Nature of Science NTK/SG

Academic Biology
Nature of Science Unit Test NTK/Study Guide
Keystone Eligible Content:
A111 Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
B331 Distinguish between the scientific terms: hypothesis, inference, law, theory, principle, fact, and
1. What is Science?
2. Scientific Method
a. Observe, research
b. Hypothesis – if Independent variable, then Dependent Variable
c. Testing Hypothesis
i. Models, survey, experiment
ii. Experiment
1. Independent variable
2. Dependent variable
3. Constants
4. Control
5. Rules for good experimentation
d. Analyze data
1. Quantitative vs. qualitative
2. Charts and graphs
a. Line
b. Bar
c. Circle
3. Sources of Error
e. Draw conclusions
f. Theory vs. Law
3. Measurement
a. Units and Tools for measuring
b. Dimensional analysis
i. Factor label method or decimal change methods
ii. Si unit prefixes
4. Lab Safety procedures and techniques
5. Characteristics of Living Things
a. Have cells
i. Unicellular
ii. multicellular
b. Have a genetic code
c. Reproduce
d. Obtain and use energy
Academic Biology
Nature of Science Unit Test NTK/Study Guide
i. Metabolism
ii. Catabolism
iii. Anabolism
e. Grow and develop
f. Respond to their environment
i. Stimulus
ii. Response
iii. irritability
g. Maintain homeostasis
h. Change over time
6. Fields of Biology (see Scientist hero poster/presentations)
7. Tools of biology
a. Compound Microscope
i. Parts
ii. Use
iii. Objective/ocular magnification
iv. Micrometry
b. Electron Microscope
i. Scanning Electron Microscope
ii. Transmission Electron Microscope