prior to the training.
Student Manual
Contains the files trainers need to create the Student Manual and
Instructor Guide.
The Student Manual is used by surveyor students going through the
QIS Course training sequence to become Registered QIS surveyors.
The Student Manual does not include hidden slides or Instructor
The Instructor Guide is the same as the Student Manual except
that any PowerPoint documents are to be printed with hidden
slides and speaker notes. Also use the Instructor Guide cover and
title pages.
Read Before You Assemble Materials or Conduct Classroom Training
1. The Student Manual has been updated to include ASPEN 10.1.5/QIS 4.02 content.
2. Some changes were made to the wording in the slides, while other changes were to the
wording in the speaker notes. The following information or materials have changed:
Kick Off Call
Slide 20 – Removed the number of QCLIs
Slide 21 – Updated graph with current numbers
Slide 29 – Updated description of DAR-SA process
Slide 32 – Updated description of DAR-RO process
Slide 38 – Updated wording related to surveyor qualifications
Slide 40 – Removed reference to NHQ
Slide 51 – Changed QTSO reference to S&C
Slide 52 – Removed contact information for Susan Joslin, updated email address for
Tom Kress
Revised 8-8-13
QIS Classroom Training Prep Logistics
Updated reference to IT Guide to version 4.02 (on page 2)
Deleted statements related to manuals being shipped (on page 3)
Revised the reference to the web-based training by ATG to say, “set date for IT
training with ATG.” (on page 4)
Changed QTSO reference to the S&C website (on pages 2 and 3)
Changed list of Stone Valley Manor shells from A-F to A-E
Stakeholders PPT
Slide 10 – Added SC to list of QIS states and changed total number of QIS states from
26 to 27
Slide 12 – Deleted reference to [Training Group Info]
Slide 13 – Deleted as now duplicate of Slide 12
Old Slide 23/New Slide 22 - Removed number of QCLIs
Old Slide 24/New Slide 23 – Updated graph with current numbers
Old Slide 29/New Slide 28 – Changed reference to QTSO to S&C, delete reference to
the satellite broadcast, added CU Help Desk and CU website
Tab 8 Inserts
Inset #1 – Changed reference to QTSO to S&C
Insert #9 – Updated the alpha list to match the facility census in the Stone Valley Manor
Insert #20 – Activity changed related to the Activity and Abuse questions being updated
Insert #24 – Changed psychotropic med to antipsychotic for all three examples.
Changed the antianxiety med from Pamelor po 25mg TID to Remeron for
increased appetite in the second example and Ativan po q6h prn to Ativan
for sleep in the third example since that is more of a realistic relevant
Insert #25 – Deleted Community D/C section and instructed student to get info from the
insert and from the ASE-Q screen.
Insert #30 – Added an Unnecessary Medication scenario
Insert #31 – Activity changed to bath preference (instead of bath schedule)
Insert #32 – Changed name to Veronica Ramsey and updated the reference from 5
residents and 24 meds observed to 11 meds observed.
Revised 8-8-13
Stone Valley Manor Shells
All the shells were updated to reflect the 10.1.5 changes.
The shells were converted back to a zipped file.
Shell SVM_E was deleted.
Shell SVM_F was renamed to shell E and is now used in Unit 7.
Slide 6 – Changed electronic data entry to embedded forms.
Slide 11 – Deleted slide since the DVD reference is now outdated information.
Unit 1
Slide 6 – Updated screen shot of ASE-Q splash screen to show new version number
Slide 8 – Clarified that the shell may be on the desktop during training.
Slide 16 – Changed the desktop reference to splash screen. Deleted reference to
navigator changing since that is outdated information.
Slide 27 – Added “The curly arrow button has been de-activated and no longer acts as
a “refresh” option.”
Slide 31 – Deleted reference to the “green” completion checkmark since it isn’t green.
Slide 34 – Clarified which surveyors were assigned to each offsite task.
Slide 37 – Changed “We will discuss these further when we get to Unit 2” to “We will
discuss these further when we get to Onsite Prep.” Deleted question on how
to obtain documents on the Entrance Conference since we said we’ll talk
about it later.
Slide 40 – Added instruction to expand the Details and then take a print screen of an
error message.
Slide 47 – Deleted synch addendum instructions.
