Mr. Adam Fall 2015 Unit: Cell Structure Unit Name: Biology II Course Objective(s): 2: Describe and contrast the structures, functions, and chemical processes of the cell Cell Theory 1. The states that are the 2. The cell theory was created from the work of three scientists: a. b. c. 3. principles comprise the cell theory a. living organism is made of b. are the units of organisms c. arise from and The Basic Attributes of Cells 4. cells range in size from about in 5. Cells need to with the 6. part of the cell can be and from the 7. If a cell , it must 8. Common features of all cells: a. Include b. Include c. Use as d. Use to of e. The plasma membrane f. or the DNA blueprint and the between the cell and its The structure of the plasma membrane is composed of and molecules, and it of and out of cells and , , the in and g. Cytoplasm i. The cytoplasm consists of of the that lie the but of the ii. The portion of the cytoplasm is called contains , , and molecules iii. of the cell’s occur in the cell h. DNA and RNA i. All cells use DNA ( hereditary blueprint and and ) as a ii. All cells use RNA ( copy the blueprint and to guide construction of proteins basic types of cells: ) to 9. There are a. b. 10. Prokaryotic (means: ) cells form the bodies of and , the forms of life 11. Eukaryotic ((means: ) cells form the bodies of , and , a. The of b. The to the of , such as the gives of eukaryotic cells , cells includes a variety and and Table 4-1 Functions and Distribution of Cell Structures Structure Cell Surface Cell Wall Cilia Flagella Plasma Membrane Function Prokaryotes Eukaryotes: Plants Eukaryotes: Animals Table 4-1 Functions and Distribution of Cell Structures Structure Function Organization of Genetic Material Genetic Material Chromosomes Nucleus Nuclear Envelope Nucleolus Prokaryotes Eukaryotes: Plants Eukaryotes: Animals Table 4-1 Functions and Distribution of Cell Structures Structure Function Cytoplasmic Structures Ribosomes Mitochondria Chloroplasts Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi apparatus Prokaryotes Eukaryotes: Plants Eukaryotes: Animals Lysosomes Plastids Central Vacuole Other Vesicles and Vacuoles Cytoskeleton Centrioles Major Features of Eukaryotic Cells 12. cells make up the bodies of a. b. c. d. 13. Eukaryotic cells are very 14. The of eukaryotic cells houses the that perform and within the cell 15. and that are 16. Plant cells have cells 17. Some animal cells possess that are 18. Cell Wall: a. cells have to each type of cell ,a that are and a in , in , and cells eukaryotic cells are by i. The cell surfaces of and some are covered with relatively stiff coatings called ii. cell walls are composed of other ( iii. cell walls are made of b. Cell walls are , allowing , and , and ) and other , carrying to i. The the 19. Cytoskeleton: a. The and i. ii. The cytoskeleton is composed of 1. 2. 3. , , through them is located just provides , are , to a network of that make up the types of protein fibers b. Label the protein fibers that comprise the cytoskeleton c. Major function(s) of microfilaments: d. Major function(s) of Intermediate filaments: e. Major function(s) of microfilaments: f. The cytoskeleton i. ii. iii. iv. the following : 20. Cilia and Flagella: a. Both cilia and flagella are cells through fluids or move fluids past cells b. They both arise from a to the c. Basal bodies are derived from in to basal bodies d. Label the parts of the cilium e. The generated by by on the f. The force generated by a by the on a that , which them , which are can be compared to the force created of a can be compared to the force created g. are flagella usually have only h. Some use to i. Other organisms use i. than , and cells with or organisms, such as through , Line diverse structures, such as the , the j. and the Most , rely on for k. Label the cilium and flagellum, as well as the direction of locomotion (movement) and propulsion (movement) of fluid. 21. Nucleus: a. The , containing , is the of the cell i. The nucleus has 1. 2. 3. ii. Label the major parts of the nucleus major parts: b. The allows of i. The of the cell by a a ii. The nuclear pores that allow iii. Passage of and is from the rest that consists of perforated by is perforated with , to , are regulated by , and , called the nuclear pore iv. Label the nucleus and nuclear pores with nuclear pore complex c. consists of of i. Chromatin is a the ii. During associated with contained in , chromatin becomes into iii. The chromosomes contain for making a huge that line each called that provide a of iv. Label chromatin and condensed chromosome structure v. Because in the are , of the on DNA must through the the vi. To do this, is (mRNA), which to the in DNA into through the , where it directs d. Nucleolus i. contain at least , the site of is a small particle composed of ii. A and iii. The nucleolus consists of , in various stages of synthesis, and , iv. Label the ribosome, mRNA, protein, and amino acid in the graphic below. 22. Endomembrane system: a. The eukaryotic that form the b. The endomembrane system from the surrounding of c. The endomembrane system includes the: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 23. Vesicles: a. are transporting molecules to the various regions of the 24. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): a. The contains to ensure the forms within the b. The endoplasmic reticulum ( and c. There are i. ii. d. The rough ER has ) is a that form a labyrinth of within the cytoplasm types of ER: of , which make e. The smooth ER has attached ribosomes f. Label the rough ER, smooth ER, ribosomes, and vesicles in the graphic below. g. of the and located in the cell membrane are h. The endoplasmic reticulum is and produces or for i. The endoplasmic reticulum has lipids, such as 25. Golgi apparatus: a. The and in the with destined for from the cell , , and made from , important molecules , b. It modifies some molecules, such as to and making c. It also some (groups of amino acids) d. It various received from the according to their e. It the that are then to or to the f. Label the Golgi apparatus in the graphic below. 26. Secreted Proteins: a. a into and molecules into are the cell as they b. Secreted proteins are made in the , through the , and then are through the c. Pathway of proteins from the ribosome on the rough ER until they are exported from the cell membrane (Label the interstitial fluid, cytosol, Golgi apparatus, and forming vesicle): i. Step 1: The are on into channels and are of the ii. Step 2: The proteins are and iii. Step 3: and passes through the into to the fuse with the are , as the protein iv. Step 4: Proteins are into their and are packaged into of the Golgi apparatus v. Step 5: The vesicles with the and the ( the cell) 27. Lysosome: a. b. into the serve as the Are made in the through the in membrane-enclosed c. A lysosome on the , , and are as with a and food into d. Pathway of enzymes (proteins) from rough ER into lysosomes to a food vacuole, where food is digested (Label the interstitial fluid, food, cytosol, food vacuoles, lysosome, digestive enzymes, and Golgi apparatus): i. Step 1: on and ii. Step 2: The enzymes are and to the iii. Step 3: The Golgi apparatus for to the iv. Step 4: The enzymes are in v. Step 5: A lysosome and the enzymes 28. Vacuoles: a. are through the into the to the with a the , serve many functions, including , and , b. Many possess composed of collecting ducts, a central reservoir, and a tube leading to a pore in the plasma membrane that c. is used to from the of the into d. A contractile vacuole contracts, out through a in the e. Label the parts of the contractile vacuole found in a Paramecium (protist). f. cells have i. A central vacuole occupies or more of the of cells and has several functions ii. Central vacuoles provide iii. within the vacuole, the up iv. Functions of the central vacuole: 1. 2. plant ( pressure), portion of the the 3. 29. Mitochondria: a. Mitochondria and chloroplasts b. eukaryotic cells have from that capture energy by producing high-energy molecules also have , which can from and c. The cells of capture energy it in d. Biologists believe that both and evolved from that became incorporated into the of other ( ) e. The Endosymbiont Hypothesis: i. Both mitochondria and chloroplasts are about the ( in diameter) ii. Both have a , the membrane possibly coming from the and the membrane from the iii. Both have that they use to iv. Both possess and v. Label the aerobic bacterium, cyanobacterium, mitochondrion, and chloroplast in the graphic below. , f. Mitochondria are organelles that function as g. The energy extracted by mitochondria from food molecules is in h. The involves ( and ( reactions i. Label the structures of the mitochondria in the graphic below. j. Mitochondrial structures: i. The ii. The the iii. The iv. The 30. Chloroplasts: a. Chloroplasts are the b. c. The from the d. The (called e. The and ) ) membrane is and membrane into structures called lies membranes is within the the organelle are membrane membrane encloses the fluid , , ) made of individual membranes contain the and and make (in a process called membrane organelles surrounded by a the and contains , which from ) f. Label the structures of the chloroplast in the graphics below. 31. Plastids: a. Plants use b. Plastids are found c. They are surrounded by a d. Plastids are such as for and photosynthetic for various molecules, and e. Label the plastid and starch molecules in the graphic below. Major Features of Prokaryotic Cells 32. 33. Prokaryotic cells have than eukaryotic cells 34. Most prokaryotic cells are cells are features and possess specialized structures within their than with a compared to 35. Prokaryotic cells usually have a cells 36. Label the internal structures of a typical prokaryotic cell in the graphic below. 37. Prokaryotic cells can take several Shape 38. Draw: bacillus bacterium : Singular Form coccus bacterium Plural Form spirillum bacterium 39. Capsules and Slime Layers: a. Bacteria secrete and i. Capsules and slime layers are similar except called outside their cells are ii. Capsules and slime layers assist in the formation of iii. Examples include and iv. Both (drying out) , , bacteria and keep them from 40. Pili: a. (meaning ) are of the cell walls in some bacteria that further enhance i. are and to : they help bacteria b. Draw a bacillus bacterium with attachment pili. c. bacterium’s sex pili of the i. Sex pili allow bacteria to process called are it to a in number and : one of ) (in a d. Label the bacteria, pili, and sex pilus (singular) in the graphic below. 41. Nucleoid: a. In the , which is of the prokaryotic cells is an area called the from the b. Within the nucleoid is a , of c. Small rings of DNA (called ) are located in the d. Label the chromosome, plasmid, and nucleoid region in the graphics below. 42. No Membrane-Bound Organelles or Nucleus: a. Prokaryotic cells have or present used to capture b. Some have 43. Cytoplasm and Ribosomes: a. Prokaryotic cells are filled with b. The cytoplasm may contain i. These ribosomes are those found in and to cells