The Scientific Method

Name _______________________________
Unit 1 Review Sheet
1.1 Branches of Science
o biology
o zoology
o botany
o taxonomy
o entomology
o herpetology
o mammalogy
o ornithology
 6 themes of biology
o cell
 unicellular
 multicellular
o homeostasis
o reproduction/ inheritance/ gene
 asexual
 sexual
o evolution
 natural selection
 adaptation
o interdependence
 ecology
 ecosystem
o need for energy
 photosynthesis
 autotrophs
 heterotrophs
Per. ______
1.2 Characteristics of Life
 cell organization
 metabolism
 cell division
 development
1.3 Scientific Method
 problem
 research
 hypothesis
 experiment
 observation
 conclusion
 communicating
1.4 Microscopy and Measurement
 Janssen Brothers
 Leeuwenhoek
 light microscope
o parts of microscope (diagram &
o magnification calculations
o resolution
o diameter of field
o inversion of image
o micrometers
 measuring size of object
 electron microscopes
 ultra centrifuge
 chromatography
 electrophoresis
 computers
Unit 1
The Science of Life
first life arose on earth ____________ billion years ago
1-1 Study of life = ________________________________
content so vast that specialties have been developed:
botany ______________________________________________________________________________
zoology _____________________________________________________________________________
anatomy ____________________________________________________________________________
taxonomy ___________________________________________________________________________
cytology ____________________________________________________________________________
genetics ____________________________________________________________________________
physiology __________________________________________________________________________
entomology _________________________________________________________________________
herpetology _________________________________________________________________________
mammalogy __________________________________________________________________________
ornithology __________________________________________________________________________
other sciences important to biology:
= chemistry and physics
Biology unified by six themes:
1. Cell Structure and Function
all organisms are made of _____________________
the cell is the basic unit of life
unicellular = ________________________________________
multicellular= ________________________________________________
all surrounded by a membrane and enclosing ________________________ material (DNA)
2. Stability and Homeostasis
all living things maintain a stable ________________________ environment
(= homeostasis)
stimulus = __________________________________________________
response = __________________________________________________
3. Reproduction and Inheritance
reproduction= _________________________________________________
DNA= _________________________________________________________
gene= _________________________________________________________
all transmit _______________________________________ information
asexual reproduction= __________________________________________
sexual reproduction= ___________________________________________
4. Evolution
describes changes in populations of organisms over ________________
natural selection= ______________________________________________
adaptation= _______________________________________________
5. Interdependence of Organisms
interactions of organisms with each other and their ____________________________
ecology= ____________________________________________________________________
ecosystems= ________________________________________________________________
6. Matter, Energy and Organization
 organisms require constant supply of energy, the origin of which is the ________
photosynthesis= ___________________________________________________________
autotrophs= _______________________________________________________________
heterotrophs= ____________________________________________________________
Regents Questions:
1. The arrows in the diagram below indicate the
movement of materials into and out of a singlecelled organism.
4. The diagram below represents possible
evolutionary relationships between groups of
The movements indicated by all the arrows are
directly involved in
(1) the maintenance of homeostasis
(2) photosynthesis, only
(3) excretion, only
(4) the digestion of minerals
2. Which process usually results in offspring that
exhibit new genetic variations?
Which statement is a valid conclusion that can
be drawn from the diagram?
(1) Snails appeared on Earth before corals.
(2) Sponges were the last new species to
appear on Earth.
(3) Earthworms and sea stars have a common
(4) Insects are more complex than mammals.
5. The diagram below represents a food web.
3. A food web is represented in the diagram below.
Which population in this food web would most likely
be negatively affected by an increase in the mouse
(1) snake
(3) wolf
(2) rabbit
(4) hawk
Two of the herbivores represented in this food
web are
(1) toads and snakes
(2) deer and mice
(3) wolves and raccoons
(4) grasshoppers and toads
1-2 Characteristics of Life
all living things composed of _____________
all living things are highly organized at the cell and molecular level
all living things use ___________________
metabolism= __________________________________________________________
all living things maintain stable internal environments
homeostasis= _________________________________________________________
all living things _____________________
cell division= __________________________________________________________
development= _________________________________________________________
all ________________________ of organisms can reproduce
Which term best describes each image?