Slide 50 – Replaced screen shot of TC’s synch screen with a synch screen shot from a
secondary computer.
Unit 2
Slide 10 – Changed “let’s discuss the Entrance Conference” to “let’s discuss the
highlights from the Entrance Conference form.”
Slide 16 – Added “Also requested within 24 hours is a list of residents who requested a
demand bill within the past 6 months.”
Slide 18 – Deleted three goals of Activity 2-1 (i.e., understanding the resident
reconciliation instructions, documenting team meetings, and understanding
the Admission Sample Report) since they aren’t included in the activity.
Slide 19 – Changed the dependency example from Reconciliation and Returned
Resident Lists (since that dependency was removed) to Stage 1 Reports
and Stage 1 Assignments.
Slide 20 – Changed “minimize” to “resize” the Pop-Up Display.
Revised 8-8-13
Slide 21 – Changed from “Pop-Up” to Full Screen” display related to Notes fields.
Slide 22 – Clarified only assigned surveyors must enter something in notes field.
Slide 38 – Added “Do not update your census sample number – just watch the next
couple screen shots.”
Slide 41 – Added instruction to renumber. Updated the screen shot since some names
Slide 43 – Changed the residency status for the first few residents from D/C’d to InFacility since we updated the alpha list to match the number of residents
listed on the screen.
Slide 46 – Deleted “confirm availability.”
Slide 47 – Added instruction to switch to Location only.
Slide 74 – Added that the time estimate is based on a sample of 40.
Unit 3
Slide 13 – Added dignity to the list of care areas that appear under both QCLIs.
Slide 15 – Removed reference to the “green dot” since it isn’t green.
Slide 19 – Clarified answering purposefully different than the activity to demonstrate
Slide 21 – Reminded students to change their response back to Interviewable. Also
changed the ADL section reference to Dressing. Moved review of intent of
questions before the activity.
Slide 27 – Clarified that surveyors are to document the reason an interview was
incomplete (i.e., the resident stopped the interview and couldn’t complete)
under both the relevant finding and Stage 1 Verification screen.
Slides 35, 47 and 58 – Moved the intent of the questions to the beginning of the slide.
Slide 39 – Added the following, “If you determine that you can interview the person,
document the name of the person being interviewed and their relationship to
the resident under the screening question.”
Slide 56 - Added a screen shot of the weight loss program screen.
Slide 57 - Added a screen shot of the weight loss screen. Changed the height from 65”
to 64” to match the activity scenario. Deleted the following statement since
the Tab feature isn’t working, “You can use the Tab key on your keyboard to
navigate to the next field on this screen.”
Old Slide 62/New Slide 63 – Clarified that Darlene is in the Admission Sample.
Old Slide 64/New Slide 65 - Removed statement about Community D/C (i.e., the
facility’s efforts to discharge residents to the community; and the provision of
rehabilitation services for improvement in physical functioning).
Old Slide 66/New Slide 67 - New screen shot without the Community D/C section.
Revised 8-8-13
Old Slides 67 and 68/New Slides 68 and 69 - Removed sentence,” This section has a
series of questions that will help us to identify concerns related to
discharging residents to the community or providing rehabilitation services.”
Updated the screen shot.
Old Slide 69/New Slide 70 – Replaced the screen shot since Section A, Community DC
is gone.
Old Slide 70/New Slide 71 – Replaced screen shot since Section A is gone.
Old Slide 71/New Slide 72 – Replaced screen shot since Section A is gone.
Old Slide 72/New Slide 73 - Added Insert #25, Admission Sample Record Review” to
the slide. Moved the intent of the questions to the front of the slide. Also
included instruction to reference the information on the ASE-Q screen.
Old Slide 76/New Slide 77 – Changed time estimate to a sample of 40.
Old Slide 80/New Slide 81 – Changed to Step 8.
Old Slide 82/New Slide 83 – Added facility task back-up instructions.
Old Slide 83/New Slide 84 – Removed dependency reference.
Unit 4
Moved Old Slide 2 back one slide, after the Lesson 1 Mandatory Facility Tasks
Slide 9 – Removed ‘Use Investigative Probes’ on the Pathway to ‘Use the Pathway’ to
Slide 29 – Added “You should not enter resident names in this field in Stage 1, the
computer will automatically populate names after Transition for the team to
observe during Stage 2 investigations.”
