1 Capstone Project Rubrics 2016 Winter/Spring Name: Criteria PROPOSAL Relevance of Content For Ministerial Purposes PROPOSAL Elements PROPOSAL Goals and Objectives Mentor: Exemplary 6 pts Clear, interesting theme related to your ministry of choice. Comprehensive content. Effective use of other resources. Your proposal contains the following elements: 1. Title 2. Project description 3. Project goals 4. Audience description 5. Projected timeline (break-down of the two month implementation) Your proposal identifies its goals and objectives clearly. A digital tool (or tools) is/are specified. Objectives are achievable within the two-month time frame. Follow-up plans after two-month period are clearly outlined. You have consulted with your mentor. Proposal is completed by due date and posted on your wiki page at that time. WRITTEN PROPOSAL DUE DATE May 19, 2016 Satisfactory 4 pts Clear theme. Unoriginal content. Limited use of resources. Needs Improvement 2 pts Unoriginal theme and content Unsatisfactory 0 pts No clear theme or content Your proposal omits any of these elements. A digital tool (or tools) is/are specified. Objectives are stated and are realistically achievable. There is no follow-up plan. You have consulted with your mentor. You have negotiated an alternate due date with your mentor. A digital tool (or tools) is/are specified. Objectives are unclear. Time frame for completion is unrealistic. There is no follow-up plan. You have not consulted with your mentor. No digital tool is specified. Objectives unclear. Time frame is unrealistic. No follow-up plan. You have not consulted with your mentor. Proposal is not completed or posted on your wiki page by the due date. Score 2 Criteria CAPSTONE DUE DATE July 15, 2016 ESSAY DUE DATE July 29, 2016 "Write a 500 word essay summarizing your DDBC experience and how you plan to apply what you learned to your ministry. Demonstrate how you have applied your understanding of ISTE's Standards for Teachers (NETS/T) and applied them to a faith learning environment. Include reference to relevant research about technology and learning, especially as applied to faith settings, if appropriate." ARTICLE DUE DATE July 29, 2016 "Write an article for publication that would tell the story of your project so that others could replicate what you did in their own parish or setting." CEU Application Submission Due: TBD Exemplary 6 pts Your project is completed within the indicated two-month time frame. If an extension is needed, you have negotiated this with your mentor. Your essay stays within the 500 word limit. It is wellorganized (Introduction, middle, ending) and includes: 1. Personal reflection on your experience in DDBC 2.How you plan to apply what you learned in your ministry 3. How you have applied your understanding of the ISTE Standards to your ministry Satisfactory 4 pts Needs Improvement 2 pts Unsatisfactory 0 pts Your project is not completed and you have not negotiated a new due date. Your essay exceeds the 500 word limit (or falls far short). It is wellorganized (Introduction, middle, ending), but it omits some of the essential components (personal reflection, application to ministry or understanding of ISTE Standards) Your essay lacks organization and omits more than one of the essential components. Your article is done on time and approved by your mentor, but you did not post your article on your personal wiki page. Your mentor is unable to approve the final draft by the due date, but you have negotiated an extension. You did not complete the essay. Your essay is late and you did not negotiate an extension with your mentor. Your essay is posted on your wiki essay page by the due date. Your article is complete by the due date and is posted on your personal article wiki page. You worked with your mentor to proof and edit your article. Your article is ready to submit to a blog or online journal. Your article is of sufficient detail that the reader could replicate your project. You did not complete the article. Score 3 Criteria IMPLEMENTATION of the Digital Tool(s) You Are Integrating SOCIAL/ONLINE COMMUNITY DESIGN For Online Material Satisfactory 4 pts Needs Improvement 2 pts All aspects of your stated objectives regarding implementation are achieved. 50% of your stated objectives achieved. Up to 25% of your objectives achieved. Tool is set up, but not implemented. Your project includes extended networked connections with others beyond local community. Your project accomplished connection with a team, school or parish. Limited social connection - one or two other people No social connection Type size and face is easy to read. Content layout is easy follow and consistent. Background and foreground colors have good contrast and contribute to the site design. Color use is consistent. Type size and face is easy to read. Content layout is not easy follow and inconsistently applied. Color use is not consistent. Type size and face is difficult to read. Content layout is not easy follow and inconsistently applied. Background and foreground colors are distracting. Screens are either barren and stark or confusing and cluttered. Project honors all rules of spelling and/or grammar. Project adequately honors most rules of spelling and/or grammar. (Two or less errors) Project minimally honors rules of spelling and/or grammar. (Three or less errors) Project has multiple errors in spelling and/or grammar. (Four or more errors) Fair use guidelines are followed well on all pages. Fair use guidelines are followed reasonably well on majority of pages. Fair use guidelines followed on a few pages. Fair use guidelines not followed . Exemplary 6 pts SPELLING AND GRAMMER FAIR USE Guidelines Unsatisfactory 0 pts Score 4 Criteria DIGITAL IMAGES PUBLICATION AUTHORING AND CONTACT INFORMATION Needs Improvement 2 pts Exemplary 6 pts Satisfactory 4 pts You have submitted a digital image of yourself (preferably a head shot) to your mentor for future use by DDBC. You have submitted one or more images of your Capstone Project showing people using technology in your classroom or ministry setting. You have submitted a digital image of yourself but not an image related to your Capstone Project. You have not submitted any digital images. You have successfully published your Capstone Article online and have provided a link to us. You have arranged to have your Article published on a future date. No publication. Author's name and contact information are included on proposal page, the essay page and the article page of the wiki. COMMENTS FROM YOUR MENTOR: Unsatisfactory 0 pts Author's name and contact information are not included Total / 90 Score