Regents Questions:
1. Normally, when the concentration of glucose in the blood falls below a certain level, stored glucose
reenters the blood until the original concentration is reached again. This regulation of the concentration
of blood glucose is part of the process known as
(1) synthesis
(3) pinocytosis
(2) respiration
(4) homeostasis
2. The addition of new cells and corresponding increase in organism size is known as
(1) growth
(3) regulation
(2) transport
(4) respiration
3. Which term is defined as all the chemical reactions that are required to sustain life?
(1) metabolism
(3) nutrition
(2) regulation
(4) synthesis
4. The ability of the human body to maintain a constant body temperature is an example of
(1) transport
(3) homeostasis
(2) metabolism
(4) synthesis
5. Cells are to tissues as organs are to
(1) organ systems
(2) cells
(3) genes
(4) organelles
6. A biologist would most likely study all of the chemical activities of an organism to obtain information
about the organism’s
(1) number of mutations
(3) development
(2) reproductive cycle
(4) metabolism
7. Which sequence is listed in order from simplest to most complex?
(1) tissue  cell  organ system  organ
(2) cell  tissue  organ  organ system
(3) cell  tissue  organism  organ
(4) organism  tissue  organ  organ system
1-3 Scientific Methods
many forms, but most similar:
1. define problem/ ask question
2. collect data
= observing, measuring, sampling, organizing ______________
3. form hypothesis
= suggested explanation that is testable
predicting= ________________________________________________
4. experimenting
= testing a hypothesis by gathering data under __________________________ conditions
control group= ________________________________________________________________
experimental group= __________________________________________________________
single variable= independent variable/ dependent variable
5. drawing conclusions
producing a model explanation supported by data
inference= a conclusion based on facts rather than direct _______________________________
6. communicating
report research results (where?)
hypothesis continuously supported by research is termed a theory
Name: ______________________________________
Critical Thinking / Problem Solving Activity:
Per. _________
Can you Spot the Scientific Method?
Each sentence below describes a step in the scientific method. Math each sentence with a step of the
scientific method listed below:
A. recognize a problem
C. test the hypothesis with an experiment
B. form a hypothesis
D. draw conclusions
_____ 1. Stephen predicted that seeds would start to grow faster if an electric current traveled
through the soil in which they were planned.
_____ 2. Susan said, “If I fertilize my geranium plants, then they will blossom.”
_____ 3. Jonathan’s data showed that household cockroaches moved away from raw cucumber slices.
_____ 4. Rene grew bacteria from the mouth on special plates in the laboratory. She placed drops of
different mouthwashes on bacteria on each plate.
_____ 5. Kathy used a survey to determine how many of her classmates were left-handed and how many
were right-handed.
_____ 6. Dana wanted to know how synthetic fibers were different from natural fibers.
_____ 7. Jose saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, “How do bats find the insects in the
_____ 8. Justin wondered if dyes could be taken out of plant leaves, flowers, and stems.
_____ 9. Jenny soaked six different kinds of seeds in water for 24 hours. Then she planted the seeds
in soil to a depth of 1cm. She used the same amount of water, light, and heat for each kind of
_____10. Bob read about growing plants in water. He wanted to know how plants could grow without soil.
_____11. Kevin said, “If I grow five seedlings in red light, I think the plants will grow faster than the
five plants grown in white light.”
_____12. Angela’s experiment proved that earthworms moved away from light.
_____13. Scott said, “If acid rain affects plants in a particular lake, it might affect small animals, such
as crayfish, that live in the same water.”
_____14. Mike fed different diets to three groups of guinea pigs. His experiment showed that guinea
pigs need vitamin C and protein in their diets.
_____15. Kim’s experiment showed that chicken eggshells were stronger when she gave the hen feed to
which extra calcium had been added.
Name: _________________________________________
The Scientific Method
Put the following steps of the scientific method in the proper order.
Per. _______
_____ Organize and analyze data
_____ State a hypothesis
_____ Identify the problem
_____ State conclusion
_____ Design and carry out an experiment
_____ Make observations and record data
_____ Gather information
Math the term in Column I with its definition in Column II.
Column I
1. theory
2. law
3. hypothesis
4. experiment
5. variable
6. control
7. data
8. conclusion
9. application
Column II
a. suggested explanation to a problem or
observation based upon known
b. used to test a hypothesis
c. anything that can affect the results of an
d. observations and measurements made
during an experiment
e. part within the experiment that is
maintained without change in order to
provide a comparison for the part of the
experiment containing the variable
f. Hypothesis that has been tested and
supported by a great amount of evidence
over a long period of time
g. Statement describing (but not explaining)
a natural event or phenomenon
h. New use to which results are put or new
technique developed
i. A summary that explains whether or not
the data support the hypothesis
Regents Questions:
1. An experiment was performed to determine the effect of different mineral salts on plant growth.
Forty pots containing genetically identical plants were divided into four equal groups and placed in a welllighted greenhouse. Each pot contained an equal amount of non-mineral potting soil and one plant.