Slide 65 – Changed the wording for the first bullet on the Slide and the Speaker Notes
to reflect the new guidance for this task.
Unit 5
Slide 1 – Added desktop to the location of the SVM_D shell. Added instruction about
merging the fields when importing the SVM_D shell.
Slide 4 – Added an objective to describe and review the data used to calculate the
QCLI Results.
Slide 6 – Fixed font coloring in the header. Slide 7 – Deleted the following statement
regarding the objective of the transition meeting, “and the extent of the QCLI
calculations in relation to the thresholds.”
Slide 10 – Added in notes to discuss numerator, denominator, and threshold for
Slide 11 - Removed “treated roughly by staff,” and inserted “abused either verbally,
physically, or sexually,”
Slide 14 – Added clarifying text to explain when a team should look at the QCLI for a
Care Area that didn’t trigger (e.g., when they question why it didn’t trigger).
Revised 8-8-13
Slide 19 – Deleted instructions regarding moving columns around since it is
unnecessary/not used.
Slide 24 – Updated the screen shot and directions, since MDS QCLIs were recalculated when the shells were updated to 10.1.5 and the MDS QCLI for
ADLs was no longer in the Exceeded category. Added instruction to expand
the first QCLI in order for the students to see the prevalence rate and
Slide 26 – Clarified that the Excluded residents are displayed, it is just their information
that isn’t displayed. Added a new screen shot since the MDS QCLIs are no
longer displayed in the Exceeded category once the shells were updated to
10.1.5. The MDS QCLIs are now displayed under the Did Not Exceed
category. .
Slide 27 – Changed the number of MDS QCLIs under the Did Not Exceed to three and
indicated there were no MDS QCLIs in the Exceeded category. Updated the
reference to say the MDS right pane detail doesn’t show (not that the MDS
info isn’t calculated). Updated the screen shot (same reason as Slide 26).
Changed reference from P-MR to Prev-MR.
Slide 28 – Changed 5/8 date to 1/3/12 to reflect the circled date on the slide.
Slide 29 – Updated the screen shot and text since the old screen shot displayed a
QCLI that was removed.
Slide 30 – Updated the screen shot (same reason as Slide 26).
Slide 31 – Added instruction to complete the transition meeting screen before moving
on to the Transition Reports screen.
Slide 33 – Changed the number of QCLIs associated with ADL from 14 to 7.
Slide 36 – Changed the example to say that Rachel Ride reported the abuse.
Slide 37 – Updated the text to say the team should “discuss” the triggered residents,
(instead of “acknowledge”) and changed the Activities information to say
only one QCLI exceeded the threshold. Added the following statement to
Activities – “Remember, during a survey, you should briefly discuss the
concerns for each resident in the Criteria Met for the QCLIs that exceeded
the threshold.”
Slide 38 – Added the following text to make sure the student can move on to the Stage
2 Assignment screen – “Now, enter a note in each Notes field on the
Transition Meeting screen based on our brief review.”
Slide 47 – Deleted the word “next” when instructing the student to go to the “next” submenu item since Transition Reports is before the Assignments screen.
Slide 49 – Updated the screen shot to show the initiated residents on the right pane.
Added the following statement, “Notice that the initiated residents are on the
right pane listed under Surveyor One.”
Revised 8-8-13
Slide 51 – Added that Admission Sample residents can be displayed under the “No
Stage 1 Surveyor.” Made sure final assignments for Surveyor One included:
Janet Beal, Anna Wiggins and Non-Mandatory tasks. Told the students to
click on Stage 1 Surveyor radio button.
Slide 52 – Deleted reference to importing a new shell in Unit 6 (since we will continue
with shell D).
Unit 6
Slide 1 – Removed instruction to import a new shell (SVM_E) since they can continue
to use SVM_D.
Slide 8 – Changed “probes” to “interpretive guidelines” so speaker notes now say, “You
will use the interpretive guidelines at those F tags for your investigation. For
example, you will use the guidance at tag F280 to investigate Participation
in Care Plan.”
