CES Roundtable November 21, 2012 Promotion & Tenure small

CES Roundtable November 21, 2012
Promotion & Tenure small Group Discussion
Sci/Chem – 3
Science/Math & Stats
Community Health Sciences (CHS) -4
Arts/English -2
Med/CHS/Arts -3
Education - 2
Haskayne - 3
Communication & Culture – 2
Schulich School of Engineering
Centre for Community Engaged Learning
Social Work
Question #1: How does your faculty/department conceptualize Community Engaged Scholarship?
“Outreach” is the main connection with CES. This means talking chemistry to the community.
Public seminars, mall shows, media consultation. There is also outreach to K-12, sending our
people out to schools. CES could be considered--------local industry, where challenges faced in
oil/gas for eg, can be examined by our scholars. Green chemistry and water treatment leads to
policy decisions.
Interaction with local community (general public, schools) Not industrial money supported by
This is new for us. Better to relate current activities that align with CES. E.g.: ‘Math Night’
weekly, evening meetings with gifted high school students to work on challenging problems.
‘Math course’ Summer training camps for mat students. ‘Industry Collaboration’ Financial math,
statistical consulting, math in oil & gas. Industry/Academic ventures with PDFs, grad students.
Partnerships developed with non-university researchers, could range from individual clinicians in
the community to the whole Alberta Health Services. Often talked about as knowledge transfer.
Conceptualized as ‘soft’ by the basic scientists or -------- as engagement often includes
qualitative methodology.
Not sure. Work in progress. Using Eyes High frame. Beginning to more formally, develop service
learning opportunities. Many of us ‘do’ community engaged scholarship.
Scholarship that connects pedagogy and community. They don’t really; they are focused on
peer-reviewed articles. Part of the difficulty is the very broad potential and application of CES; it
is so broad in the Arts that it is difficult to quantify or ----- outline.
Medicine: -Metric: ‘high value’ as outreach activity, strategic partnership, as a patent subject of
research and student education. Practicality: as clear with support ----------Arts: - Metric: high value (newly ----- faculty). Activities, approach to make department/faculty
The Dean is encouraging community connections e.g.) suggested and supported a partnership
with a community agency for a)practica student placements b) research. No longer ‘ivory
tower’. Research but community relevant research. This seems to reflect Tri Council grant
changes in international Research Office in Faculty and pace, direction of office
Haskayne does encourage community engagement in scholarship. There is even an award for
publications in practice relevant research. Most concentrations in HSB do have community
involved projects for BComm/MBA and many of our PhD students do thesis and involve
community engagement. The AD-R can help facilitate this process.
Volunteering, inviting speakers’, research in partnership with community, course work.
Mostly teaching. Inviting speakers into class, service learning in Directed Studies/Faculty led
courses. Co-op. Special topic courses that focus on CE. COMS 507? Research? Involving
community agencies.
Haphazard and dependant on individual effort. No coherent upper level vision. Should
benchmark with other departments ------. Creative writing section with other disciplines.
Partnerships in research, such as SSHRC collaborative grants, where non-academic participants
co-conduct research (CURA).
Research that has impacts on external organizations helping them better achieve their goals.
(However I’m not sure this is our T & P criteria)
Primarily as a service to government, universities, school systems, colleges, industry.
Secondly as capacity, building exercises for public and private education systems.\
Community scope via teacher/education leader in preparation (degree) and research.
Local/regional/national/ international.
Volunteer work!
CES is a central part of our faculty and has be for 40 years. This happens in several ways. We
engage with various communities through classes and studio projects. Individual faculty have
research projects with community groups as clients and/or recipients. We publish not only in
academic journals but in professional and popular publications/a way of ----------. We have
several major initiatives including make Calgary Design Matters active series. Kasian Gallery that
all provide a structure.
The term CES is not clearly used in our faculty language. Knowledge Translation is language that
is being promoted more openly. However, community perse is a significant focus in our
curriculum in our practice.
Communication by email, seminars/ speakers, alumni engagement. Science café and judging for
science fairs.
Individual researchers or teams may reach out to community organization to inform their
research and to gather data, e.g. my work with the ASC and TSxV.
Or an ad hoc CMPT basis. Faculty may assign students to work on projects from the community.
E.g. my New Venture finale term project which adopts a business plan. Some courses have a
final community ------ (new leadership courses)
Mostly as research (applied) with company and government. Some teaching ------ teachers in HS.