Minerals were then added in equal amounts to each experimental group of pots as shown below.
For the experiment to be valid, what should be added to the control group of pots?
(1) water
(3) potassium salts
(2) nitrogen salts
(4) potassium and phosphorus salts
2. The diagram below illustrates the result of growing a garlic bulb in a cup of distilled water over five
Design an experiment consisting of a control and three different experimental groups to test the
prediction, “Garlic grows better as the salt concentration of the solution in which it is grown increases.”
In your answer, be sure to:
• describe the control to be used in the experiment [1]
• describe the difference between the three experimental groups [1]
• state one type of measurement that should be made to determine if the prediction is accurate [1]
• describe one example of experimental results that would support the prediction [1]
3. In an investigation designed to determine the effect of the amount of water on plant growth, two
groups of equal-sized bean plants of the same species were grown under identical conditions, except for
the amount of water they were given. One group was watered with 200 milliliters of water once a day,
while the other group was watered with 400 milliliters of water once a day. After several days, the
heights of the plants were measured. It was determined that the plants watered with 400 milliliters of
water once a day showed more growth.
The variable in this investigation is the ______________________________________.
4. A new drug for the treatment of asthma is tested on 100 people. The people are evenly divided into
two groups. One group is given the drug, and the other group is given a glucose pill.
The group that is given the glucose pill serves as the ___________________________.
The group that is given the drug serves as the _________________________________.
5. A student is designing a procedure to determine the effect of the absence of a specific amino acid in
the nutrient culture medium of a certain species of bacteria. Using one of more complete sentences,
describe the control that the student should use in the experiment.
6. You are the head of the research division of the Leafy Lettuce Company. Your company is
experimenting with growing lettuce using hydroponic technology. Hydroponic technology involves growing
plants in containers of growth solution in a greenhouse. No soil is used. The growth solution that the
company uses contains water, nitrogen, and phosphorus. The company wants to know if adding iron to this
formula will improve lettuce growth.
Briefly describe how to test the effect of the formula with iron added. In your description, be sure to:
State a hypothesis to be tested in the new experiment
State how the control group will be treated differently from the experimental group.
Identify two factors that must be kept the same in both the experimental and control groups.
State what types of data should be collected to support or refute the hypothesis.
____ 7. Which condition is necessary for an experiment to yield useful data?
(a) similar results should be obtained when the experiment if repeated
(b) only the expected results should be considered each time experiment is performed
(c) the hypothesis is correct
(d) the experimental period must be short
____ 8. An organism was kept at a temperature of 40 oC for a period of 2 weeks. At the end of that
time, the investigator determined that the organism was sterile. To support the hypothesis that
high temperatures cause sterility, the investigator should be able to show that the
(a) organism was not sterile before the experimental period began
(b) high temperature did not alter the blood pressure of the organism
(c) pituitary gland, which controls sterility, of the organism had not degenerated
(d) organism was homozygous for temperature sensitivity
____ 9. A nutrient medium was prepared by mixing powdered agar with boiling distilled water. Some of
the prepared medium was then placed in a sterile petri dish, covered, and allowed to solidify. The
cover was then removed and the agar was touched to a door knob. The petri dish was covered
again and incubated at 37 oC. After 48 hours, bacterial growth was observed. The investigator
concluded that bacteria on doorknobs cause disease. One error was that the investigator
(a) used distilled water
(b) covered the petri dish
(c) did not show that bacteria caused disease
(d) did not incubate the materials at the proper temperature
____ 10. A student conducted an original, well-designed experiment, carefully following proper scientific
procedure. In order for the conclusions to become generally accepted, the experiment must
(a) contain several experimental variables
(b) be repeated to verify the reliability of the data
(c) support the original hypothesis
(d) be conducted by a scientist
____ 11. In a controlled experiment, 20 marigold plants of the same age were grown singly in 20
different pots containing soil of the same composition and moisture level. The pots were divided
into two groups of 10. One group was exposed to 8 hours of sunlight each day for 15 days, and the
other group was exposed to 8 hours of light from a 75-watt bulb for the same period. In this
investigation, the source of light represents the experimental
(a) problem
(b) control
(c) hypothesis
(d) variable
____ 12. Which experimental procedure would best determine the effectiveness of a vaccine for
preventing a certain disease in pigeons?