Slide 9 – Added the following statement, “Currently, the CE Pathways are undergoing
revisions so you may encounter two version of the pathways. First, I’ll
review the structure of the pathways that haven’t been revised yet”.
Slide 10 – Added a new slide to discuss the structure of the revised pathways (e.g.,
pressure ulcers).
Old Slide 10/New Slide 11 – Deleted reference to a CE mapping to multiple F tags
since a CE only maps to one tag.
Old Slide 12/New Slide 13 – Updated the reference to the pathways and guidance.
Old Slide 13/New Slide 14 – Deleted the color of the check since it isn’t green.
Old Slide 14/New Slide 15 – Updated text to say there are only two tabs (Resident
Summary and Investigation) for a resident.
Old Slide 16/New Slide 17 – Updated screen shot to show Unnecessary Meds and the
Append Text button.
Old Slide 17/New Slide 18 – Changed the screen shot for the Hospitalization QCLI.
Old Slide 18/New Slide 19 – Told student to click on the Investigation tab to see
Append Text results.
Old Slide 19/New Slide 20 – Updated screen shot to show Unnecessary Meds and the
Append Text button and told student to scroll down to Participation in Care
Old Slide 20 - Deleted the slide because it described the old Stage 2 screens.
Slides 21 thru 45 – Updated with new Stage 2 screen shots.
Slide 21 – Updated the text to reflect the new screen design and added new language
to explain the new screen design for the investigative probes.
Slide 22 – Updated the notes to reflect the new screen design for Stage 2.
Old Slide 23 – Deleted the slide because it described the Investigate Further button.
Revised 8-8-13
Old Slide 24/New Slide 23 - Deleted reference to the Investigate Further button.
Deleted the following since there aren’t multiple investigation tabs any
longer, “The notes you enter into the Investigative Documentation pane will
carry forward from one room to the next. That makes it possible for you to
view all of the documentation for a Care Area throughout your investigation.”
Old Slide 25/New Slide 24 – Deleted reference to the full and condensed CE pathways
since the entire pathway is now displayed.
Old Slide 26/New Slide 25 – Instead of explaining that the Nutrition CA has to be
initiated, we now walk through initiating the CA.
Old Slide 27/New Slide 26 – Deleted the following, “When you are briefly reviewing the
assessment and care plan, you will document that information in the
Assessment and Care Plan rooms in ASE-Q.” Deleted the instruction to
minimize the pathway since they are using the Pop-Up Display feature. Also
added an initial statement to refer to the pathway since it closed when we
initiated Nutrition.
Old Slide 28/New Slide 27 – Changed text to eliminate reference to the Care Plan tab.
Old Slide 29/Slide 28 – Deleted “In the Investigative Documentation pane, you can see
the Assessment and Care Plan documentation you entered on the previous
tabs. Use this information and the probes in the left pane to guide your
observations. The list of probes is longer than will display in the pane, so
you will need to scroll up and down to see the entire list. (Demonstrate this.)
Remember, the list in the left pane is the CE Pathway, so to ensure your
observations are thorough according to the pathway, you should reference
it. Let’s look at the pathway again. (Demonstrate how to maximize or toggle
back to the Dialysis CE Pathway.)”
Old Slide 30/New Slide 29 - Deleted reference to minimize the pathway. Included
instruction to show the date and time stamp functionality.
Old Slides 31 and 32/New Slide 30 – Deleted text related to Investigating Further.
Combined and reorganized the text that used to be on Slides 31 and 32
since we deleted a lot of information regarding the Investigate Further
Old Slide 33/New Slide 31 - Changed text relating to Investigating Further. Deleted
reference to rooms and minimizing the pathways.
Old Slide 34/New Slide 32 – Deleted reference to moving through the rooms, clicking
on the Assessment room and the condensed probes.
Old Slide 35/New Slide 33 – Deleted reference to minimizing the pathway.
Old Slide 39/New Slide 37 – We moved text that used to be on old Slide 39 to new
slide 37.
Old Slide 40 – Deleted since we no longer have a related requirement tab.
Revised 8-8-13
Old Slide 41/New Slide 38 – No change to the slide or speaker note. We reorganized
where the information is presented.
Old Slide 42/New Slide 39 – Deleted reference to the Requirements tab and initiating
tags via that tab.