Lots of info about events, student initiative, opportunity. Engineering with ----, -----, projects,
presentations to outside groups. CESF aid (and other community events). Professional Standards
Encourage but not evident in annual reviews (at program level CRDS CE is the one value). CE
presence in policy development/clinical service/in service education.
My response will differ from others in that I am not faculty and I work in Student Affairs.
However, because I work closely with faculty members in Service Learning the Centre for
Community Engaged Scholarship considers service-Learning to be a critical form of CES. For us a
definition of CES must not be limited to research but must include teaching. Also, CES cannot be
isolated to the tradition Teaching/Research or Service; rather, it is related to the overlap
between Teaching & Research where both benefit the community.
Limited knowledge
At present virtually restricted to professional service; soft KT-ripple & glow effect
Industry component of community a concentrated ------------ as the ‘john of a prostitution ring’
Required to as “conflict of in trust” Reinforced by Tri-Council and accrediting -----“
Don’t know-have not heard it discussed nor see it in documents; might be equated to concept of
‘service’ eg) student ran medical clinic – focus is on student experience and service to the
Community engaged scholarship essentially is ingrained in our faculty through our research
teaching & service, Community service. However not explicitly framed as CES
All about experience - ------/to develop/improve curricula. Community
Have we ---it? – Research, research informed collaboration/projects, including alumni &
stakeholders in the research process
Faculty level – high regard for CES. Outreach research, stat -------, distributed learning
Doctoral research, professional school Practice, Associate Dean Research.
Ivory tower, prevalence of research , partnerships, Associate Dean of Professional & Community
Engineering – Projects – Solar house, solar car
 Programs – Engineers w/o borders
Presentations to community.
Services to companies
Question #2: How is CES recognized and categorized within Tenure and Promotion criteria?
The Dean of Science has traditionally allotted an extra pool merit for outreach activities. These
are mostly for traditional CES activities such as those mentioned above. There is recognition of
the industry connection, but it may be undervalued.
Not sure. Opinion: CES should not be included in tenure review, but should be important in
reviews post-tenure.
The student training outreach usually evaluated as part of a ‘service’ component. Industry
collaboration as part of HQP training and research efforts (usually measured by tangible
outcomes such as publications or conference presentations).
# Publications, # Tri Council grants. They struggle with non-Tri Council small grants, held by the
partners, how to measure impact on policy or programs quality of partnership or engagement.
Again not sure. Not a specific category-is part of some faculty member responsibilities- can show
up as contribution to service work and some learning\teaching – also in the nature of
community partnered/focused research.
Not. There is lip service but it does not translate to merit or promotion in a clear and identifiable
way. I could not describe how CES is categorized.
It ‘appears” on the manual/handbook for tenure/promotion. However this is somewhat an
auxiliary area of the department. While it is unclear how it is recognized
(weights/percentage/i.e. The ------ appears to be ------)
Indirectly- only through a) teaching b) Research c) service (which could include the broader
community) As far as I know, there is no clear recognition of CES distinctly within T & P
practices. Recognized/valued by Faculty Promotions Committee when reviewing applications for
Professors Emeritus.
The tenure criteria does explicitly recognise that practitioner based research i.e. valuable. There
are well known community involvement type of journals that are accepted as reputable ones for
tenure and promotion. However there is no need for community engagement type of research.
Praised in letters of recommendations ------ don’t know its implication for decision making.
If publications arise out of CES research then it’s recognized. A lot of CES gets hidden under
course reviews. So if you’re teaching with a CES component & numbers it is not obvious in T & P
Usually ignored. Always underrated. Criteria are vague. Policies to be revised to clarify criteria
and -------- in this regard.
I’m not sure. They still value traditional criteria like academic peer-reviewed publications,
primarily. Steps on the way there, or non- academic publications & presentations do not count,
or not as much.
Service when faculty member do other work than funded research in communities/with
Research when we engage public and private education or industry sectors for funded study
Teaching when we do PD events for educators/governments/institutional (design)
Only if it looks like more --------- scholarship. If needed to create a way to demonstrate the
scholarly aspects of my work and frame it for my colleagues. i.e. not only doing the work but
finding ways to present with partners to make the work visible and open to review.
Can be included in research, teaching, publications conferences and other activities.