(a) Expose 100 pigeons to the disease and then inoculate all 100 pigeons with the vaccine.
(b) Expose 100 pigeons to the disease and then inoculate 50 of these pigeons for this disease.
(c) Inoculate 10 pigeons with the vaccine and 90 pigeons with a harmless solution and then expose
all 100 pigeons to the disease.
(d) Inoculate 50 pigeons with the vaccine and 50 pigeons with a harmless solution and then expose
all 100 pigeons to the disease.
A student conducting an experiment placed five geranium plants of equal size in environmental chambers.
Growing conditions were the same for each plant except that each chamber was illuminated by a
different color of light of the same intensity. At the end of 20 days, plant growth was measured.
13. Using one or more complete sentences, state a possible hypothesis for this experiment.
14. Using one or more complete sentences, state the control that should be used in this experiment.
A sterile petri dish, A, containing sterile nutrient agar was exposed to the air
for a few minutes. A second sterile petri dish, B, containing sterile nutrient
agar was not opened. Both petri dishes were placed in a warm, dark place. Three
days later, petri dish A was observed to contain a population of bacteria, which
petri dish B had no bacterial growth.
15. Using one or more complete sentences, explain how petri dish B serves as a control for the
16. Using one or more complete sentences, state a hypothesis that this experiment could have been
testing using petri dish B as the control.
17. A scientist performed an experiment using the following steps:
Define and
research the
Set up and
conduct the
experiment once
and record data
Formulate a
Repeat the
Using one or more complete sentences, identify the step that belongs in box X.
Base your answers to questions 18 through 20 on the information and diagram below.
An investigation was carried out using the two setups shown below. Other than the difference shown in
the diagram, all other conditions were identical.
18. State one possible hypothesis that could be tested using these setups.
19. What data should be collected in order to test the hypothesis stated in question 18?
20. Describe one change that could be made in the investigation to improve it.
1-4 Microscopy and Measurement
 1590 Janssen Brothers
o first compound microscope
 van Leeuwenhoek
o fish tail capillaries
o “wee beasties” in fresh water (initial study of microbiology)
our compound microscopes are called ________________________ microscopes
parts of microscope (diagram sheet) and their functions
o lenses:
1. eyepiece lens: 10x
2. objective lenses:
very low:
5x (total= ________)
10x (total= _________)
43x (total= _________)
97x (total= _________)
light microscopes limited to 2000x
why? ____________________________________________________________________________________
resolution drops with increase in magnification
resolution= ______________________________________________________________________________
unit of measure = μ micron (SI unit of length measurement)
= 0.000001m
1 millimeter = 1,000 microns
TEM’s: Transmission Electron Microscopes
use electrons in place of _______________________
focus with magnets
electron beam passes through thin section of object (therefore not alive)
magnifies 200,000x: photo enlarged 5x: total= __________________________
(no resolution problems)
SEM’s: Scanning Electron Microscopes
 shows surface of object in 3D
 allows very ________________ magnification
Other Tools of the Biologist
Ultra Centrifuge
ex. separating blood or urine samples
ex. separating cell components
 based on _______________________
 paper
 column
 gel
 data management
Name: ____________________________________
Label the parts of the microscope.
Per. ________
Regents Questions:
1. The four wells represented in the diagram were
each injected with fragments that were prepared
from DNA samples using identical techniques.
2. A laboratory technique is illustrated in the
diagram below.
This laboratory procedure is known as
(1) cloning
(2) gel electrophoresis
(3) chromatography
(4) use of a dichotomous key
This technique is used to
(1) determine volume
(2) separate molecules in a mixture
(3) measure length
(4) analyze data from an experiment
3. DNA electrophoresis is used to study evolutionary relationships of species. The diagram below shows
the results of DNA electrophoresis for four different animal species.
Which species has the most DNA in common with species A?
(1) X and Y, only
(3) Z, only
(2) Y, only
(4) X, Y, and Z
Microscope Questions:
1. A wet-mount slide preparation of a thread viewed in the low-power field (100x) of a compound light
microscope is shown in diagram A below. Diagram B shows the field of view as it appeared when the
objective was switched to high power.
Which statement best explains why the thread is not visible in diagram B?
2. The diagram below shows an amoeba moving out of the high-power field of view of a compound
microscope in the direction indicated by the arrow.
What should be done to center the amoeba in the field of view and focus it sharply?