Old Slide 43/New Slide 40 – Added that the student will have to pin the navigator back
to see the Tags placeholder. Deleted reference to the refresh since it is
Old Slide 44/New Slide 41 – Added a note that compliance decisions will be made in
Lesson 3.
Old Slide 46/New Slide 43 – Deleted reference to reviewing QCLI and RF information
on the Resident Summary tab to the investigative documentation pane.
Updated the text to reflect the new language in the left pane (i.e., no longer
says to review the IG for F280).
Old Slide 47/New Slide 44 – Deleted reference to the Provision of Care room.
Old Slide 48/New Slide 45 – Changed to say only five residents are selected for the
Unnecessary Med review. Added text that says this CA uses the revised
pathway. Also updated the section info for Use and Procedures. Updated
screen shot to show Unnecessary Meds and the Append Text feature.
Old Slide 49/New Slide 46 – Added pharmacy review and/or recommendations to the
slide and deleted reference to the Unnecessary Med button.
Old Slide 50/New Slide 47 - Updated screen shot to show Unnecessary Meds and the
Append Text feature.
Old Slide 51/New Slide 48 – Added a new screen shot of Dining, CE6. Since I added
the Unnecessary Med scenario to Insert #30, the text was updated
referencing to explain the scenario.
Old Slide 54/New Slide 50 – Deleted Unnecessary Meds as one of the care areas we
Old Slide 61/New Slide 58 – Deleted reference to minimizing the pathway since we are
in the Pop-Up Display.
Old Slide 62/New Slide 59 – Added instructions to close the two open screens (View
Stage 1 Info and Pop-Up Display).
Old Slide 63/New Slide 60 – Deleted the drawn in X marks.
Old Slide 65/New Slide 62 – Updated the statement about how to investigate
Old Slide 66/New Slide 63 - Deleted text saying to initiate F246 if call light is out of
reach. Updated screen shot of the Environment since all CEs now have an
N/A option.
Old Slide 78/New Slide 75 – Clarified instruction for how the team meeting activity
should be conducted.
Revised 8-8-13
Old Slide 82/New Slide 79 – Deleted reference to tabs and indicated all investigative
documentation pulls forward with a CE of No. Deleted the example
explaining tab text pulling forward.
Old Slide 87/New Slide 84 – Deleted reference to the pathway being on the compliance
decision screen and new screen shot of the compliance decision screen
without the pathway at the top.
Old Slide 88/New Slide 85 – New screen shot of compliance decision screen. Added a
comment not to demonstrate the N/A for CE2, CE3 and CE4.
Old Slide 89/New Slide 86 – New screen shot of the compliance decision screen.
Old Slide 90/New Slide 87 – New screen shot of the compliance decision screen.
Old Slide 91/New Slide 88 – New screen shot of the compliance decision screen. We
also deleted reference to the care planning tab.
Old Slide 92/New Slide 89 – New screen shot of the compliance decision screen.
Deleted reference to the rooms.
Old Slide 93/New Slide 90 – Deleted reference to the different tabs.
Old Slide 94/New Slide 91 – New screen shot of the compliance decision screen.
Added text about the Append Text button.
Old Slide 95/New Slide 92 - New Screen shot of reg, IG and View Stage 1 info. Moved
text from Old Slide 95 to new Slide 93 that dealt with the completion status
on the Resident Summary tab.
New Slide 93 – Added a brand new screen shot of the Stage 2 screen showing a
completed care area. Moved the text from old Slide 96 about the Resident
Summary screen to this slide and also added text explaining how a care
area completion works on the Stage 2 screen.
Old Slide 96/New Slide 94 – Added Insert 30 and 31 as possible references to answer
the CEs. New screen shot of the Stage 2 screen.
Old Slide 98/New Slide 96 – Removed reference to the tabs. New screen shot of the
compliance decision screen.
Unit 7
Slide 1 – Changed from SVM_F to SVM_E.
Slides 16 – 20, 22, 27, 28 – New screen shot to show Save button on the screen.
Slide 24 – Changed reference from 10 Unnecessary Med reviews to a sample of five.
Slide 37 and 38 – Switched so the Load Cites comes before the Export of the
Completed Survey. Updated the Checklist step references.
Revised 8-8-13