COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS AND THE UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM Alexander Kovzik and Marianne Johnson University of Wisconsin Oshkosh COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS SYSTEMS Previous studies Ross (1995) – 56.3% of institutions continued to offer CES course following the break-up of the Soviet Union. Foley and Pyle (2003) – 57.5% of institutions have a course, but only 35% offered it annually. Time for a reassessment? CES at the Introductory Collegiate Level CES at the Advanced Undergraduate Level AT THE INTRODUCTORY LEVEL, WE EXAMINED TEXTBOOK COVERAGE OF CES TOPICS… McConne Mateer/ ll/Brue/ Coppock Flynn Mankiw Frank/ Bernanke Miller Mandel Bade/ Parkin Schiller Guell Organization of Decision Making Provision of Information and Coordination Property Rights 13 14 14 13 23 5 2 7 5 3 2 2 1 Incentive System 3 2 3 1 1 3 6 1 15 Organization of Public Choice Economic System Global Perspective Efficiency Economic Growth Income Distribution Stability Viability Total Text Pages (5960 total pages) Examples per 100 pages (5.2 per 100 pages) 1 7 1 4 1 3 1 13 2 10 7 2 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 8 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 53 5 5 8 1 1 4 4 39 31 6 1 33 61 23 17 24 26 801 1053 816 763 748 396 556 369 458 6.6 3.7 3.8 4.3 8.2 5.8 3.1 6.5 5.7 1 26 1 4 2 9 1 1 2 Guell (2015) “In 1980, in response to the Soviet invasion to Afghanistan, the United States imposed a grain embargo, making it illegal to sell wheat to Russia” (205; one sentence). That Uzbekistan is “sitting on significant oil and natural gas reserves, but its political leadership is so corrupt that you never know from one year to the next whether the leadership will nationalize those assets” (231; 3 sentences). Frank and Bernanke (2013) That episodes of hyperinflation occurred “in several countries attempting to make the transition from communism to capitalism, including Russia” (456; one sentence). Mankiw (2015) That after the World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union “were engaged in a prolonged competition over military power” (356; 16 sentences). “In 1998, the Russian government defaulted on its debt, inducing international investors to take whatever money they could and run” (699; one sentence). Mateer and Coppok (2014) That in 1984 there was a movie Moscow on the Hudson, which chronicled shortages of bread, milk, and shoes in the Soviet Union (153; 11 sentences). Schiller (2011) That “After the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, Russia also experienced price increases that exceeded 2,000 percent a year” (215; one sentence). “Soviet planners allowed Chernobyl to become a nuclear nightmare” (16; one sentence). That in 1990s, “Virtually every sector, every factory and every worker in Russia has been touched by the flood of surrogate money” and the Russians preferred to hold and use US dollars rather than the rubles (273; 17 sentences). STRATEGIES TO ASSESS THE SITUATION AT THE UPPER UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL Electronic survey of the top 100 public and private colleges and universities (163 Economics Departments identified; responses = 84). Online search of course catalogs ( = 184 colleges and universities of our 200 that offer upper level economics courses). Online search of syllabi for CES courses. Examination of CES textbooks. Question Survey Response Statistics* On-Line Course Search Statistics Does your department currently offer one of the following types of courses?** Comparative Economic Systems Economies in Transition Economics of a Particular Region/Country 20.0% 11.8% 42.4% 32.6% 25.2% 51.6% If your department does not currently offer such a class, has your department offered a course in Comparative Economic Systems or Transitional Economies in the past? Yes No 67% 33% NA Does your department offer Comparative Economic Systems or Transitional Economies more frequently, as frequently, or less frequently than it did five years ago? More Frequently As Frequently Less Frequently 2% 70% 28% NA Does your department offer Comparative Economic Systems or Transitional Economies more frequently, as frequently, or less frequently than it did ten years ago? More Frequently As Frequently Less Frequently 6% 53% 41% NA Comparative Economics Systems Textbooks Authors (Edition Years) Information Provided by Electronic Survey 2 2 -1 1 --- Information Provided by Syllabi Search no required textbook 7 13 Total number of responses 13 50 Overall Survey Response 84 50 Gregory and Stuart (2014, 2004, 1999) Rosser and Rosser (2004, 2001) Kennett (2004) Gardner (1998) Schnitzer (2000) Angresano (1996) D. North (1990) 13 8 6 4 3 2 1 Foley and Pyle (2003) state that “theory and practice of socialism and the postsocialist experience continue to occupy a disproportionate amount of attention”. Is that true? Percentage of Course Topics Focusing on Socialism Percentage of Course Topics Focusing on Transition from Socialism Weighted Average for Textbooks 16.0% 18.4% Weighted Average for all Syllabi 17.0% 19.3% Average of the Averages 17.6% 19.5% Weighted Average for 2004 – 2010 Weighted Average for 2011 2014 16.8% 18.9% 17.2% 19.8% THANK YOU. Questions, comments and suggestions are very welcome!!