St. Saviour’s Church of England Junior School Mathematics Curriculum Year 4 Year 3 Autumn Spring Number and place value Number and place value Addition and subtraction Addition and subtraction Measures - money Measures -money Measures – length Measures - mass Fractions Fractions Multiplication and division Multiplication and division Shape, position and direction Shape, position and direction Statistics Division Time Time Ongoing: Development of fundamental mathematics skills including: Read and partition 3 digit numbers and order, round, estimate and compare 2 and 3 digit numbers recall multiplication facts and corresponding division facts for 2,3,4,5,8 times tables Number bonds to 100 count in 2s, 20s, 200s count and add thousands count along a number line or scale with numbers written and with some missing numbers Double and halve 2 digit numbers and three digit multiples of 100 and 3 digit numbers Multiply whole numbers by 10 and divide multiples of 10 by 10 Number and place value Number and place value Addition and subtraction Addition and subtraction Decimals Measures -money Measures -length Measures -mass Measures -money Fractions Multiplication and division Decimals Shape, position and direction Multiplication Statistics Division Time Shape, position and direction Summer Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measures -money Measures -volume and capacity Fractions Multiplication and division Shape, position and direction Statistics Time Number and place value Addition and subtraction Measures -money Measures -volume and capacity Fractions Multiplication and division Shape, position and direction Statistics Time Year 5 Ongoing: Development of fundamental mathematics skills including: Read 3 digit numbers and compare, order, round and estimate 4 digit numbers and decimals with up to 2 decimal places Partition a decimal number with up to 2 decimal places Count in multiples of 6,7 and 9 and recall multiplication facts and corresponding division facts for 6,7,8,9,11,12 times tables Number bonds to 1000 Count in 25s, 250s, 2500s Count scales with unlabelled divisions Halve odd hundreds numbers and odd single digits Multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 Find multiples and factors Number and place value Number and place value Number and place value Addition and subtraction Addition and subtraction Fractions Measures -Money Measures -area Fractions Multiplication and division Measures -length, mass and capacity Percentages Fractions Fractions Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Decimals Multiplication and division Shape, position and direction Multiplication Time Time Division Measures Statistics Statistics Shape, position and direction Ongoing: Development of fundamental mathematics skills including: Read 9 digit, 8 digit, 7 digit, 6 digit, 5 digit and 4 digit numbers and numbers with decimal places Partition decimals up to 3 decimal places Compare, order, round and estimate decimals with up to 3 decimal places and whole numbers with 5, 6, 7 and 8 digits Count in negative numbers and find the gap between 2 negative numbers Recap multiplication and corresponding division facts for 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 times tables Decimal number bonds to 10. Multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100 Find multiples, factors and square numbers Year 6 Number and place value Number and place value Revision of previous Year 5 and 6 content. Addition and subtraction Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Measures - area SATs preparation Fractions Measures - length, mass and capacity Percentages Fractions SATs tests Ratio and Proportion Measures Longer investigations Shape, position and direction Multiplication Measures - length, area volume and capacity Statistics Problem solving opportunities Statistics Ratio and proportion Ongoing: Development of fundamental mathematics skills including: Read 9 digit, 8 digit, 7 digit, 6 digit, 5 digit and 4 digit numbers and numbers with decimal places Compare, order, round and estimate decimals with up to 3 decimal places and whole numbers with 5, 6, 7 and 8 digits Recap multiplication and corresponding division facts for 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 times tables Partition decimals up to 3 decimal places Count in negative numbers and find the gap between 2 negative numbers Decimal number bonds to 10. Multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100 Formal written methods for multiplication and addition