There are no specific categories in which CES fits. It is, however, recognized as valid research
and does not appear to disadvantage those who engage in this type of work.
One element of Tenure and Promotion criteria is Research, teaching and service to community.
Peer reviewed publications are the main criteria
Publications leading to ‘policy development’
Not explicitly counted in research or teaching
This has traditionally been a minor consideration in Tenure which has been primarily in research
and --------teaching. Promoting a little more but only if leads to -------- recognition.
I am an adjunct professor so not applicable.
CE seen as potential for research affiliation/research grant collaboration eq. CURA
Siksika Clinic Morley- Med students help physicians on reserves. Community informs research
rather than research done on community.
Same as above largely restricted to professional service & teaching/education.
It’s not as far as I know
CES is not a formal dimension when it comes to tenure and promotion but it is embedded in our
three primary fund-------.
Research/Service/ Teaching. Research project & ----/publications yes
(Yrs) but how substantial. Technology (APR) limits reporting; other scholarly activities
Years; pract ----- Based is recognized. Required/not required
Indirectly yes. At the Emeritus Level.
Services to companies – Chem & Petro engineering
Publications on public policy
Question #3: How does your faculty measure/value CES in Annual Performance Reviews?
Measured by effort (ie hours of time) put into the CES and by outcomes/impact. For example, a
scientist working on a display in the Telus Spark Centre would be considered meritorious.
Science Alberta connections leading to outreach. * The goal of CES should be greater
engagement between U of C and local community. What is the goal of CES from ELT POU?
Not sure. Opinion: should be used on specialized tracks/continuous, whether successful or not.
Mainly within the categories of service (as service to community) or research in terms of
measurable outcomes (publications, patents). Not really evaluated as an intrinsic value, but
looking for measurable outcomes. (Sometimes less weighted as results often not ‘new or ground
I don’t believe they do.
Not aware of an actual metric, rather more individual case basis with faculty members making
the case for counting it.
Again, while lip service is paid, the measurement is vague and the valuation minimal. Impact
parameters; connectivity, longevity, mutual benefit to scholars and community.
Faculty of Medicine has a new APR system (------U of A). ----------- CES is sub ---------under other
scholarly activities. Ie) it presents itself as fairly original. --------- feedback also -------- the APR
expectation of the faculty -----Indirectly – only through previously identified areas of performance, research
publications/publications (less value attributed to general community audiences). As far as I
know, CES is not specifically valued in performance reviews.
In the HSB merit process, outstanding contributions to community engaged research can be
recognized explicitly. However there is no automatic recognition of CES. Also there are
reputable practitioner oriented journals that are recognized for research merit. Teaching, again
it can be recognized.
Same as above appreciated in the report but don’t know actual weight given to it.
Directed studies students. If grants are associated with CES. Maybe service if you sit on an
external community board. Sections other scholarly activities.
Same as above. There is no peer-review criteria on -------- and so usually ignored. e.g. work with
Gandhi Society of Calgary as --------- service. Ditto.
I’m not sure they do. They look at research and service work but if it happens to be community –
engaged, there’s no particular bonus for that. It has to be recognized as research to be assessed
with in that category.
Marginally. The process is not clear. Research/teaching far over service, what CES seems to have
Had to squeeze it into teaching/research boxes (not ‘service’) but we really need to make those
boxes more inclusive.
It is valued, but we do not have specific metrics.
No related KPJ’s but work with a community is valued in teaching, research and service.
Need to formalize policy re community engagement.
Research is rewarded almost exclusively on the basis of peer-reviewed publications.
At the teaching level, rewards are primarily based on teaching evaluation with the ability to
augment for ‘extra’ initiatives.
Often ------------- not explicit.
I don’t think it does. Info is used but now specific criteria.
Not evident except under service. No place to identify community research apart from funding.
Bounded by Tri-Council Policy-signed ethical consent. “we’re ----- research in CES”
Teaching activities; informal interviews for things like brochures going to REB.
Think about what goes on the ‘summary” page of dossier
Lip service
Value on Community outreach & education ------ programs
Unless ----multi-million dollar unrestricted grant from industry very little formal value attributed.
Not valued – unless $ & publications attached
List as annual achievements but doesn’t count unless (#students, #committee, #publications,
Not directly measured maybe with the exception of community service.
Award (faculty), must show to gain flexibility in APR process.