Name: _______________________________________ 5th Grade Keynote Project Project due date: January 23, 2013 Oral Report date: February 12-22, 2013 You will be researching famous sites and/or landmarks in the United States and then complete a keynote project over the next few months while in the computer lab. You will have time to research in the school lab, but you must spend time on research at home as well. Although some of the research will be done at home to complete the rough draft on time, the entire Keynote project must be done at school. No work on the actual Keynote will be allowed to be done at home. The rough draft (slides) will be due October 28. The requirements for this project are as follows: 1. 2. 3. The first keynote slide must include your name and project title. All remaining slides will have information based on your research of 5 famous sites and/or landmarks in the United States. You will have a minimum of 26 slides in your project. For each site/landmark, you must include the following criteria on separate slides: location size importance why people visit this site/landmark any other information that interests you You must include at least one picture on each slide. Be creative with your slide appearance. You may only have one transition style that is used throughout your slideshow. Do not use sound with this project. It is extremely important that you include only key words and/or bullet points on each slide. You will be “explaining” more information than what is written on each slide during your oral presentation. However, the audience should not be “reading” your slides word for word with you, especially in paragraph form. Your slides will be your “note cards” to explain to the class about the landmarks/sites you are reporting about (this will be discussed in class in more detail). Suggested United States sites and landmarks: Statue of Liberty White House Golden Gate Bridge Niagara Falls Mount Rushmore Grand Canyon Old Faithful Devils Tower Hoover Dam Mount Rainier Salt Lake Temple Denali National Park Grand Coulee Dam Washington Monument Vietnam Veterans Memorial Lincoln Memorial Yellowstone National Park Sequoia National Park Pearl Harbor National Monument (USS Arizona Monument) Mt. St. Helens Glacier National Park Carlsbad Caverns Monticello Crazy Horse National Monument Independence Hall (Liberty Bell) any other site/landmark approved by your teacher…there are MANY (be original!) Your project will be graded on: creativity all parts of project are included according to requirements accuracy and thoroughness of information incorporation of keynote functions you have learned (fonts, backgrounds, changing slides, pictures/animation, sound, etc.) A separate grade will be given for the oral presentation. *If you are in Orchestra during our lab time, you will be responsible for completing your lab work during another teacher’s lab time. Please see your teacher for details. This project meets the standards that assist our students to gain the necessary technology skills at their grade level. Some of these skills include: keyboarding functions and mouse use keyboarding functions including proper finger technique use databases to retrieve, organize, and apply information access information using existing multimedia create multimedia presentations of curriculum-based projects critical viewing skills change format (spacing, font, size, alignment) appropriate use of internet resources Standards for the 5th grade Keynote project/oral presentation: Language Arts W1.4 Language Arts W1.6 Language Arts W2.3 Language Arts LS1.4, LS1.5, LS1.6 Language Arts LS2.2 Research and Technology Evaluation and Revision Research Reports Delivery of Oral Communication Delivering Presentations Students will create a Keynote presentation and present it orally to the class. There will be two grades. One grade will be given for the Keynote creation and the other grade will be given for the oral presentation. Two sample rubrics are attached for your convenience so you can see how the students will be graded. Please sign the section below and send back to your child’s teacher. Thank you. Please keep all guidelines in a safe place in your binder where you can refer to them. Return only this bottom section to your teacher. -------------------------------------------------------------------We have read the requirements for the Keynote project and oral presentation. We understand the requirements and acknowledge the deadlines. We understand that grades will be reduced if a project or oral report is late. Parent Signature ______________________________ Student Signature _____________________________ 5th Grade Keynote Project Grading Rubric Name:_____________________________ Date:_____________ 1 2 3 4 Creativity All parts of project are included according to requirements Accuracy and thoroughness of information Incorporation of a variety of Keynote functions student has learned (Separate oral presentation rubric and grade is located on the back of this sheet.) Possible Points/Grades: 15-16 pts. = 4 12-14 pts. = 3 Points earned: 10-11 pts. = 2 0-9 pts. = 1 Grade: _________/16 Comments:_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ *Your child’s Keynote Project can be viewed on Open House evening in May Please sign and return this tomorrow. Thank you! _______________________________ Parent signature Oral Presentation: Keynote Name: __________________ Date: ________________ Rubric for grading oral speaking: 1. Stood appropriately 1 2 3 4 2. Spoke loudly, slowly, and clearly 1 2 3 4 3. Held attention of audience 1 2 3 4 4. Looked at audience (eye contact) 1 2 3 4 5. Used appropriate sentences (limited use of “like”; not conversational language) 1 2 3 4 6. Presented without hesitations (“Um”, stuttering, etc.) 1 2 3 4 7. Maintained good composure (no giggling, laughing, etc.) 1 2 3 4 8. Well prepared 1 2 3 4 9. Keynote was used effectively during presentation 1 2 3 4 10. Adequate amount of information was presented 1 2 3 4 Comments: ________________________________ ___________________________________________ Grade ranges: 4 38-40 pts. 3 30-37 pts. 2 24-29 pts. 1 0-23 pts. ___________________________________________ Score: _______ ___________________________________________ Grade: _______ 5th Grade Keynote Project Grading Rubric Name:_____________________________ Date:_____________ 1 2 3 4 Creativity All parts of project are included according to requirements Accuracy and thoroughness of information Incorporation of a variety of Keynote functions student has learned (Separate oral presentation rubric and grade is located on the back of this sheet.) Possible Points/Grades: 15-16 pts. = 4 12-14 pts. = 3 Points earned: 10-11 pts. = 2 0-9 pts. = 1 Grade: _________/16 Comments:_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ *Your child’s Keynote Project can be viewed on Open House evening in May Please sign and return this tomorrow. Thank you! _______________________________ Parent signature Oral Presentation: Keynote Name: __________________ Date: ________________ Rubric for grading oral speaking: 1. Stood appropriately 1 2 3 4 2. Spoke loudly, slowly, and clearly 1 2 3 4 3. Held attention of audience 1 2 3 4 4. Looked at audience (eye contact) 1 2 3 4 5. Used appropriate sentences (limited use of “like”; not conversational language) 1 2 3 4 6. Presented without hesitations (“Um”, stuttering, etc.) 1 2 3 4 7. Maintained good composure (no giggling, laughing, etc.) 1 2 3 4 8. Well prepared 1 2 3 4 9. Keynote was used effectively during presentation 1 2 3 4 10. Adequate amount of information was presented 1 2 3 4 Comments: ________________________________ ___________________________________________ Grade ranges: 4 38-40 pts. 3 30-37 pts. 2 24-29 pts. 1 0-23 pts. ___________________________________________ Score: _______ ___________________________________________ Grade: _______