• Describe the object. What does it look like? • What is it used for? Write as many different uses as you can think of. • What are its parts? Think of as many different ways as you can to separate out parts of this object. • What is it similar to? Think of as many different things as you can that this object resembles. • What can it cause? Think of as many different things as you can that this item might possibly cause. • How has this item changed in any way? How has it transformed? Look at it and think to yourself, 'before and after.' What did it used to be in the past? What could it change into in the future? Info. Shot a sentence used in order to add information to a piece of writing. Example: I love my dog. My dog can be described as playful. He is similar to a small horse in size but very gentle and sweet. Two info. Shots used: Defining Characteristic and Synonym Assignment • Your group will be assigned one info. Shot and its accompanying template. • You must create a poster to teach this info. Shot to the class. • Your poster must follow this graphic and include images to illustrate your Info. Shot • Minor Grade Group Example Sentence Title of Info. Shot Template List of Info. Shots Cause/Effect ________ can cause ______. Before/After _______ transforms into ______. Synonym ________ is almost the same as ______. Part/Whole A _______ is part of a ______. Item/Category _______ is a type of _______. Opposites _______is the opposite of ______. Defining Characteristic _____ can be described as____. Object/Function ____ is used for ______. Typical Location _______ is usually located ______. Requirement/Action _____ is required in order to _______. Extreme Degrees _____ is a ______version of ______. (difficult - examples: dog tags are a symbolic version of patriotism) Symbolic or hyperbolic User/Tool ______ uses ______. Tool/Product A _______ is used to create _____. Elaborating on Info. Shots • Sneaky Info. Shot the use of the template pattern sentences, combined into the piece in such a way that the reader doesn’t recognize the original template pattern sentences. Example: I love my playful dog. Although he is nearly the size of a small horse, he is extremely gentle and sweet. Ticket out today • Write two regular info. Shots about the same topic. • Combine the two Info. Shots into one Sneaky Info. Shot