NAME:____________________ CLASS PERIOD:_________ YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED Illustrated ABC Book You have collected a lot of interesting words from your personal reading this year. Now it’s time to make something with them. Your task is to use those words to create an ABC book that shows the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and theme of the novel you’re reading this month. Requirements: 26 words (not all letters will be represented) You may use up to 3 letters twice (not all letters will be represented) Use words from the vocabulary you already have logged and words that you’re logging from your current novel. Alphabetize entries One full-page for each entry. Include words that DESCRIBE the following: Protagonist, Antagonist, Static Character, Dynamic Character, Minor Character, Major Character, Setting, Conflict, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution, Theme Each entry must include the following information: The Alphabet Letter Word Part of speech Dictionary definition Labeled synonym AND/OR antonym Model sentence with page number and Title of the book it came from Use the word in a sentence or short paragraph to DESCRIBE character, setting, plot, conflict, or theme of your book. Colored, finished drawing/collage/computer graphic to show the word being used in the same context as your sentence or paragraph. NAME:____________________ CLASS PERIOD:_________ YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED 4 3 2 1 Vocabulary words are correctly used to demonstrate a thorough, insightful understanding of plot, including exposition. Plot line is included with project 26 or more words Each entry is one full page There is a balance of new and old vocabulary words. 25-26 letters of the alphabet are represented. Vocabulary words are correctly used to demonstrate a good understanding of the plot, including exposition. More than 5 words are used incorrectly OR they are not used to demonstrate understanding of the text. Exposition may be missing. 12 or fewer words More than one word per page. It is unclear if the words are old or new, as they lack sufficient information from the text. 12 or fewer letters of the alphabet are represented. Vocabulary Entries All requirements from the Vocabulary Entry section are present. All entries are perfect. All requirements from the Vocabulary Entry section are present, though 1-2 entries may not be perfect. Vocabulary words are used, but 3-4 words are not used correctly to demonstrate a basic or partial understanding of the text. Pieces of the plot may be missing. 13-20 words Some entries are 1 full page, while others may be on a page together. New and old vocabulary words are present, but there may be a heavy reliance on one or the other. 15-20 letters of the alphabet are represented. Up to 3 requirements from the Vocabulary Entry section may be missing from the entries. 3-4 entries have significant problems with information. Neatness and Organization Pictures show a thorough understanding of the word and are colored. Work is typed or done in ink. Work is free of creases, rips, wrinkles, and tears. Papers are aligned and are not loose. Cover includes title of book, author’s name, student name, and a title for the ABC book itself and is presented in color. Work is alphabetized. Pictures show a good understanding of the word and are colored. Work is typed or written in ink, though some pencil marks may show through. Work has 1-2 creases, but is free of rips and tears. Papers are aligned and are not loose. Cover includes title of book, author’s name, student name, and a title for the ABC book itself and is presented in color. Work is alphabetized. Pictures show basic understanding of the word. 2-3 picture are not colored OR work appears partially finished. Work is written in pencil. Work has 3-5 creases, and may be ripped or torn. Papers are mostly aligned and some may be loose. Cover is there, but is missing information and/or is not colored. Pictures show little to no connection to the word. 4 or more pictures are not colored OR work appears rushed. Work is written in pencil/pen combo. Work has more than 5 creases, and/or is ripped or torn. Papers are not bound. Cover is missing. Literary Analysis Completion of “Requirements” Section 26 words Each entry is one full page New and old vocabulary words are present. 20-24 letters of the alphabet are represented. More than 4 requirements from the Vocabulary Entry section are missing from the entries. More than 5 entries have significant problems with information. Teacher Feedback: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME:____________________ CLASS PERIOD:_________ YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED Make a plot line and a character chart to help you determine the theme of the novel. Often theme is related to why/how a character is dynamic and/or the conflict statement. (This chart should help you find at least 17 vocab words to analyze the plot of your current book report novel—you will need to double up on 9 parts; the character chart will probably help.) Climax (turning point in conflict)—(but antagonist:_______________) does what to complicate the problem? _____________________________ _____________________________________________________________ *Vocab__________ Falling Action *Vocab__________ Rising Action *Vocab__________ Exposition *Vocab_____ Introduction *Vocab________ __ Setting Characters *Vocab_____ *Vocab______Major___________ ___________________________ Time: *Vocab_____ *Vocab______Minor___________ ___________________________ Place: *Vocab______Dynamic_________ *Vocab_____ *Vocab______Static_________ *Vocab______Protagonist______ *Vocab______Antagonist______ Resolution: *Vocab__________ Problem/major conflict: (Protagonist)_______________wants ______________________________ *Vocab__________ Solution: so (protagonist:_______________) does what to solve the problem? ___________________________________ ______________________________ *Vocab__________ NAME:____________________ CLASS PERIOD:_________ YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED Complete the chart below by citing SPECIFIC evidence from the story—copy the quote, write the page number. Each piece of evidence should prove that the character trait (one word to describe the character) is true. (Use the Character Traits as additional vocabulary in your plot analysis) Action+Words+Reputation=character trait Major Characters Character Trait-One word to describe the character’s personality. *Vocab_____ *Vocab_____ *Vocab_____ *Vocab_____ *Vocab_____ Action—what does the character do that that reveals his/her personality? Words—what does the character say that reveals his/her personality? Reputation—what do others say about or think of the character? Appearance—what does the character LOOK LIKE? Use descriptions, direct and indirect NAME:____________________ CLASS PERIOD:_________ letter YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED picture Word(p.o.s.) Definition: Synonym: Model Sentence: (cite). (literary element): explanation/analysis NAME:____________________ CLASS PERIOD:_________ YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED Ee Emaciated (v) Definition: to cause to be abnormally lean Synonym: haggard, skeletal Model Sentence: The face of the redheaded girl intertwines with gory images from earlier Hunger Games, with my mother withdrawn and unreachable, with Prim emaciated and terrified (pg 86, The Hunger Games). Minor Character: The characters, like Prim, from District 12 are emaciated because they are so poor and hungry. The only reason Prim survives is because Katniss illegally hunts wild animals and gathers wild roots, vegetables, and fruits. NAME:____________________ Ii CLASS PERIOD:_________ YOU MUST TURN THIS RUBRIC IN WITH YOUR PROJECT OR IT WILL NOT BE GRADED Intertwines (v) Definition: to twist or twine together Synonym: links Model Sentence: The face of the redheaded girl intertwines with gory images from earlier Hunger Games, with my mother withdrawn and unreachable, with Prim emaciated and terrified (pg 86, The Hunger Games). Theme: Katniss never wanted to be in the Hunger Games. She volunteered to take her sister’s place, and now she has to fight for her survival. Her fate is intertwined with Peeta’s, which shows a minor theme of the novel: Survival is only possible when people work together.