3. The size of the image of a cell being examined with a microscope is determined by
(a) light source and fine adjustment
(c) objectives and ocular
(b) stage and stage clips
(d) diaphragm and coarse adjustment
4. The diagram below represents a hydra as viewed with a compound microscope.
If the hydra moves toward the right of the slide preparation, which diagram best represents what will
be observed through the microscope?
5. The diagram below represents two cells next to a metric measuring device under the low power
objective of a compound light microscope.
What is the approximate length of a nucleus of one of these cells?
(a) 100m
(b) 500 m
(c) 1,000m
(d) 1,500 m
Use the diagram below to answer questions 6 and 7.
6. What is the lowest possible magnification that can be obtained using the microscope shown below?
7. A student observes 12 onion epidermal cells along the diameter of the low power field. How many of
these cells would the student observe along the diameter of the high power field? Explain.
8. To locate a specimen on a prepared slide with a compound microscope, why should a student begin with
the low power objective instead of the high power objective?
9. Explain how the light intensity in the high power field of view of a compound microscope may be
10. Each division of the metric ruler shown in the diagram below equals 1 millimeter.
The diameter of the field of vision is approximately
(a) 2,800m
(b) 3,700m
(c) 4,400m
(d) 4,700m
11. The diagram below represents cells in a microscopic field of view with a diameter of 1.5 mm.
What is the approximate length of a single cell? Show calculations.
Base your answers to questions 12 and 13 on the diagram of the single celled organism observed by a
student using the low power objective of a microscope.
12. How should the student should move the slide on the stage to center the organism in the field?
(a) away from herself and to her right
(c) toward herself and to her right
(b) away from herself and to her left
(d) toward herself and to her left
13. As the student observes the organism under the high power objective, the organism swims out of
focus. To bring it back into focus, the student should
(a) open the diaphragm
(c) turn the ocular
(b) turn the fine adjustment
(d) adjust the light source
14. The coarse adjustment of a compound light microscope should be used to
(a) focus the image of a specimen under the low power objective
(b) focus the image of a specimen under the high power objective
(c) increase the light intensity passing through a specimen
(d) measure the diameter of the high power field
15. A compound light microscope has a 5x ocular and a 10x low power objective. Calculate the total
magnification that is obtained using this low power objective.
16. The ocular of a compound light microscope has a magnification of 10x, and the low power objective
and high power objective lenses have magnifications of 10x and 30x, respectively. If the diameter of the
low power field measures 1,500 micrometers, the diameter of the high power field will measure
(a) 100m
(b) 300m
(c) 500m
(d) 4,500m
17. During the preparation of a wet mount, a student dropped a plastic cover slip directly on top of the
drop of water containing the specimen. This slide preparation technique most probably
(a) caused the cover slip to shatter
(b) crushed the specimen
(c) trapped air bubbles under the cover slip
(d) scratched the surface of the slide
18. The threads of different colors, one blue, one green and one red, were placed on a slide so they
crossed over one another. The red thread was placed on the bottom, the green one in the middle and the
blue on top. The area where the threads crossed was then viewed using the high power objective. Only
the blue thread was clearly visible. Describe one adjustment that could be made to obtain a clear image
of only the red thread in this field of view.
Base your answers to 19 and 20 on the diagram below.
19. After part 3 is turned, which part must often be adjusted? __________________
20. Which part must be adjusted to enable the viewer to continually observe a paramecium swimming at
changing levels in a wet mount under high power?_____________________
Unit 1 Crossword
Use the terms from Unit 1 to complete the puzzle.
study of the classification of living things 2. lenses attached to revolving nosepiece
3. information collected during an
type of reproduction employed by bacteria
and protozoans
this adjustment is used on low power only 5. the unit of structure and function in living
8. ___ power is the shortest objective
lens on the microscope
7. detail of visible image under microscope
10. changes in organisms through time
9. another name for the eypiece lens
12. number of parents required for sexual
11. a _____cellular organism has many cells
performing different functions
17. an organism having a single cell that
carries out all life functions
13. this adjustment is used under high power
19. unit of meausre; same as micrometer
14. controls amount of light passing through
21. all chemical processes that maintain life
in an organism
15. a green ___ is an example of an
22. provides the energy for life on earth
16. a possible solution to a problem; "educated
24. number of parents necessary for asexual
18. discovered "wee beasties"
25. type of electron microscope that
requires thin sections
20. type of microscope that has more than one
26. electron microscope that shows 3D image 23. holds slide on stage
of surface
28. longest objective lense with highest
27. deoxyribonucleic acid; part of
28. the ability of an organism to maintain
balance or "steady state"
Name: _______________________
Per. _____
Unit 1 Crossword
Study collections