Chapter 9: Drug Identification & Toxicology Notes

Chapter 9: Drug Identification & Toxicology Notes
Goals and Practice of Toxicology:
 Forensic toxicology helps determine cause-and-effect relationships between
exposure to a drug or other substance and toxic or lethal effects from that exposure.
Forensic toxicology seeks to identify poisons or drugs in criminals and victims. (on summary page of ppt)
Toxicology is important in studying cases of drug overdose and sporting violations. (on summary-ppt)
Poisoning causes less than ½ of 1% of all homicides. Accidental drug overdoses are more common.
5 Main Types of Controlled Substances:
1. Hallucinogens
A. Often come from plants
B. Effect and intensity vary from person to person
C. Affects a person’s perceptions thinking self-awareness and emotions
D. Examples: MDMA (ecstacy), Mescaline, LSD and PCP
2. Narcotics
A. Examples: Opium , Heroin , Codeine, Morphine , Methadone , Oxycodone
3. Stimulants
A. Increases feelings of energy and alertness
B. Suppresses appetite
C. Afterwards, depression often results
D. Stimulants tend to be highly addictive
E. Examples: Amphetamines (speed), Cocaine/crack cocaine methamphetamines
4. Anabolic Steroids
A. A chemical structure similar to testosterone
B. Popular with weightlifters bodybuilders and other athletes
5. Depressants
A. Affects the central nervous system by increasing GABA activity, a neurotransmitter
B. Increased GABA causes drowsiness and slowed brain activity
C. Relieves anxiety and produces sleep
D. Mixing depressants with alcohol and other drugs increases their potency and
health risks
Signs & Symptoms of Overdoses:
1. Hallucinogens:
A. Increased heart rate
B. Increased blood pressure
C. Panic attacks, anxiety or psychosis
2. Narcotics:
A. Difficulty breathing
B. Low blood pressure
C. Coma
3. Stimulants:
A. High blood pressure
B. Rapid heart rate
C. Dangerous rise in body temperature
D. Seizures
E. Kidney failure
2. Anabolic Steroids:
A. Promote cell and tissue growth increasing bone mass and body muscle.
3. Depressants:
A. Slurred speech
B. Loss of coordination
Role of Various Types of Toxins in Causing Death:
1. Alcohol
A. Large amounts of alcohol consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning and in severe cases, death
2. Bacteria
3. Pesticides & Heavy Metals
A. DDT, aldrin, dieldrin: Interferes with the movement of nerve impulses and muscular
contractions, anxiety, seizures, rapid heart beat, muscle weakness
B. Lead: nausea, stomach pain, insomnia, headaches, kidney problems, vomiting
C. Mercury: flu-like symptoms, muscle aches, personality changes, headaches, memory and
balance problems
D. Arsenic: abdominal pain, severe nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, kidney failure, skin lesions,
personality changes, convulsions
E. Cyanide: can be fatal 6-8 minutes after ingestion, rapidly causes weakness, confusion, coma
F. Strychnine: inhaled or absorbed through eyes or mouth, causes body spasms, temperature
rises, violent convulsions
4. Bioterrorism Agents
A. Tetanus
 Produced by the Clostridium tetani bacteria
Causes violent muscle spasms
B. Botulism
 Produced by Clostridium botulinum —botulism
Paralyzes muscles
Causes irreversible damage to nerve endings
Extremely deadly in very small amounts
Most poisonous biological substance
Bioterrorism Agents:
A. Ricin
Poisonous protein in the castor bean
Lethal in extremely small amounts
Enters the body by being inhaled as a mist or powder ingested as food or drink, injected
into the body
Causes death in a few hours
B. Anthrax
Formed from endospores called bacillus antracis
Spreads to humans from infected animals
Enters the human body through:
1. Inhalation causing breathing problems that usually result in death
2. Ingestions becoming fatal in 25% to 60% of cases
3. Absorption through the skin; leading to death in about 20% of untreated cases