WHAT WORKS: ALL fruits and vegetables, and many whole grains, beans and nuts, help prevent cancer.
WHY THEY WORK: Fruits and veggies contain antioxidants which disable the harmful particles in our
bodies. We call these particles “free radicals”. They damage our cells, leading to cancer and other
diseases. Free radicals occur simply from being alive, burning oxygen, and eating, drinking, or breathing
harmful substances. Antioxidants neutralize these harmful particles, so they don’t hurt us.
Free radicals steal electrons from healthy cells, damaging them. Antioxidants “donate” electrons to the
free radicals, taming them into harmless cells. Antioxidants have LOTS of electrons, so donating some of
them doesn’t hurt them.
HOW IT HELPS: Fruit and vegetables fight cancer in several different ways. They work by:
a. Stopping cancer from developing in the first place by neutralizing free radicals
b. Making our immune systems stronger to fight all kinds of disease
c. Reducing inflammation in the body
d. Mopping up abnormal cells so they can’t find a place to attach and cause a tumor
e. Causing the liver to release detoxifying enzymes to carry harmful particles out of our bodies
f. Shrinking existing tumors
g. Slowing the growth of tumors
h. Slowing the growth of abnormal blood vessels that feed tumors
i. Causing cancer cells to commit suicide (called “apoptosis”) and die
j. Increasing the action and effectiveness of chemotherapy
Fruits and veggies can cause cancer cells to die
a. Cabbage family. Star of the Super Foods Against Cancer Show is the Cabbage family. The
cabbage family is the most researched, documented, and proven food group that prevents
cancer. Nearly 600 studies have shown the cabbage family’s effectiveness against cancer.
The cabbage family includes red and green cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
kale, collard greens, Chinese cabbage, mustard greens and seeds, turnips and turnip greens,
radishes and radish greens, watercress, arugula, wasabi, rutabaga, bok choy, kohlrabi,
horseradish. Broccoli sprouts are up to 20 times more powerful than broccoli. Cabbage
family fights nearly every form of cancer because it supports every bodily system necessary
to fight cancer: immune, inflammatory, hormonal, detoxification, and antioxidant. Cabbage
family has special antioxidants found mainly in the cabbage family—called glucosinolates—
that are especially active against cancer. There are over 100 different glucosinolates, and
all fight cancer. The cabbage family uses all of the methods listed above [a-j] to fight cancer.
Tomatoes and watermelon. Lycopene, found in tomatoes and watermelon, has been
proven to fight prostate cancer, and to reduce chances of getting breast cancer up to 50%.
Apples. The antioxidant quercetin, found mostly in the peel of apples, and in onions, and
many berries helps prevent cancer of the lung, colon, pancreas, prostate, and skin.
Citrus. The peel of citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines) helps produce detoxification enzymes
in the liver that fight brain cancer cells, shrink existing tumors, and fight skin cancer.
Dark green leafy vegetables. These help prevent colon, skin, and lung cancer.
Pomegranate. Slows breast and prostate cancers down to 1/6 its usual rate of growth.
Cranberries. Cause cancer cells to kill themselves, inhibits their growth. Very powerful
against colon, prostate, head, and neck cancers.
Pineapple. Fights colon cancer.
Avocado. Fights oral cancer. Signals cancers to self-destruct (apoptosis).
Mushrooms. (Shiitake, maitaqke, and reike types). Protect cells from abnormal growth and
Garlic and Onion. Cause cancer cells to commit suicide. (Apoptosis).
Chocolate. Must be at least 70% cocoa, no milk, and only 1/5th of a bar. Slows tumor
growth and limits blood vessels that feed tumors. Milk disables the anti-cancer action.
Ginger. Slows tumor growth—especially in the colon.
Turmeric. Encourages cancer cell death, inhibits tumor growth, especially in colon and
gastric cancers, and enhances chemotherapy—especially when mixed with black pepper and
olive oil.
I prevent cancer!
This material was federally funded by USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program through the
Arizona Nutrition Network. The supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides nutrition
assistance to people with low income. It can help you buy nutritious foods for a better diet. To find out
more, contact 1-800-352-8401. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.