THE POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH CONFERENCE “Communicating Research to a wider audience” 23 June 2014: Wilberforce Building 9.00-9.30 Arrivals and Registration: refreshments and registration desk in the West Concourse (near Zucchini’s, Wilberforce upper level) 9.30 Welcome by Professor Ian Pashby, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Engagement Wilberforce LT15 9.45-11.00 Student Presentations (15 minutes each): Panels 1-3 11.00-11.15 Tea and Coffee Break: Wilberforce West Concourse 11.15-12.00 Keynote lecture: ‘Engagement to Impact’: Jamie Gallagher, Public Engagement Officer, University of Glasgow: Wilberforce LT15 12.00-1.00 Lunch and Poster Exhibition: Leslie Downs Lecture Theatre, Ferens Building: Vote for your favourite poster! 1.00-2.15 Student Presentations: Panels 4-5 2.15-2.30 Short break 2.30-3.30 Student Presentations: Panels 6-7 3.30 Closing Comments; Poster Awards: Wilberforce LT15 End Presentation Panels Panel 1) Education: Wilberforce LR9 [Chair: Thamer Almahboub] Faisal Alsuiadi: ‘Parental perceptions of quality in public and private school in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia Pip McDonald: ‘How is Social Justice Framed in Contemporary Higher Education?’ Sulaiman Alshathri: ‘Evaluating the Effectiveness of the blended learning experience in Saudi electronic University from Male Students’ Perceptions’ Panel 2) Chemistry and Engineering: Wilberforce LT 15 [Chair: Kevin Fancey] Srinivas Reddy Komandla: ‘Carbosilane End-Group Fluoroterphenyls as potential Ferroelectric Host Materials’ Bing Wang, ‘’Process Optimization of Viscoelastically Prestressed Plymeric Matrix Composites’ Rami Pasha: ‘Synthesis and Properties of Novel Liquid Crystal Materials with Bulky Terminal Chain for Ferroelectric Display’ Ahmed Althobaiti (Newcastle), ‘Reduction of the ripple in the current of a three-phase PV inverter connected to the grid by using PR controller’ Panel 3) Cognitive, Health and Social Issues: Wilberforce LT12 [Chair: Amel Alnooh] Ghada Zamka: ‘A Cognitive Approach on how children construct and understand the concept of death as scientific knowledge’ Paraskevi Zafeiridi: ‘Subjective and Objective measures on cognitive ageing’ Damien O. Gleadall-Siddall: ‘Effectiveness of a six-week high-intensity interval training programme on cardiometabolic markers in sedentary males’ Rafaela Vasiliadou: “Reactive drug metabolites generated by EC/MS” Panel 4: Interdisciplinary Problem-Solving: Wilberforce LT12 [Chair: Damien Gleadall-Siddall] Nick Potter: ‘Problem-Solving: Strategies, Solutions, Successes’ Darren Woodward: ‘A Critical Examination of the Reintegration of SexOffenders in the Community’ Sohag Kabir: ‘Hierarchical Safety Analysis Using State Machines’ Panel 5: Heathcare: Wilberforce LT15 [Chair: Valerie Sanders] Selorm Mensah Yevu: ‘Some discursive effects of professional and social capital frameworks among primary healthcare providers: a teamworking critique’ Murad A. Sawalha: ‘Understanding Factors influencing paediatric nurses’ compliance with standard precautions: a qualitative study’ Adbullah Abdulbasit Almilaibary: ‘HIV testing barriers (systematic literature search)’ Panel 6: Business: Wilberforce LT12 [Chair: Rizwan Ahmed] Tong Fu: ‘An exploration of ex-post contract adjustment under Public-Private Partnership with special investigation of the transportation industry’ Mustafa Affi Bin Ab Halim: ‘Consumer Rights and Legal Protections in Halal Food: A Proposal’ Guoxin (Moona) Ma: ‘What Happens to the Psychological Contract when Injustice is Implicit within the Work Relationship? An Exploratory Study of Chinese “Atypical” Workers Panel 7: Sustainability: Wilberforce LT15 [Chair: Valerie Sanders] Zhen Yu: ‘Sustainability in urban-industrial China’ Eid Algarni: ‘Informing the Development of Land Use Policies that Support Sustainable Planning’ Lucy Rose Wright: ‘The Sustainability of Community Food Production Projects: Case Studies From the Ground Up’